Quiet coup

Yeongjun felt closed off to ask the queen any more questions of the blur in her memory she figured she must have started drinking when the queen finished her speech. A line of servants waited at the entrance of her chambers to guide them to learn the next dance, they stepped into a room designed for this traditional practice. The swift moves of The Queen captivated the servant's eyes watching in delight. Yeongjun followed her movements, a cloth was tied to both of their hands connecting them, and the pattern on it was extraordinary it had yellow and red flowers wrapped around the dance evolved them tugging the cloth and spinning it, their other hand caressed each other's face But every time the spin their bodies around the cloth they would get closer and closer Yeongjun kept losing control of her feet, she would spin the wrong way messing up the flow of the dance. "Copy me," The Queen recommenced while whispering to her, "you think I haven't been trying to, your very funny your majesty," Yeongjun laughed meaning every word. "I will take over your place your Majesty if you are tired," the servant offered. Thinking Yeongjun is not making any progress and wasting the queen's time and energy. "leave us, except you," she pointed at a girl, "You will become a founder so give this to an officer," The Queen ordered. She took a token out and handed it to her, noting the servant's glare at her while The Queen gave tips to Yeongjun for her posture, She corrected a few of her mistakes that caused her to mess up. "Your patience is immeasurable my queen," Yeongjun Bowed feeling the queen watching her every move. "I can't wait to get out of this place," Yeongjun thought to herself. "stand up and do it again with me," The Queen told her, Yeongjun wrapped the cloth around their wrist and began the sequence again. This time it felt effortless and natural as their hands intertwined at the end with their back pressed against each other the queen tugged the cloth causing a swift shoulder turn making Yeongjun spin out of control and lose her stepping and land on top of the queen. Their noses nearly touching Yeongjun's eyes widened with worry as she tried to get up but the queen plucked her arm and pulled her back down on top of her. Yeongjun thought she was going to lose the outer layer of her soul like the others. Those people are known to be easily driven to insanity by the bizarre dreams and otherworldly nightmares that follow. Some say it is temporary, other victims say it never stops. Yeongjun had no desire to find out. The queen grabbed both sides of her head pulling it close until their foreheads met the queen showed her a memory in her mind. The chilling scene of her dead son Yeongjun tried to turn her head but no matter how hard she tried. It was like she was inside the queen's body reliving that moment. Tears soaked his dark gown as she held him close, days passed and still no one was punished for his death. The culprit was nowhere to be seen, Yeongjun's eyes opened when the memory faded into total darkness for some reason her heart felt like it was beating out of her chest. Her body felt heavy it was intoxicating she could barely form any words yet she had so many questions. "W-why, did you show me that," Yeongjun uttered in a quiet voice. "I thought you would know something about it, do you," she paused waiting for an answer, a female warrior interrupted them, the newbie is a traitor what should we do with her the servant asked. "Lock her up for ten days with no food but give her water," The Queen bedded. Yeongjun examined the eye-catching armor, the upper legs are covered by layered metal. The lower legs are protected by greaves which have flower ornament pieces covering the outer sides. Yeongjun had heard of these warriors her father mentioned them before she dangerously went on her own. Without a say, and a misleading hope to free the people who are held against their will and soon to lose the outer layer of their souls. That is undeniable for the queen's strange craving for them. Yeongjun wouldn't dare ask if those tales were true or not, she figured it would be safer to earn her trust than to go about it blindly and be punished for it. The warrior bowed before taking her leave and giving a look of suspicion at Yeongjun, is it me or do they not like me she debated in her head, "Well do you know?" The Queen questioned tearing Yeongjun's gaze from the door to her, "no my

Queen," Yeongjun lied thinking she doesn't deserve to know after what she did to her people, "Is that so?" The Queen grinned hearing the thought in Yeongjun's mind, "so you think I don't deserve to know," she taunted with infuriation. "No, my queen, I would never," Yeongjun worded trying to defend herself but got cut off, she was petrified at the fact the queen knew what she was thinking the queen backed her up into a wall, "Tell me what you know before I kill you," she snapped. "I only know that the killer despised you and is obsessed, they go by a strange symbol I can draw it," Yeongjun said in alarm. The Queen went to her desk and handed her an ink pen and paper. Yeongjun wore a fearful look while drawing it. The queen found it to be her family symbol the queen wanted no part of, she wanted to forget that place she concluded who the killer was. "It is my mother, I refused to believe it was her a long time ago," She thought. But some part of her knew and didn't want to go to that place for revenge. "I left that matter alone until I showed you, this will be your last time betraying me do not hold information from me. Or next time I might kill you," the queen warned her in a soft voice. "yes your majesty," Yeongjun promised still trembling, the drained feeling on her body was almost gone and the queen decided to send her to a separate chamber for her to rest in, Yeongjun realized there was some relief when away from her, I mean anyone would relief if they were threatened to be killed, again. "Things could only get better," she wondered to herself with sarcasm.