
There are things Elion needed to prepare before he could begin his task. It was his biggest mission yet, to kidnap the Princess.

The most essential thing he needed to have was a passport so he could infiltrate the Kingdom of Nowar.

In the slumps, not everybody had the privilege to have passports. The runners are their messengers and ears outside of the base. They are the only ones who can freely go in and out of the palace, they are the ones who had passports.

It is costly to have a passport, the slumps could not afford to get one for everybody. Hell, they did not want one anyway. Only fools would allow themselves to be reigned under the rule of zombies. No matter what they call themselves, they are still zombies. This was the main difference between the people from the slumps and the citizens of the Kingdom, they won't allow themselves to be brainwashed by those monsters. In the slumps, life might be harder, but they are safe--- and they prefer it that way.

Someone like Elion, who had no business inside the Kingdom, had no passport. This was the first hurdle of his mission, but it was something that can easily be solved by money and connection. The slumps were already familiar in the process to acquire a passport. They managed to get each for their spies inside the palace in the first place.

Luppy and the rest of the runners had to book twice their normal deals than normal in order to afford Elion's passport. Elion needed a passport immediately and that put a premium on the price of his passport.

Elion also observed that Brian was anxious than normal. Brian was losing his cool, and that's when Elion knew that this mission is very important to their leader.

Brian sending his best man for the mission speaks volumes.

Elion just came back from another scavenge hunting. He put down his bloodied pitchfork at the door as he entered the bathroom. The weapon's tips were dull from killing too many zombies. He turned the shower faucet as cold water touched his skin. After years of living in their base, they managed to make a rain catcher that would save water on their huge water barrels. But still, water is precious and saving it up would always be important. He turned the faucet off as he lathered a floral shampoo on his hair--- the one Luppy managed to buy. He scrubbed his skin roughly with soap to get rid of the decaying smell of the zombies from his body.

Not even ten minutes passed by when Elion finished showering. It was unusual for Elion to care for his looks, but he checked his face in the mirror today and decided to comb his hair back. He needed to look at least decent for his portrait to be drawn. Seeing that he was presentable, he wore fresh clothes and exited the bathroom. He did not bother to clean his pitchfork; rusts were starting to eat the metal--- he might need an upgrade of his weapon as it was beyond repair.

Elion heard the loud banging on the first floor. It was the sign that his little brother finally arrived.

Luppy went back to the Kingdom to fulfill an order from a client, but he also went back to escort the artist that would draw Elion's portrait for his passport.

Elion descended the stairs to greet Luppy.

"This is bad." A stranger said. He was covering his ears from the noise. The center of the man's head shone through the light, as if polished. His two front teeth protruding, giving him a mouse like feature. "I was almost bitten!"

"It's fine now, we're safe." Luppy scratched the back of his head. "I'll top thirty Rigs on our payment."

"You think that's enough?" The man's arms were shaking from fear. "I could have died! Worst, turned!"

"Okay," Luppy tapped the man's shoulder in comfort. "Fifty, I'll add fifty Rigs, that's the last bargain I can give. Okay?"

The man jerked his head up and down to show his approval.

Elion smiled as he approached the man. "Don't worry. We'll make sure you're safe."

Jay snickered at the door, fascinated with the man.

"This is my, errr… Eli," Luppy introduced, "You will draw his portrait."

"Nice to meet you." Elion offered his hand to the artist.

The artist shook Elion's hand hesitantly.

"Com'on, let's get this over with." Luppy led the way onto the second floor.

Elion sat at the chair near the window.

"No," The artist shook his head. "You're against the light. Turn this way."

Elion turned three hundred and sixty degrees, facing the window.

The artist beamed with his protruding teeth. "Better."

The artist placed a bond paper on the floor as he spread his tools on the side. He held his pencil in the air as if to measure Elion's face. "Don't move." He warned.

"Sure," Elion nodded.

Luppy walked to the side to his brother. "A hundred fifty Rigs." He whispered. "Better not move, or it will be a wasted."

Elion smiled to his brother.

