About to Perfection

Previously when I'm in The Cosmic Halo Of Eternity, I plan to create the Solar System, like how I produce the Sub Universes. Copy, and paste them all over the Universes. But after I have a stroke of self-realization of who I truly am and add another title to my name, I somehow get an enlightenment. Thus, immediately, I discarded the plan.

As to why I abandon it is because, one, the plan is stupid and ridiculous. I plan to create about a million Solar Systems, and I don't think I can copy and paste million of them. Different from the Sub Universes, there are only a couple hundred thousand of them. Secondly, why I drop this idea is because, of course, I found a new, far better idea.

Instead of copy and paste them, why not just planted all of them? And what I mean by plant the Solar Systems is not a figure of speech, but literally plant all of them. And where I got this idea is when I scatter 32,000 Sub Universes throughout the three Great Realms.

While one might find it easy, as how I scatter the Sub Universes so effortlessly throughout the three Great Realms. But in actuality, it is not in the slightest. First, I need to summon the System for a better view, and following afterward, I still need to pinpoint all of the 97,023 locations, and only after all that can I scatter the Sub Universes.

Before one asks why I need to do all this and not just use my power is because I'm a new God. While it is true, I have experience eight lifetimes of a True God by the power of the System, yet, it is still not the same from experiencing it myself. One, I, experiencing by looking, while the other one, I, experiencing by doing. Of course, the latter is far more effective.

And also, as a new True God, at most, I can only multitask about a hundred different things all at once. More than that, I don't think I'm possible yet. With enough *training* I think I can do it. But who am I, to train, right? But we'll see in the future. And because of this, why do I need the System to assist me. If not, I might not be able to finish the Great Realms. As I just to finish the Fortuna Edge, I need to do about 999 other different things.

Now back to the previous topic. Thus, for me not to go through that again, I need to form a better idea. And of course, I get one. So first and foremost, I need to model a Solar System, and following after, I then turn it into a seed, multiply it by a several million and then scatter them around throughout the whole Six Great Realms.

"It is a great idea, right?"

While the Solar System might seem to be number in random as I just scatter them around throughout the whole Six Great Realm, but in reality, it is not. As I had a calculated number of how many Solar Systems I want per Universe. Same with the stars in each of the Universe.

One might think the stars are born as the Pillar of Origin clashing with one another and die and rebirth when Chaos and Law take over, while it is true, but in fact, it is me who allowed it to happen. If it were not for me, there are no stars present. If one looks closely, when the first Universe was created, the Cosmic Halo, the only thing present that can be seen in it are the trillion of stars, the billion trillions of asteroids, and the infinite amount of dust.

Other than these three matters, that can be seen and feels there is nothing else. Why? The answer is simple as I did not allow anything other than these three matters to be formed. As I said before, I want to create everything, from the vital of creation, Existence, to the most worthless of creation, the pebble of the roadside.

Other than that, is because, one, I want a set number of Solar System in each Universes. Thus I will not have to count how many Solar Systems there are per Universe, and there will not be a sudden appearance Solar System throughout the whole thousands of Universes in the upcoming eons.

And the second reason is, I want to create my own Solar System, using my own power, not the power of my creation, specifically the Pillars Of Origin. And what I truly mean is by throughout the flowing time. Thirdly is because I simply want to get the feeling of excitement when creating. It is as simple as that.

Now standing on the surface of Existence, I look down below my feet. And what I see is Six infinitely huge Main Universes and ninety-eight thousand and twenty-two of different sizes Sub Universes. Which the smallest of Universes is decorated with a hundred trillion of stars and while the largest adore with a hundred decillion of stars. But do I feel overwhelmed? And the answer is not at all, as to why? It is because I created all of it! Why should I feel overwhelmed?

Raise my hand and spread my palm. I then begin to picture the Solar System hovering on the top of my palm. Then, as always, first and foremost, I begin to imagine a transparent sphere. As the sphere appears on my palm, I then start imagining the Sun. Big and large, hot and fiery. Glowing in reddish-orange, a Sun then appears at the center of the sphere.

Now with the vital element of the Solar System is created, I then continue with the planets. But before I proceed, I then duplicate the Solar System in my hand into five more, as the reason why? It is because I want to create a different variety of Solar Systems. And what I mean by a different variety is just the amount of planets there will be in each Solar System.

Starts with the original Solar System. This will be the one with the most planets, with Sixteen planets orbiting the Sun. Next, Solar System it will only be having twelve planets circling the Sun. Following afterward, the third one will be having ten planets rotating the Sun. Continue with the second last of the Solar System, it will only hold eight planets spinning around the Sun. And the last one, the fifth Solar System, will have five planets rotating the Sun.

Now that the planets have been set up, it is the time for the Moon to be set up. Unlike my previous life Moon, which it gets its shine from the reflection of the sunlight. I want my Moon to be the opposite of that. I want my Moon to produce its own light. Illuminate with its own shine. Independent on itself.

Round in shape, silver in color. Gleam with a thousand shine and shimmer with a million glint. As my version of Moon solidifies in my mind, I then summon it to reality and put one on each of my planets. Now with each of the Planets in each of the Solar Systems is equipped with a Moon, I nod my head.

As to why I just put a Moon on each Planet and why not more is, of course, with reason. And the purpose, we will see in the future, as now, let focus on the present.

Look at the five Solar Systems dancing on my palm, I nod my head again. I then crack a smile as I thought to myself.

"My art is about to be perfected."