Foundation day

The palace was in chaos in preparation for the eighteenth founding year of the Kingdom of Nowar.

People were running along the hallway, exhaustion apparent on their faces.

All of the royal attendants were scurrying along the hallways to decorate the ceilings with colorful banners. All were instructed to report at work by their head attendant, Barn--- even if they were supposed to be on off-duty. Others who would normally work in the kitchen or the garden were in the hallways to help too. They needed all the hand they can get. They were already late with their preparations. The lack of personnel was caused by the forced resignation of the attendants involved in the Princess' alleged poisoning--- at least that was the Queen's official statement. 

Everybody was too busy to notice that Alyssa and Kiva snuck into the storehouse to look for any music they could listen to.

Alyssa finally realized what Kiva meant. She remembered the shelf filled with music stuffs from her last visit a few days before to get her old baby crib for Ysa.

They found the said shelf easily.

The topmost row of the shelf was organized from LPs, CDs to cassette tapes.

"See?" Kiva beamed. "We don't need to go out of the palace for these." Kiva hauled all the cassette tapes on the topmost row and clung it unto her chest.

Kiva observed the rows below--- they were filled with shoe boxes.

Kiva dusted off a box and opened it with her free hand to reveal broken mp3 players and iPods. "I'm sure we have more in here somewhere." Kiva opened the other boxes successively.

Alyssa sneezed. "Yes, I think there's more in here too."

Alyssa bent her knees to see the content of the third row. This row was also lined with shoeboxes too.

 Alyssa opened the first box.

The first box revealed black tapes bigger than a cassette tape, they looked similar but this one was bigger---they were Betamax. They were labeled with titles of old movies neither Alyssa nor Kiva ever heard before. Alyssa closed the shoebox; it was not what she was looking for. She then opened the pink shoe box next to it. Alyssa did not notice it, but a small word was written on the side of the box that says 'Ana'.

"There are just old machines in here." Kiva said disappointingly as she closed the last box.

There were cassette tapes inside the pink shoebox.

"Found one." Alyssa announced as she observed the tapes were properly labeled by days , others by month.

Kiva's mouth hanged open as she saw the box full of well-preserved tapes. "Jackpot."

They carried the tapes brazenly at Alyssa's chamber--- the attendants were still occupied to pay attention to them. The palace was too busy for gossips.

The box was too big to fit on her hidden compartment, so she decided to hide it on her closet. She stashed it at the back of her long gowns, hidden from the view.

They were satisfied to get the tapes for now. They had no time to listen to music today.

"You think you can sneak a few delicacies from your mother's pile of gifts?" Kiva suddenly asked.

"Hmmmm," Alyssa made sure the boxes were not visible in plain sight. "A missing jar or two of picked brains would not be noticed."

They then proceeded to go and prepare for the festivities.


The King, Queen, and the Princess was sitting at the throne. There was a long table in front of them filled with gifts--- from rare jewelries to exquisite foods. It was a tradition among the royals to offer gifts to Queen Kathy every year as a sign of appreciation.

Zenalda was standing at the center of the room to offer her gift--- a pair of five-inch golden heels. Her dogs were roaming around the room freely, torturing the other royal's feet. After Zenalda offered her gift, Cliff stood up at the middle of the room for his turn. Cliff's personal attendant followed him, carrying three rolls of fine silk.

"My Queen. Please accept my sincere gift." Cliff tipped his chin to the throne to signal his attendant to ascend the stairs and to place gifts on top of the others--- small gifts cluttered on the floor in the process. "May the Queen reign for eternity." Cliff bowed.

Cliff was known to give Queen Kathy the finest fabrics every year. They were known to be the Queen's favorite gifts out of everything.

"Thank you, Cliff." Queen Kathy rubbed the soft fabric between her finger.

After finding out the Queen's preference, other royals imitated Cliff's gift over the past years but none was able to compete with the quality. With this, other royals gave up ang settled to offer other gifts instead.

Satisfied, Cliff walked back to his seat as his personal attendant stood at the corner nearest to him.

Ziloh, who was sitting next to Cliff stood up after his father.

Cliff jerked his head to the side as he saw Ziloh rise from his seat.

