Turning Fantasy into Reality

Before I start developing my fantasy into reality. Firstly, I need to conjure something out from my memory, and it was the book I write when I'm once a mortal. There is basically no particular reason for me to conjure it as I can simply found it in my memory. As to why I want to conjure the book is to make it more official, I supposed.

Search my previous life memory, within mere seconds, I immediately found it. Open back my eyes, I flick my fingers, and the book appears in my hand. Brown cover, with blue stripes pages, the book is like every book sold in every store, and there is nothing special about it. But what made it different from others is because I said so.

As to how I'm able to conjure out something out of thin air even this is my first time doing it, is nothing but a simple explanation. After comprehending the white light, one can say I'm like a God who experiences life eight times, and of course, I'm familiar with this simple stuff. One might not know this, but as simple forging my body looks. It is the most challenging thing I did ever seen becoming a God.

Now with the book in my hand. My job of turning my fantasy into reality has become a lot more easier. Now I don't have to remember every single thing of what to do. It is not that I am incapable of that. It is just I'm very capable of doing it. It just I don't want to, that all.

"System, please scan this book, and make me checkmark of some sort after I have done creating whatever it is in the book. Everything! The living, the unliving, event that supposes to happen and not suppose to happen, all of them!"

[ Yes, my host...scanning...scanning...scanning complete...all creations, events, living, unliving, death, life all have been scan and turn into a checkmark.]

"Thank you, System. Now, let us start."

Close my eyes, stretch out my right hand. I begin visualizing a sphere on top of my palm. A sphere so perfect its surface was as smooth as silk, and it illuminates with the purest form of light. It's also astonishingly beautiful. All creation from Supreme to Mortal will go blind from its perfection. Yet, I'm still not finished, as this was only a sketch in my mind.

Then, with the will of mine. Strange power comes to me, and the feeling of absolute superiority engulfs me. Suddenly *boom* from fantasy to reality, the sphere I imagine on top of my mind manifest above my palm and silently hover on it. Not too big, not too small. Not only is the sphere perfect in appearance, but also in size.

Look at the perfect sphere on my palm. I can't stop myself from grinning excitedly. Why? It is because this is my first creation. Of course, I'm excited. Plus, this sphere on my palm is not any ordinary sphere. As what I just create and currently hovering on top of my palm is Existence. The very essence of creation.

Look at the sphere again. My smile only becomes wider and wider. As the sphere was so perfect, even I, its creator, feel amaze. Shake my head in amuse of my immense power. I gently let go of the sphere, then slowly step away.

As I back away, the sphere also got further away from me, like a balloon snap of its string, it began to float aimlessly. But unlike the balloon, which floats aimlessly, the sphere I create is not floating aimlessly. It only looks like so is because the Nothingness is directionless in any eyes except me. The sphere actually floats toward the center of the Nothingness.

While the Nothingness has no direction before I become a True God, it now has, after I've become one. Plus, with my two names engrave into the Nothingness itself. I further grasp more what Nothingness is. I now know basically everything of what to know about this place call Nothingness.

Look at the sphere arrives at the center of Nothingness, I flick my finger in delight and next moment, *boom*!! The sphere exploded, illuminate the gloom Nothingness in the purest form of light. Stare at the sight, I, myself can't stop grinning avidly. With goosebumps all over my body, I was excited beyond belief currently.

After illuminating the entire infinite Nothingness, the light slowly dims down, and what remains afterward is the true form of Existence.

Look around me with my golden-amber eyes. The Nothingness is still looked the same. Dark and gloom. Bland and dull. Like before, there is nothing changing. But if I switch my vision and look the Nothingness from further away. I could see a giant sphere made out of pure crystal reside in it. And that crystal sphere is Existence, the true form of Existence. And currently dwell in it, I, its creator still can't see the edge of the sphere from inside. This shows just how big the entire sphere is. It is so big even I can't found it with my normal vision.

And also, as it is made out from the pure crystal, I will call this first creation of mine, Crystal Sphere Of Existence. Then as I finish building and naming the Existence, the System notification appears before me and resounds in my head.

[ Congratulation, my host of creating a place for all creation to exist. Build Existence, complete. Task complete. Check. ]

[ Crystal Sphere Of Existence, acquired.]

Nods, at the notification before me, I then close it. Standing alone inside the Existence, I smile, then look at my palm as I mumble to myself.

"Now that I have laid the foundation, let build up the pillars."