Chapter 19: Preparations

Heather followed Jackson to one of the many storage rooms to grab shovels. The two didn't say anything to each other. Jackson grabbed two shovels and strapped them to his back. Heather grabbed some wooden posts, and the two headed towards the stairs. One the way to the stairs Jackson turned to Heather to ask a question.

"I hope you don't get tired easily," joked Jackson.

"Why do you say that?" asked Heather, concerned.

"I guess Chris never told you."

"Told me what?"

"There's over a thousand steps and it takes over thirty minutes to walk all the way up."

"Oh." said Heather with a disappointed sigh.

The two approached the set of stairs. Jackson continued forward while Heather stopped and looked up at the one thousand stairs.

"Hey! Wait up," exclaimed Heather running up the stairs to catch up to Jackson.

"Try not to run. You'll run out of energy before you get to the top," scolded Jackson.

"Sorry," apologized Heather. "I'm really sorry that you have to go through this. No one should have to dig a grave to bury the ones they love."

"Don't feel bad. We most likely going to break up after this trip anyway. We weren't on good terms anymore."

"Oh, I'm sorry," Apologized Heather once again.

"You don't have to apologize for everything," Jackson said, reminding Heather.

"I don't really know what else to say, and that is better than saying nothing."

"I guess, but I hate when people feel bad for me."

The two stopped talking after that. There wasn't much to talk about besides the intense number of stairs.

The two made it to the top of the stairs. Heather quickly realized her mistake. She chose to wear shorts to work outside. The top floor of the bunker was around thirty-eight degrees Fahrenheit. She began shivering uncontrollably.

"Don't worry, I made the same mistake you did my first time," explained Jackson laughing quietly.

"That doesn't help my problem," answered Heather.

"Once you put the suit on, you'll feel warmer. To be honest, you dressed appropriately. Those suits get pretty hot."

Jackson guided Heather over to the storage room full of suits. He helped her with finding a suit that fit her. Once they did, she put on the suit and mask that fit her. The mask made a hissing sound as it changed the air in the suit. Jackson put his suit on and they checked the radios were working.

"Can you hear me?" asked Jackson.

"Loud and clear, but why do we need radios?" Heather asked in response.

"They are soundproof like space suits."

"Makes sense," said Heather understandingly.

The two walked to the entrance and opened the door. As they were opening the door, Jackson took one of the shovels from his back and held it like he was getting ready to swing a baseball bat.

"Why are you doing that?" asked Heather.

"Last time someone was with me up here, I got jumped by bandits."

"I completely forgot about that," exclaimed Heather.

"I don't know how you could have. It was only a few days ago. We almost died!" retorted Jackson.

Once they got outside, Heather stood in disbelief at their new world.

"Staring at it isn't going to bring it back," said Jackson.

"So you're telling me that you didn't stare at it when you first went out here," said Heather.

"You're right. You may continue."

After a few minutes of staring, Heather turned around and began working. She measured out four, two and a half by eight foot rectangles on the ground. After she finished, Jackson handed her a shovel, and they began digging. Around noon time, the two had dug out two graves and began the next two. Jackson led Heather back into the bunker to another room off the main corridor. He flicked a switch and hot air began flowing out of the vents.

"Aren't we going to eat downstairs?" asked Heather.

"If you can walk down, eat, and be back in thirty minutes while maintaining your strength, then go for it. Otherwise you can stay up here where it's warm," said Jackson.

"Ok, you have a point."

Jackson grabbed his bag and pulled two boxes out. He handed one to Heather, and they began eating.

Francis left the group at breakfast and made his way to Alexis's room. He had already put some food in his bag for her. He arrived at her room and opened the door. Instead of her black overcoat and hood, she wore a green t-shirt and jean shorts.

"Where did you find those?" Francis asked.

"They were in the dresser so I borrowed them," she replied.

"They look good on you."

"Thank y- wait. What do you want now?"

Alexis reached into her back pocket and grabbed one of her knives and pointed it at him.

"Woah hold on!" said Francis with one hand in the air and the other in his bag reaching for the food. "Is it wrong for me to compliment you? Anyways, here's your food for this morning."

He handed her the food which she proceeded to tear open. After a few minutes she looked up at Francis, who was still standing there watching her.

"You don't have to stay here you know," she said, raising her voice.

"I also wanted to get to know you a little better," Francis said in reply.


"The more I know about you the better your odds of living are."

"How does that work out?" Alexis questioned.

"The more I know about you the easier it will be to defend you verbally if needed," answered Francis.

"Not sure if I follow but you give me no choice so ask away."