Escaping alive

"Just a little bit closer" I remarked, as we slowly adrift ourselves on the calm waves of the deadly water. 

However the steady process of the chemicals dematerialising the boat had tremendously increased its rate, making it more difficult for the raft to carry all of our load. Similar from the twigs and stones that had been thrown and evaporated upon contact from the grimy liquid, the water craft was slowly giving off signs of dissolving evident from the holes and cracks appearing on the surface. It had been a miracle that our sail had managed to sail this far, and returning back to the shore from where we had come from was now a choice that we cannot adhere after reaching half of our destination towards the other side of the land. 

Just us we were about to lose hope from the fleeting waves shattering our boat, the building from a distant was now easily perceived through the naked eye. We silently triumph from the figure appearing from afar, however we were nowhere near from our destination, and the distance between our boat and the shore was still miles away from the corrosive swamp. 

As if the marsh wasn't enough to pull our hopes down, an obscure figure below the muddy water seems to find its way to on the surface, aiming for our wooden ship. Bubbles were now spiralling in all quarters producing small amounts of waves disrupting the current of the tide. 

"Caught between the devil and the deep blue sea!" I shouted, and quickly grab hold on to a large branch I had saved just before our voyage. I was expecting that the water would crash against us and move the direction of the tide to an opposition, however I did not take into account of this destructible feat inside an isolated swamp. 

The chunk of wood had come into play as I paddle the boat forward and battled the odds with the mechanically made waves. If we can maintain our pace roughly for 5 minutes, then we'll be able to safely land on the opposite shore and distance ourselves from the danger that lies ahead of the horrifying swamp.

For the 13th time I had stirred the log, I was flabbergasted to see that nothing had remained from the latter part of the wood. The only tangible surface that made me discern that it was the wooden plank I had been using to paddle was the clean surface from atop, from where I had been gripping on which had never came into contact from the acidic water. 


Tomori tugs the end strings of my clothes as she calls out for my attention. As soon as I met her gaze, Tomori raises her hand on the remote section of the swamp pointing towards the seas of distressing trees. Underneath the slimy water, a shadowy figure freely lurks below as it tramples everything against its way. 

Its speed was akin to a speed boat as it hastily follow the trail of ripples produced by our turtle-like raft. 

"Guys, I hate to break it to you but something's following us" I announced the aquatic creature lurking at the nether region of the swamp. Although its presence seems to be at a fair distance away from us, there's a tiny little chance that the beast underwater isn't happy for our stay. 

The two brothers fought their urge to piss from their shorts as they both cuddle at each other arms while closing their eyes. Konoe hurriedly comforts Tomori, whom at the same time was raining down in tears praying for everyone's safety. 

I, who has the most experience for these types of situations, readied my stance and…awaited its entrance. 

The mossy water abruptly torrents upwards and wreak havoc the current, pushing everyone on board off balance from the shockwave. After the water had finally ended its downfall, a black ominous figure greeted our stay and reveals its appearance. 

A crocodile emerges from our breech and bears its fangs on its first prey. It was larger in size compared from the usual crocs found in the wild. It stood at a height of a small urban apartment, reaching up to 15 feet tall, if it stood upwards, with its ivory teeth displayed from its mouth. Although the beast resembles like any other creature found in the farthest of swamps, its scales looked more defined than the normal reptiles and its claws were oozing with green substance. 

It was similar from the once seen from the wandering zombies outside this forest, visible from the glowing scarlet eyes and its rabid wrath. 

We have nowhere else to run away from this foul creature, and even if we did it'll be arguable to speak that this large existence like itself wouldn't catch up from our wincey two feet. Famished from its peer, the crocodile had finally found something to eat; and luckily, its prey was already nearby. 

The rest of my group either had fainted or petrified from their seats while marvelling on the sight of the rampaging beast. The crocodile then borrows itself underwater and ski itself towards our direction fast as a torpedo. 

Our ship only relies on the direction of the wave, and with the reptile's crashing against the water, we cannot fathom where our boat will head unto the next trail. 

However, I refused getting eaten from the likes of this croc and promised myself that we'll get over this place alive. 

Although I have yet to study the real existence of my nimble movements installed in my brain, I hope that my humane speed would overpower the mutant's brute force. 

Observing my surroundings, I could discern bountiful amount of vines, trees, and branches swaying across the horizon, dangling like chandeliers. Using these props, I held on to the vine and wrapped it against my hands and launched myself from one branch to another avoiding the pitfall of green acid of lava. 

Like a monkey living in the forest, I swung myself and change my position, attempting to manipulate the monster's sense of direction—by throwing craps and rubbles on the path where the reptile was headed to. 

Luckily, the distractions have worked on the crocodile as it slowly follows my trail. I lead them near the pointed branches on the other side of the swamp, keeping it at bay from our sluggish sail. My goal is to penetrate the body of the crocodile on its belly, assuming that it is the softest part of the body. If my initial plan would plummet, then buying enough time for us to escape its domain will still be a victory for our sake. 

My speed was incomparable from the reptile who's freely swimming under the lime water. Just as I was about to transfer my hand across the next vine, the crocodile leaps from above and desperately reaches upwards over for my body. Its napping jaw was entirely revealed as it widened its mouth in ravenous fashion, which was followed by a roaring cry that could be heard elsewhere within the vicinity of the forest. Although the monstrous tune nearly deafened my ears, I took haste and summersaulted my way in attempt to alter my fall. However, gravity pulled me lower to the ground where the cold water awaited my crash. 

It was a do and die situation; being a livestock for the hungry reptile or drown myself and dissipate on the corrosive water. Whichever I choose will only lead to my demise.

It was inhumanely possible to escape this death alive,

And thus I closed my eyes and waited my end.


The sound had never reached my ear nor did my skin feel any sort of pain. Instead, what I perceive was the cold breeze against my face and a broad hand carrying my body. 

The entity was so swift that sound itself had delayed as he or she had swung across the vines. I could faintly hear the soft awe of the kids watching from afar. It was safe to say that 5 minutes had already reached its due time, and the children had safely landed on the ground. Yet, the zombies wandering outside the laboratory had caught a glimpse from our group and swiftly charges from their open prey. 

I could only guess what was about to happen next, and slowly prayed for my survival. Eventually, I had the courage to open my eyes and perceive the kind existence that had saved me…and boy, it wasn't kind. 

It was a mutated beast scarier from the usual zombies. If you've thought that those pesky undead were gruesome to their rotten skin, then this monster alone had earned the rightful place of becoming king of the nastiest creature I had ever behold. However, its touch seemed not to be harmful nor violent, rather its gestures are gentle and soft despite its hideous figure. Its face resembles of a normal figure of a human head patched with cluster wounds and pus dripping from its forehead. The undead knight who had saved a princess in despair places me down with my group and flashes me with a smile, or so I had thought. 

Observing closely at his skin, white specs of clothing, which seems to be a lab coat of some sort, had glued all over its body, tattered by not entirely destroyed. And the only clear feature that is easily noticeable from it was the name engrave on its chest.

'James Newton'