The Forest of Doom

"Any ideas on how we can pass the swamp?"

The laboratory itself was surrounded with darkish green quagmire that paves away a road headed around the workshop. I could only wonder the depth of the water from the surface and continued to become enthralled by the scenery before me. Even the children cannot help but stare in awe from the wonderful site of the research facility.

Nevertheless, the abandon property seemed to be overrun by alarming number of zombies lurking in and out of the ingress. These infected are easily distinguishable from the vines of the undead that we have always encountered since the beginning. However, their thorns and dimmer olive hues were much more elaborate from the ones we have known, and what was used to be the feet of a human being had transformed itself into structural overgrown roots, which serves as their foundation for the footing. Taking a good hunch from their abilities, they are unlikely be able to outrun the normal speed of a human being. Even so, their vines, similar from the plant-like zombies, has the capability of extending their stems from a distance when it's commanded to launch to a designated target. 

High above the crater, we were hesitant to venture close towards the building as we could only discern the humungous place from afar with cold-feet borrowed underground. In spite of these fearsome feelings, I did a huge gulp of air deep inside my lungs and hoped for the best while attempting to boost our group's morale. 

"Cheer up, kids! What's the worst thing that could happen?"

I turned around and gave them a thumb's up, hoping that they had received my boisterous gag. Rather than a laugh, all of them threw daggers towards my direction and snorted out my enthusiastic pun. 

"Are you sure our parents would be there…inside the laboratory?" 

As the conversation continues by, Konoe sighs in defeat while hoping for a better response. 

Even before checking the interior designs of the structure from our fore, the children's faces turned grim while thinking of the multiple possibilities of what's in store for us upon proceeding inside.

Our goal is to search and rescue their lost parents, and Konoe's grandmother, in all different places of this island; and the only place left for us to look for was inside this abandoned building. 

"Before we can head inside, we would need a small sturdy raft that can easily transport us all through the other side" I said in a depressing tone.

None of us are versed in the architectural or engineering process of crafting a float out of twigs and scraps found inside the jungle. Although a big log may deem to be the quickest way we could ever think of, building a structural boat would provide us caution and safety rather than the linear and narrow trunk cut from the biggest tree. 

"I have a plan. Just stay still and wait for me, okay?" I urge my group to stay silently on their seat as I hastily moved around collecting rubbles, branches, and other stalwart oddments found on the ground. 

I first organised the sturdy branches as a foundation for the boat and had aligned them altogether forming a square board that could withstand a group of 5 people on the plank. Then, I assigned each of the children for their individual tasks and later on assemble the other pieces left for us to use. The purpose of the strap vines that are easily found on the surface of the forest are to bind the twigs and other materials in a singular platform. 

It took us roughly an hour to finish the prototype boat made with the natural resources available from our surroundings. Hence, what we ought to do now was to test this bad boy out and see if it can carry the weight of 5 people on the course of the swamp.

We head deeper down on the crater where the verdant trees and grass became duller compared from above. The soils of the ground became more strenuous for us to walk by while sliding the big raft unto the ramp. 

After the terrible trudge from hiking downwards, we had finally reached the bottom of the pit. 

The environment was filled with insects and nearly rotten trunks and plants that were barely living on the ground. The grassy meadow, which was supposed to be a flowery field, was now engrossed with dead leaves and muddy puddles clustered in the seams. Although the building may be close by for another 1 and a half kilometre forward, we are unable to see further beyond from the wave of trees blocking our view. Despite their decaying boughs from each trees, they were still massively place guarding the realms from the other side. 

From the looks of it, the quip that we had from before was now realistically felt right before eyes, reminding ourselves that this was no ordinary laboratory found elsewhere in the city, but a heavily guard fortress under its own domain. 

"Here we are." I announced the swamp from what we have seen bird eyes view earlier. 

But it was no swamp to begin with. The water was sterilized with infertile liquid combined with all sorts of acid and sludge at every single side. The liquid itself was sticky evident from the branch that had been washed off from a distant and had attached itself like a parasite hanging from its prey. There, the wooden debris slowly dissipates like cotton being ablaze by the scorching lava, as it slowly joins the running river of doom.

"I thought zombies were a nuisance. Never did I expect Mother Nature to be greater arse than those rascals of undead" I murmured, annoyed from the sight which everyone had behold. 

"Relaaax~ it isn't that bad. It won't hurt us humans" I insist and threw a gravel to a distant and expected for a splash. Instead, what we've heard, or rather 'seen' was the stone slowly repeated the previous occurrence of the dissipating branch and steadily vanishes out from our sight.

"Maybe. We'll never know unless we try!" I said while hysterically laughing from our awaited demise.

We became warier from our situation ever than before. All it took was the deadly swamp obstructing our way towards our goal. If the scientists and architects had intellectually planned this all along to keep out every intruder wanting to rob or breach the entire facility, then they're doing a great job for not letting anyone through. 

We never got bitten nor drowned from the wreckage that I've experienced from the sail. But this? This could actually kill everyone before I can even punch the hell out of Andrew Turner's face. 

And how did they even travelled through this acidic swamp in the first place? Planes? Jet-packs?

Pushing aside these trivial thoughts, I urge my group to grab hold on to the rack and sail through the endless swamp. However, every single one of them grew pale from the scene wanting to storm off far away from here as possible and back to the mount. 

"Guys, if we can't do this now then how are we supposed to save your parents?" I tried conversing through the shivering body but to no avail "Please. It's like the good 'ol trip from the amusement park, aye?"

No words had reverberated inside their ears despite my continuous squabble. It appears they they have been set into stones, fazed from the body of water.

I had no choice but to travel alone and head forth to the terrains, gripping on the chance that my friends were confined inside of the facility on the other side. 

I readied the plank at the edge of the swamp and decided to trail without the rest of the children slowing me down. They can either hide inside the forest, which was abundant with crops and vegetables lying around, while using the bag that can purify the water near the lakes or back from the waterfall

or they can stick with me and risk everything to locate their parents while finding a better settlement that is copious enough with grubs and distinct roof under the building. 

I cannot force them to join my journey, which was riskier at every way with little to gain for. The fact that my friends may be bounded inside this facility was enough for me to thrive further for the sake of their safety. However, them choosing the former will mean that I will not be around to save them from any sort of dangers awaiting outside. They should not linger here for more on this twisted environment, which can pose a threat to our lungs as we inhale the heavy mist surrounding this peculiar forest.

As I thoroughly explained them what I had in mind, the two eldest children among their group, Konoe and Itsuki, ponders on the thought on what they should be oughting do.

"Whatever it takes, please guide us, Fleur-san"

Both of them simultaneously bowed after their word. Their two younger kindred had done the same and bowed out of confusion. The moment they had realised what they've lowered their heads from, they soon sprinted off and concealed themselves in the nearby log hoping to not get involved in the matter. 

With a spank on their butts, they were forcibly dragged on the surface of the raft, which had luckily floated as we pushed the boat on the acidic liquid of the swamp.