Let's Finish the Universe!

Look at the freshly formed Primal Stone Of Law that hovers on my left palm. I then pick it up and inspect it. As I satisfied how it turns out, I afterward let it float with the Hollow Stone Of Chaos on my left side. Shifted back my gaze at the Universe, I then could see the previously orderly Cosmos, not so orderly anymore. Yet also not Chaotic, the Universe is balance. Like yin and yang.

As Law stoops down from the position of power and the other two pillars of Cosmos take over and balancing the Universe is what you think is happening. You are wrong one hundred percent. What actually happening is far from that.

I did not tell you this before, but out of The Four Pillars Of Cosmos, only two of them can operate the Universe by themselves and keep it alive. And that Pillars are Chaos and Law. As for the other two Pillars Of Cosmos, they can't hold the Universe by themselves and much less keep it moving. As for what these Pillars are, they are Good and Evil.

What I said about onion before is referred to the Chaos and Law. As one peels its skin, others show up. And like the Chaos and Law, as Chaos defeated, Law will take control, but the moment Law is destroyed, the Chaos will take back the throne. It is an endless chain of authority, an unending cycle of power. They compete with one another for the position to govern like brothers.

As for the other two remaining Pillars, Good and Evil, they are also like brothers. But unlike Chaos and Law that always compete for the position of power. The Good and Evil are not like that. They are more like a twin. A twin that is hateful to each other and likes to see the other disappeared from this very face of existence and make it only itself matter.

That is the difference between these two groups, Chaos and Law, Good and Evil. One likes brother and wants to see the other serve the other. While the other one is like a twin who wants to kill one another. Both are distinct from one another yet weirdly close to each other. Also, at the same time mysteriously work well together. In other words, all four of them are like siblings. Weird psychotic siblings.

This is also the reason why they are so corrupted and unlike The Pillars Of Origin. The Pillars Of Origin only disintegrate you when you are not strong enough to hold it. It is far more merciful than being corrupted.

Okay, back to the current topic! As to why the Universe did not crumble into million pieces after I extract its most important Pillar is because I'm here. It is me who holds this Universe intact. If I'm not, what is the use of me creating it in the first place?

Look at the balanced Universe before me. I then close my eyes and feel the air. Not hot but also not cold, but I can feel it is there. Slowly and gently, it crawls all over my skin. It feels extremely uncomfortable if others feel this way, they might have faint already. As for what this weird sensation is? These sensations are Good and Evil continuously try to devour each other out.

Good and Evil are actually already there when I extract the Chaos from the Universe, creeping in between, but I just let it be. Same when I remove the Law from the Universe, the Good and Evil are also there, but I just leave them alone. As to why I did this is not for any particular reason. I did it because I want to and I think it will be more efficient this way. But obviously I'm wrong, as no matter what, I still need to hold this Universe.

Stretch out my left hand and spread out my palm. I'm now ready to extract these last two Pillars Of Cosmos. Warm and light. Tender and bright. Righteousness is its called. Virtue is its order. *Boom* a yellowish-white streak of trillions of substances surface from the Universe and gather on top of my left palm. Then, as usual, they begin to merge with one another and shrink. Following after, they manifest on my palm into a yellowish-white Stone. Simple and clean, this is The Benevolent Stone Of Virtue, the very manifestation of Good.

Pick the Stone and let it join with its other Pillar on my left side. I then stretch back my hand and spread out my palm. Following after, I begin to visualize the last Pillars Of Cosmos. Dark and cold. Wicked and sinister. Vicious is its called. Sin is its order. *Boom* a reddish-black streak of trillions of substances rises from the Universe and gathers on top of my left palm.

Then as always, they begin to merge with one another and shrink afterward. As they shrink and shrink, they start to manifest into a stone. Now, what hovers on top of my palm is The Malevolent Stone Of Sin, the very manifestation of Evil.

Pick the Evil manifestation and inspect it afterward. I then let it join with the rest after I was satisfied with how it turns out. With Pillar Of Origin on my right and Pillars Of Cosmos on my left. If I'm not who I am, True God, currently, I can say I'm the closest thing to myself, with these eight Pillars at my side. As to Why? It is Because with all these eight Pillars, I can do basically anything I want without using my actual power.

And now, as I look between these two groups of Pillars, a playful thought emerges from my brain. But I immediately shake it off, as I might get too excited from it. Let think about the future some time else, as now let's focus on the present.

"Let's Finish the Universe!"