Ziloh never gave a gift for the Queen, ever.

Ziloh stood up at the center of the room, carrying nothing.

Queen Kathy tapped her fingers at the table.

"I have a gift too," Ziloh reached from his behind as he produced a dagger at his hand.

"Ziloh, I appreciate your generosity." Queen Kathy addressed the young duke.

Ziloh smirked. "This gift is intended for the Princess." Ziloh ascended up the stairs toward Alyssa.

Alyssa glared at Ziloh, wishing for him to get her silent message--- that whatever he is planning to do, don't do it.

This event was for the founding celebration of Kingdom of Nowar. Everybody knew that Alyssa do not deserve any gifts as she did not contribute anything for the establishment of the Kingdom. In fact, she was still in her mother's womb during that time.

Ziloh bowed as he offered the dagger to the Princess. But Alyssa just blinked at she stared at the dagger.

"Take it, love." Queen Kathy's eyes did not leave Ziloh.

Alyssa hesitated before she reached for the dagger. "Thank you." She said softly.

There were murmurs in the room. There were speculations taking place as to why Ziloh gave a dagger to the Princess.

Was this a sign of Ziloh's rebellion to the current Queen? Did Ziloh wanted Queen Kathy's reign to end? His action was unaccepted and rude in front of the Queen.

"Consider this as your birthday gift," Ziloh smiled at Alyssa. "in winter."

"In winter." Alyssa nodded, finally understanding. "I think it's too soon but, thank you."

Ziloh proceeded to go back to his chair, with his hand on his pocket.

Queen Kathy murmured something between her breath that Alyssa failed to comprehend.

As soon as the last words left Queen Kathy's lips, Ziloh stood abruptly from his chair and walked stiffly away from the room.

"Ziloh." Cliff called for his son. "Ziloh!" Cliff stood and followed his son.

The gift giving of the royals proceeded normally after Ziloh and Cliff left the room.

Alyssa sighted. Ziloh had always been a rebel, but she felt bad for him. She does not know why.

Alyssa observed the dagger on her hand as it glinted red from the light.


The flea market was unusually quiet. The street was empty of shoppers, and almost all of the store tents were closed.

It was in Sintopris'---Nowar's capital---central square where people gathered so early in the morning.

The palace was not the only one celebrating. The citizens had their own tradition of celebrating the founding of the Kingdom.

The sun has not yet risen but the central square was already filled with people.

Rainbow colored banners also hanged on every street. And all surrounding stores--- from bakeries to clothes--- posted a sign on their door announcing free gifts and discounts. People crowded the stores for any interesting deals.

And in front of the stores, on the sidewalk, were artists with a brush at hand. A sign was posted beside them that says 'Nowar's Sigil for two Rigs.'

Younger crowd fell in line to have a painting on their cheeks--- it was a green phoenix with six tails.

But the line on the one-day booth was longer than other stores. One would dare to say that the line was even longer than the road on flea market.

Luppy yawned due to lack of sleep. In contrast to his age, he was not interested in getting a painting on his face. He was more interested in the booth. He and his brother woke up at dawn just to be able to be at the front line. But as early as they were, there were already a long line of people in front of them.

"Is this worth the wait?" Elion crossed his arms on his chest. "You better go and get some sleep."

"No," Luppy slapped his cheeks to wake himself up. "We cannot miss this."

"It's been six hours," Elion was used to losing sleep from nighttime surveillance duties. "What is this all about?" Elion was wide awake compared to his brother.

"The lottery," Luppy shook his numb hands and feet. "they only do this every foundation day."

"How much is the price?" Elion observed that others were more prepared than them. They had tablecloths to sit unto and foods to eat. They were the veterans; they were the dedicated ones who did this every year.

"No," Luppy shook his head. "the price is death."

"You mean,"

"Yes," Luppy pressed his lips together. "to be one of them."

"Then why are we buying one?" Elion's brows furrowed as people who came from the slumps would never want to be turned into zombies, even if offered freely.

Men with black polos with the Kingdom's sigil on the breast pocket arrived. They began to prepare to open the lottery booth.

