Chapter 20: Confrontation

"Who were you in your past life?" Francis.

"In my past life I was Alexis Zeiss. I was a Highschool senior from Pennsylvania with a scholarship to a big college. My family was taking a trip down to Texas when we stopped for a day trip here in Kentucky. We decided to go on this bunker tour with a thousand other people. Then, this happened."

"I'm sorry you lost so much," said Francis sympathetically. 

"It's not like we can do anything about it," Alexis said with a sigh.

"Yeah. I'm probably one of the most hated people in the world."

"Why's that?" asked Alexis.

"My father was the one who made all of this happen."

"As much as I want to be mad, you're not the one to blame. What he did was not anything you had control over," Alexis said.

"It's just that I feel betrayed by his actions," Francis responded.

"I could only imagine how you feel," Alexis said sympathetically.

"Hey, enough about me. This is supposed to be about you. How did you end up in this bunker?" Francis asked.

"I told you already, Jerome left me here."

"How did you end up going along with Jerome?" Francis asked again.

"He promised more food and a better life and asked anyone capable of fighting to come with. My parents were the ones who encouraged me to come here." said Alexis crying.

"Hey don't cry. I'm here if you ever need someone," said Francis, putting his arm around her.

Within seconds Alexis put her head on Francis's shoulder and closed her eyes.

After a while Francis had to go get lunch. He slowly lifted off of him and laid it down on the bed. He got up and left the room. On the way to the cafeteria He ran into Chris.

"Hey, where've you been all day? We're trying to make funeral preparation," asked Chris.

"I'm sorry, I wasn't feeling good today so I went to lay down," Francis lied.

"Are you feeling any better?"

"No not really. I was going to set up the lunches and then go back to sleep," Francis said.

"Well sorry to keep you awake. I hope you feel better by tomorrow," shouted Chris, walking away.

"Thanks," said Francis, smiling.

Francis continued walking to the cafeteria to do his job. Once he got there he left the food for the others and took his food and a box for Alexis back to the bedroom.

"Where were you?" asked Alexis.

"I still have a job to do here," he replied.

"How am I supposed to know that. You scared me."

"Sorry," Francis apologized. "I brought you some food."

"Thank you," She said, tearing open the box.

"Let me ask you. Was the food any different at your bunker?" Francis asked.

"Yeah, it was terrible. This food is much better," Alexis replied.

"Interesting," Francis thought to himself. 

After she finished eating, Alexis put her head back onto Francis's shoulder.


The door flew open and a black-haired girl stood in the doorway with her sword drawn.

"What do you think you're doing?" asked Heather in a loud voice.

Alexis was startled by the commotion and jumped up and grabbed her knives and pointed them at Heather.

"What I'm doing is none of your concern, now if you don't mind. Please leave." ordered Alexis.

"It is my concern when it looks like you're trying to seduce my friend over there," replied Heather.

"Heather stop, everything is ok. She means us no harm," interjected Francis.

"How can you be so sure?" asked Heather.

"Because she shares the same story as you, me ,and Chris."

Heather stopped trying to argue. She lowered her sword and sheathed it. She felt bad for what she just did. She walked over to Alexis and tried to give her a hug.

"What are you doing?" yelled Alexis. "You can't just come in here and threaten us with a sword and then expect me to hug you. That's not how this works!"

"I'm sorry," apologized Heather, realizing her mistake.

"Heather, do me a favor and don't tell Chris about her," asked Francis.

"Why not?"

"Chris will kill her, Literally. I should have told you this first. She was one of Jerome's grunts."

"WHAT!" exclaimed Heather, raising her sword again.

"Don't worry, I'm nothing like him. He brainwashed all of his grunts and then he left us behind. I would've died if it hadn't been for Francis," Alexis stated.

"So you're one of the good ones?" asked Heather, slowly lowering her sword.

"Pretty much," replied Alexis.

"Well it's nice to have another girl in this bunker. I was starting to get lonely," stated Heather.

"If you're lonely then go take a shower with Chris or something," joked Francis.

"I told you to forget about that!"

"So you have the same shower problem as I did in my old bunker?" asked Alexis.

"What was the shower problem?" asked Heather.

"People were doing really dirty things in the showers. It made it so no one could take a shower in peace."


"From what I've heard it is," replied Alexis.

"He's probably brainwashing you," said Heather.

"Sure whatever," sighed Francis.

"Hey why don't we try to introduce Alexis to Chris?" asked Heather. " If he tries to attack we can defend her."

"Do you know how to use a sword?" Francis asked Alexis.