The artist began to sketch Elion' face. Luppy walked back and sat next to the artist to observe his work.

Elion's features were drawn first. His strong jaw, his bushy eyebrow and his combed back hair. But Luppy eventually fell asleep on the floor, as the artist worked slowly as he used his time.

Elion followed his instructions and did not move for two hours.

"Okkay, done." The artist announced.

Luppy jerked his head awake as he squinted at the artist's work. Luppy's eyes bulged as he saw the portrait of his brother. It did look like him, but it was like a caricature version of his brother. How could something that began promising, ended up bad? Luppy wondered.

Elion stood up and peeked at the artist's work. "That's… very creative."

Luppy covered his mouth to hide a laughter.

"I better hurry to come back so you can have your passport tomorrow. "The artist was cleaning up his things.

"Yes, that would be perfect." Elion responded.

Luppy looked back and forth from his real brother and onto the drawing. Elion's nose at the drawing looked more like a beak, it was too pointy on the front. His eyebrows were too thick, his lips too small. His face shape, alien like.

'Even I could draw this much.' Luppy thought.

Luppy would have drawn his brother's face himself had he known the superior skill of this artist. Well, it was the best artist Luppy could find given the short notice.

"That is…perfect." Elion responded.

"Well, of course." The artist replied. "You're a perfect canvass."

Luppy placed his other hand on his mouth to cover another laugh.


The day after Elion's face was drawn, he got his passport.

Luppy was the one who delivered it.

Luppy, Jay, and Elion were at Brian's office. They were sitting shoulder to shoulder on the sofa.

"That is pretty bad, man." Jay laughed. "A thousand and fifty Rigs for this?" Jay was holding the passport on his hand. "You got robbed." Jay shook his head.

"Sorry," Luppy was laughing loudly. "He's the only artist I could find that we could trust."

Elion did not find the humor in it; the artist could have drawn a dot and Elion would not mind. He got his passport, and that was enough for him.

Brian, who was sitting in front of them, was not laughing either.

Brian cleared his throat and the laughter stopped.

"Jay," Biran addressed. "As you know, Elion has to go in Nowar for a while. You take Elion's duties for now."

"Yes, sir." Jay responded.

"Luppy, you should take Elion to Nowar as soon as possible." Brian ordered. "Guide him inside."

"Yes, sir." Luppy responded.

"And Elion," Brian reached for Elion's shoulder and looked straight into his eyes. "I'm counting on you."

"Yes, sir." Elion replied.


Luppy guided his brother to Nowar like a runner. They walked and ran but they did not kill any single zombie along the way.

Elion saw the wall-like gate for the first time. He was neither amazed nor intimidated, a gate is just a gate.

Luppy knocked on the gate confidently. A guard opened the door and welcomed him as Elion followed closely behind.

Elion stood on his ground as a guard took his green card and inspected it. The guard's brow furrowed as he studied the face of Elion then back at the portrait on the green card. The guard shook his head pityingly as he returned the card to Elion. Having a bad portrait must have been more common than Elion thought, for the guard let them pass without any suspicion at all. 

After being inspected for any bite marks, the brothers were free to enter the Kingdom.

In a normal day, Elion would have been amazed how people were able to walk freely on the road without any fear of being eaten. But instead, he was on his mission mode. He took a mental note of the location of the stores and the layout of the streets that would help him make a route for his escape when he succeeds on his mission. How will he able to exit through the gates while kidnapping a Princess, he had no clue. But he sure will know when he gets there.

Luppy led Elion to the flea market--- Elion memorized the way to get there--- to meet up with Maya.

"Let's wait here." Luppy hovered himself on a corner of a busy street and Elion followed.

Half-an hour later, Maya appeared on the street, tossing her purse in the air.

"Maya," Luppy pointed out. "Talk to her, I'll roam around. Act normal."

Elion nodded in agreement. "Be careful."

Luppy smiled. "I know how to blend."

Elion made eye contact with Maya and followed her. They walked towards a less crowded block--- lovers were busy fondling with each other. People give no attention as they pass by the area. 

