Planted Solar Systems

After creating all five types of the solar systems, I then created five bowls with my thought. Constructed out of the Pillar Of Origins and Pillars Of Cosmos itself, these five bowls that look like any ordinary wooden bowl are equivalent to a Universe itself.

As always, I did not create things without reason, and these bowls are the same as they have their own use. And it is to hold an infinite amount of solar system that I'm about to multiple. It also will be the one that carries all the solar systems seed within it for the rest of time until I decide to destroy it.

Place each of the solar systems on each of the five bowls, I then multiply all five of the solar system into an infinite amount. With a power of mine and the support of the system, I then see that the bead which was previously one in number in each bowl begins to multiplied themselves until no mortal nor supreme being will ever be to count even for how much educated they are.

Seeing that the seed of the solar system is about to overflow out of the bowl, I only smile as I know it will not spill even no matter how much the solar system is multiplied as I myself design the five bowls to be bottomless without end.

After an appropriate amount of time, I then nod my head as I look at the amount of solar system seed in each one of the bowls. While non of my creation can even hope to gauge of how many solar systems are in there, I know that with this amount, all of the 97,029 universes, including the six main universes, will be filled to the brim with this amount of solar systems.

Now, without wasting much time, I teleport myself on top of the Sacred Domain. Then with one fell swoop, I grab a mouthful of each type of the solar system, and then I scatter them around all of the nine universes on the realm.

As I did that, I teleport myself on top of the second Great Realm, The Elysium Nebula, and repeated the same thing. Grab a mouthful of each seed type and scatter them around the seventeen universes in it. Like a little kid, I kind of enjoyed myself in this process of throwing solar systems in the Universe as it somehow engaged to me. But don't let myself be too excited, I then continued this artless yet enjoyable process until the last chain of the Six Great Realm, The Fortuna Edge.

As I finish scattering the solar systems in each of the Six Great Realms, I look back at the bowl, and not surprised at all, each of the five bowls is still filled with the solar system seed.

Unlike Universes that are permanent with their numbers and time of their death, the solar systems are not. Solar systems, unlike the Universes, they can be multiplied and declined in each of the Universes, like the infinite stars, who are the first residents of the Universes. As they reside in the Universes, that each filled with the Pillars of Origin and the Pillars Of Cosmis, the solar systems must follow the Law Of The Universe or The Law Of Life & Death, I called it.

Each, and every being that will ever live within the Universes that I just created must follow this Law. Except for me, and the most highest and gloriest of being, the supreme beings, were the ones excluded of this Law. No matter how much powerful that being is, even it has the power that exceeds the supreme being itself, if the being is not a supreme being itself, that being will still restrain by this Law Of Life & Death.

Even that being achieve immortality itself, break from the shackle of restrain of its own race, that being still will be bound by this Law unless it ascends into the true supreme. As no matter what the beings are, the supreme beings are the ones with true immortality.

As to why I created this Law and practice favoritism among my creation, it is because I wanted them to thrive for more power. I wanted them to feel the need for my recognition. So with this, I for sure, I can watch some serious show...ehm...I mean event in the future.

Back to the previous topic, while I did say before that the solar systems can multiply and decrease in number, it is not till they multiply until there is no room left in the Universe, nor will there be they decline until the Universe is empty. There is a limit in each rank of the Universes of how many can the solar systems multiplied, and how many can the solar systems decreased.

Same for all types of Universes, the limit of how many they can contain the solar systems within them are about trice the amount of star they can hold inside them. The main Universes can contain up to a hundred centillion stars, while the most smallest of them, the baron size Universe, can hold up a hundred trillion stars. With simple math, one can picture how many solar systems one can fit in each of the Universes.

And one last thing, the star and the sun are two completely different things in my perfect fantasy. The star will have many varieties of shape, form, and color, while the sun will have only one. The one with planets orbiting it will be called a sun, and the one without planets orbiting it will be called a star.

A star can become a sun, but a sun can't ever become a star. No matter how big or small the star is, the moment planets begin orbiting it, the star will shrink or enlarge, and whatever shade of color it has will turn into reddish-orange color. As to why it is because I said so, don't ask so many questions.

Now with all of my Universe filled with solar systems, I teleport back myself on top of the Existence, and as I look down, I smile. As of now, there are only two more steps before the creation of my first living creation.