The crowd was awakened with their presence.

Luppy scratched his head for his oblivious brother. "Still, the two of us need to get one." Luppy glanced side to side before he whispered to his brother. "We're going to sell them."

"Hmm," Elion nodded, admiring the idea. "Selling it double the price. Good one."

"Tsk," Luppy tapped his nose. "Not just double." Luppy smirked, confident.

The man opened the booth as the people behind the line pushed themselves forward.

"Just. Buy. One." Luppy struggled as he was sandwiched between a man and his brother.

Elion noticed this as he stood tall and absorbed the push from behind to ease some space for Luppy.

"Here, take this." Luppy gave five Rigs to Elion.

The line moved faster than Elion expected as it was a fast transaction, to give five Rigs in exchange of a random ticket. One person could only buy one ticket each to accommodate as many people as possible.

"Last ten tickets." The lottery store announced.

"We better be lucky." Luppy counted the people in front of them. "Six. Seven." He pointed to himself and to his brother. "Okay," Luppy breathed out. "We're lucky."

The line moved fast as it was finally their turn, Elion observed Luppy as he gave five Rigs and randomly chose a ticket placed on the table. Elion did the same.

They stood beside the booth for the first few minutes as Elion read the ticket on his hand. A ticket that caused an uproar. It had a control number at the upper left corner and at the center was written:

'This ticket will entitle the holder to drink the water of the gods if drawn.' 

"Sold out!" The lottery vendor placed the tag on the table that says 'Closed'.

"Nooooo!." The woman who was cut in knelt on the floor and wailed. "I'm always able to buy one every year!" The woman sobbed.

The others who were behind the woman also expressed their disappointment. "Better camp in here next year."

"Yes, that would increase our chances. "A man seriously considered.

Luppy cleared his throat and slowly tapped the woman's back in sympathy.

Elion, unable to act, observed his brother beside the closed booth.

"It's okay," Luppy helped the woman to rise from the floor. "You can always try next year."

"No, you're young. You don't understand…" Ink like tears escaped from the woman's eyes. "I'll have another line of wrinkles next year!" The woman balled her eyes out.

"Well, if you really want it that bad." Luppy gestured for Elion to come closer. "I can offer my ticket for you. I can always try next year." Luppy gestured for Elion to comfort the woman.

"…yes. Next year." Elion patted the woman's shoulder awkwardly.

"I could offer it to you for five Rigs." Luppy said louder than needed.

"Really?" The woman stopped crying and wiped her tears away.

"Ten!" A man from the crowd offered. "I would offer you ten Rigs for that."

"Twenty, if you sell it to me." An older woman offered.

And so, it happened like a domino as the crowd offered their bets willingly--- one would be higher than the previous offer.

Elion saw the smile on Luppy's eyes and once again he was amazed at his younger brother. Elion had to admit that he himself was a coward when he was Luppy's age. Luppy would grow up better than Elion could ever be. Elion could already picture the bright future of the slumps under the leadership of his young brother. The successor of Brian had always been announced--- it was Elion. Life in the slumps was always not assured and making sure that the slumps would always have a leader had always been a priority. He was not sure before, but upon seeing his brother work, Elion was now sure that he would name his brother as his successor.

A few exchanges of offers took place until it reached five hundred Rigs. Luppy announced that they had two tickets, and someone easily offered to buy the other for the same price. 

Luppy was able to earn a thousand Rigs singlehandedly. Luppy was able to earn what was lost from processing Elion's passport.

"You're good." Elion disheveled Luppy's hair with a smile. "I'll name you as my successor once I get home." Once he succeeds in his mission.

"No," Luppy bowed his head. "Jay should be your right hand."

"No," Elion placed a hand on his brother's shoulder. "The slumps need someone like you."

"Really?" Luppy tapped his nose. "You think so?"

"Yes." Elion nodded

Luppy pondered for a moment before answering. "Okay. I'll accept the honor." Luppy saluted to his brother.

After walking on a secluded aisle and counting his earnings, Luppy asked his brother. "Do you want to watch the lottery? The winner will be announced later this afternoon."

 "Sure." Elion would like to see how ridiculous this lottery would be.