A Losing Battle (2)

-_-_-_-_-_-Fleur's Perspective-_-_-_-

"GO NOW!" I said, as we soon found ourselves once again in a pinch of a losing battle. 

 Konoe and her sister, Tomori, was hesitant at first to leave us behind, but Quinn made the decision and pulled them away from the scene. 

Knowing this in mind, both, I and Grey, launched our attacks and directed it at the undead army like ferocious sharks circling us as their prey. Seemingly enough, their hideous sharp canine teeth and razor hands are enough to frighten a normal human being. However, that does not apply to us, who had been clashing against these foul zombies.

But the question now is the process of us escaping this realm. 

"Look around and try to figure out something for us to escape!' I spoke in a rash manner as I continued to bash and strike the skull of the nearby zombies.