
He stared at the open doorway. He could see the hallway the doorway led to. Nothing blocked his view. 

He stared at the doorway and then looked around the room as he thought. "How did the door open on its own?"

The room was the same as it was before and the doorway remained empty. 

He focused his attention on the doorway and thought. "Doors can't open on their own. There has to be someone there!"

He continued to focus his attention on the doorway but it remained the same. It remained empty. 

He heard a click and quickly looked over toward the source. The straps holding him down had all been opened. He was free.

He sat up on the platform. He clenched his fingers together into his palm and then unclenched them as he thought. "How is this possible? I'm free?" As he sat up on the platform he looked at a desk in the back of the room he hadn't noticed before. 

On the desk was a strange device that illuminated a light. It was thin and flat. The device was bent in a ninety degree angle. Half of the device was on the surface of the desk while the other half was sticking upwards as it illuminated a light.

He continued to stare at the strange device. 

A voice suddenly said. "Cawn youw sea mea?" 

He said. "Sea?" He thought. "I recognize that word! But, I don't see a Sea." 

A figure suddenly materialized out of thin air. Their body was faced toward the strange device that illuminated a light which means the left side of their body was faced directly toward the man sitting on the platform. 

The man sitting down on the platform thought as he stared at the figure. "Invisibility?!"

The figure wore armor similar to the black, armored figures. However, the figure's armor was lighter with a different color design. The armor was mainly white instead of being completely black. It also had a light gray as a secondary color. The light gray covered the waist, the knees, the back of the legs, the elbows, the underarms, the edges of the chest piece, the glass that was part of the helmet, and even a crest on the figure's back. 

The crest was immediately recognizable. It was a hammer and an anvil. It made up a large portion of the man's back. 

The man sitting down on the platform thought as he stared at the crest. "A blacksmith?" He looked at the glass that was part of the helmet and attempted to make eye contact. He asked with curiosity. "Smith?"

The figure nodded. The figure, Smith, then looked at the open doorway. 

The man sitting down on the platform looked at the open doorway then back at Smith as he thought. "Is he waiting for something?" 

The room shook again. An explosion could be heard from beyond the room. 

Smith quickly rushed over to the door of the room. He pointed his right hand out into the hallway as he looked to the left and to the right. He looked back at the man who was sitting down on the platform and did a "come with me" motion with his left hand. 

The man who was sitting down on the platform thought. "He wants me to follow him?" He got off the platform and rushed over to the door where Smith was. 

Smith looked over to the right then looked back at the man behind him. He did a "come with me" motion with his hand again and then ran out into the hallway.

The man standing in the doorway thought. "So I need to go right then." He ran out into the hallway following after Smith. 

Smith ran through the hallway until he stopped at an intersection. He pointed his right hand out and looked in all directions. 

The man who was following Smith noticed something about Smith's right hand. All of Smith's fingers were bent with the pointer finger protruding outwards more than the rest. 

Smith looked back at the man following behind him. He did the "come with me" motion again with his left hand. 

Smith and the man following Smith turned right into another hallway. 

The man following Smith thought. "Is he right handed?"

Smith proceeded down the hallway as he constantly checked his surroundings. He stopped at another intersection. 

Before Smith could search the next hallway an explosion went off. The explosion could be heard clearer than the past ones. The ground suddenly shook beneath both men's feet.

The man who was following Smith suddenly lost balance. Smith caught him. 

Voices and footsteps could be heard from various hallways. Both the voices and footsteps started out faint but gradually began to get louder. 

Smith quickly looked at the other hallway then ran through the intersection to reach the other side of the hallway he was already in. 

The man following Smith ran after Smith as he thought. "He started moving faster. I need to try and keep up." 

Smith continued running through the hallway. He briefly stopped at another intersection. He looked into the other hallway and then ran into it. 

The man following Smith thought. "How can he run so fast? I can't keep up!" He continued to run until he made it to the intersection. He panted as he attempted to catch his breath. As soon as he finished panting he ran to his left into the other hallway. 

He stood in the other hallway and thought. "Where did he go?" The hallway extended forward but it was empty. Smith was nowhere to be found. 

He continued to stare at the empty hallway as he thought. "Where do I go now?" As he stood in the middle of the empty hallway he suddenly felt something penetrate the back of his right leg. He screamed out in pain and then quickly looked behind him. 

A figure clad in black metallic armor stood in the hallway. They carried the same strange weapon the other figures carried. 

He thought as he stared at the strange weapon. "It can hit me from a distance? What kind of weapon is that?" 

The figure fired another projectile from the strange weapon. The projectile tore through the left leg of the man standing in the middle of the hallway. 

The man who had been shot fell onto the ground. His legs gave out. He looked up at the figure from the floor. 

The figure walked toward the man on the ground. They pointed their strange weapon at the man's forehead.  

The figure was only a few steps away from the man but suddenly they stopped. A hole had appeared in their helmet. The figure fell onto the ground. 

The man on the ground looked around as he thought. "What? What just happened?" He felt something touch his right shoulder. He looked at his right shoulder but couldn't see anything touching it. 

A figure materialized out of thin air. They wore white metallic armor. One of the figure's hands was on the man's shoulder while the other was holding a strange weapon. 

The man on the ground said while surprised. "Smith?!" 

The figure nodded. 

The man on the ground attempted to get up. 

The figure, Smith, said. "Relacks. Down't mov. Iu'l traat youw."

The man on the ground looked up at Smith with a confused expression as he thought. "What? What are you saying?" 

Footsteps could be heard down the hallway where the black figure had appeared from. The footsteps gradually got louder and soon voices could be heard too. 

Smith looked at the end of the hallway where the footsteps and voices were coming from. He then looked at the man on the ground. He grabbed the man's right arm and slung it over his shoulder. He said to the man. "Wew're bowth gouing touw gat ouwt ov har."