Maya hid her purse in her pocket. "Listen, I don't have much time."

Elion's eyes scanned the area just to make sure no one was listening. "Any way I can go inside the palace?"

Maya moved closer to Elion and placed her arms on his shoulders. "They are currently hiring royal attendants. I'll add your name on the list."

Elion was taken aback by Maya's intimate gesture, but he acted as if he did not notice it. "Eli Kaiser." Elion looked at Maya with a blank face. "the name."

Maya tilted her head on the side and nodded. "Just make sure you get any job, there will be no other chance."

"Consider it done."

"See you inside the den." Maya released Elion from her hold.

"Got it."

Maya walked out of the street until Elion could not see her amongst the crowd.


It was Elion's first day in the Kingdom, and it was a long one. He had a lot of duties in the slumps to keep him busy, but he only had one starting today. He found himself loitering around, still having a lot of time to spare.

Elion had nothing to do while waiting for the job opening. He decided to dedicate his time in studying the layout the streets. His stomach churned at the savory aroma of the fried bun, but he ignored its call.

As if on cue, Luppy came out of nowhere and bought two--- one for himself and one for his brother. "You need Rigs for everything in here." Luppy gave the bun to his brother.

Elion took the steaming hot bun and had a bite of his dinner. But he did not ease himself and still scanned his surroundings as he ate.

"You can relax in here," Luppy informed his brother. "This place is more peaceful than you think."

"We can't be caught off guard." Elion preferred to be overly alert than to be ambushed.

"You have to relax," Luppy tapped his brother's shoulder. "You're sticking out as it is."

Elion raised a brow to his brother. It is true that Elion tall frame was easy to spot from the crowd.

"You have to listen to me," Luppy tapped his nose. "I've been here for years. I know the tricks."

"You have a point." Elion smiled, he was proud of his brother being great at his job. "What should I do now?"

"First, you have to look for potential clients," Luppy took a bite of his bun. "In payment of your passport, we lost a lot of Rigs."

Elion cleared his throat. "How do you do that?" Elion was not familiar with this type of job, he was best at killing zombies.

"Oh, that's easy. Just look for someone who's best dressed in the crowd."

"Okay." Elion took a last bite of his meal and began to work.

Elion stopped himself from studying the layouts of the area and drifted his attention to the crowd as Luppy instructed. He stuck to someone who had more colorful clothes than the rest. He observed them closely, but they just eyed him suspiciously and avoided him. His tall frame might have been his disadvantage, he looked intimidating. There was a good reason why Elion was not a runner, his presence was not friendly--- a bad thing for business. He observed how his brother worked, and he cannot be bubbly like him. But still, he did his best and followed those he thought had the money.

Elion was getting better at finding rich people, now that he knew the trick, spotting them among the crowd was easy. He noticed this young man strolling down the street, not looking for any stores in particular. The young man was dressed in all black. The young man's clothes may not be colorful, but it looked new. What attracted Elion to observe the young man was the glint of red in his eyes.

Elion walked beside the young man.

The young man immediately noticed that he was being followed.

The young man stopped on his tracks and faced Elion.

"Not bad." Ziloh eyed Elion from head to toe, observing the specimen of a man in front of him. Ziloh traced his finger on Elion's jaw. "You're new, from the outside."

Elion squinted his eyes. 'How did he know?' Elion thought.

"Some other time maybe." Ziloh held Elion's chin and turned it side to side to study the neck. "But not tonight." Ziloh smirked and let him go.

Ziloh proceeded to walk away, strolling on the street as other women approached him.

Luppy saw what happened and rushed to his brother. "No, not that man. He's…." Luppy blushed. "he's looking for the other type of service."

Ziloh finally chose among the women that swarmed over him. He chose a young woman with a long black hair as he whispered something into her ears that made the woman's eyes glint.

"I could see that." Elion observed this peculiar young man.

Elion learned something knew about the Kingdom of Nowar.

This was a place where people could sell everything--- even their soul--- at the right price. And what was more surprising was that people would buy anything to satisfy themselves--- no matter how much the price.