Law Of Creation

"Now the pillars have been placed, let build the houses!"

I said with a slight grin on planted my face. And what I meant by houses are the Universes or smaller Realms I called it. As I said before, the Existence is the foundation of the build, and the Realms is its pillar. So without the foundation and the pillars, I will not be able to construct the houses, or in this case, the Universe or the smaller Realms.

It is not that I'm incapable of construct the Universes without the support of Existence and the Six Great Realms. Honestly speaking, I can easily do that. I can build the Universe straight up from the Nothingness itself, even without the support of the two. And it will still stand strong and tall forever eternally until I decide to destroy it.

The only reason why I bother myself to create the Existence and the Great Realms is that because I'm setting up the Law. The Law of Creation. While it did not make a lot of sense from the physics point of view, it does not even matter. As the physics I'm talking about is from my past life, which was already being destroyed. Now I'm creating a new physics, a new Law, my kind of Law.

So with this new Law, I'm creating, it will be as easy peasy like a lemon squeezy to understand. Fundamental to all Creation is the foundation. So without foundation, there is no Creation. But the foundation only is not enough as, without pillars to support it, the Creation will crumble. Therefore in order to have strong Creation, one needs a foundation and a pillar. It is as easy as that.

So now, back to the current topic! I will now create the Universes. But before that, I need to create a new pillar, or in other words, a new element to build the Universes. And as to why I need to create a new element is because the two elements I currently have can't be used to create a Universe. Even if I did use these two elements I had, the Universe will simply be like the four Realms I just created. Dull, boring, and devoid of any life.

What I want to create is not a place such as the Six Realms but the opposite of that. A place where every time one opens their eyes and looks toward the sky, light shines. A place where every time one look around its surrounding, life prosperous. So in order for me to achieve that, I can't use these two elements, Existence and Nothingness, to create the Universes as it is not suitable for living organisms to live in. Furthermore, only I can live inside Nothingness.

As the Existence made out from Nothingness itself, all of my living Creation will die, the moment I placed them in Nothingness. As again, only I can exist inside it unless I allowed it. So even the Existence is not Nothingness, they still can't exist within it as Existence itself made out entirely from pure Nothingness.

Different from The Six Great Realms which made out from Existence. The living things can exist within it, but still not live inside it. As to why? Because the Existence is still poisonous as Nothingness to my soon to be created living Creation. The only difference between Existence and Nothingness is, Existence was the filter version of Nothingness.

So as the Realms made out from Existence itself. It means the Realms is the filter of the already filter version of Nothingness. In other words, the Six Great Realms are not as Extremely toxic as pure Nothingness. And also not as highly poisonous as the Existence for the living beings. But then again, a toxic is still a toxic.

And what I mean by toxic within these three structures, Nothingness, Existence, and Realms are actually not anything related to toxic. It is actually the lack of certain elements that make these three structures highly toxic for living beings. And those lacking elements are Time, Space, Matter, and Energy. Within the Realms, the much bigger Existence, and the infinite Nothingness, there is none of these four Elements.

So that is a reason why it is not suitable for a living being to live there. While I can fill the entire Existence and the Six Great Realms with all these four Elements and make it the most suitable place to live, I just don't want to. Because I want all my living Creation to live inside the Universes. It is as simple as that.

As to why all my living Creation need all these four elements, Time, Space, Energy, and Matter, to live is because, without it, they will simply die. And here is the explanation why! Without the Existence of Time, all living and non-living Creation will all turn still. They can't progress, grow, improve and advance, or in other words, there is no meaning to life. What is life if all you did is sitting still without doing anything? And that is the consequence of living in a timeless space.

As for space, living Creation who live in the spaceless space simply will great crush to death until non of their remain exist. Why? It is because, without the Existence of Space, there is no place or area for my living Creation to exist.

They can try to go to the spaceless region but can their body withstand it? Is their internal strong enough to endure it? As without space, all things living or not will always have to fight extreme force pressure just to continue to exist. If they live in this condition, walking no! Moving will be an impossible task. And that is the consequence of living in a spaceless space.

The third element, Matter. Without this element, life can live but not thrive. Without Matter, all life will simply be floating around the endless space and wait for time to claim them. And is that the way to live? No! Of course not! Even your sand of time is about to turn empty, you must live your life to your fullest. So that is the consequence of living in a matterless Realm.

Last but not least, the last and the most important element of the four elements, Energy. Why? It is because, without the Existence of Energy, the other three Elements Time, Space, and Matter can't be created. This is Because Time and Space are Energy, and Matter is made from the manifestation of different Energies. This is how important and valuable Energy is. So without the Existence of Energy, no beings breathing or not can be created.

These four elements are also extremely closely related to each other, as, without even one of them, a universe can crumble. This also explains back to my Law Of Creation as the Six Great Realm is the Foundation and these four elements are the pillars. As for these elements, I will name them, The Pillars Of Origin.

Now that I have done explained everything as best as I can. Now is the time for the action!