A Safety Crate!

-_-_-_-_-_Fleur's Perspective-_-_-_-

The three of us surrounds the undead in an attempt to corner the zombified being. All of our weapons are aimed at its lower limbs, trying to cut off its footwork and balance.

 The zombified creature is about 8 feet tall. Its body composes of muscular features growing like foams coating the surfaces of the undead's body. One of its hand was design to be a hammer, while the other was similar to a blade. Its jaws are also visible from its hideous grin, smiling towards us with its overflowing menace oozing from its skin. Not to mention, the liquid coming from its pores are all toxic to any surfaces it touches, including our skin and the concrete floor.

The mighty zombie then screams out a thunderous war cry, which had nearly deafen our ears. It was then accompanied by a sinister laugh that resounds in the whole room, alongside our silence against this unholy being.