Chapter 21: A Fight Between Ideas

Alexis was confused by this question.

"Yeah, I think I can," she replied. "Why do you ask?"

"If you're confronting Chris, you're gonna need it," said Francis. "He's a good swordsman."

"Good isn't a strong enough word. He's incredible," exclaimed Heather.

"I think I can handle it," Alexis said reassuring the two.

Alexis picked up Heather's sword and strapped it to her back. Francis found this surprising. This was the same way Chris wore his swords.

"Are we ready?" asked Alexis.

"It's up to you,'' Francis replied.

Taking a deep breath, Alexis pushed open the door and began walking down the hall to the cafeteria.

Chris had been sitting in the cafeteria for most of the day. He would periodically go to the garden room so that heather couldn't yell at him. Suddenly the door to the cafeteria opened and three teens entered the room. Chris had recognized Francis and Heather but he couldn't identify the third.

"Who the hell are you?" asked Chris, reaching for his sword.

"Her name is-," Francis started, he was quickly cut off by Alexis who stepped forward.

"My name is Alexis, I was one of Jerome's grunts before he abandoned me. I wish to seek refuge here."

"How dare you come asking for mercy after working for that son of a bitch!" screamed Chris walking towards her with his sword drawn.

"I see, you prefer to speak with your actions. I'm looking forward to it," said Alexis smiling.

She reached behind her and drew her sword and extended her right arm with the sword pointed out far right.

"Your punishment shall be death." stated Chris.

"We'll see about that," replied Alexis.

Chris stopped and entered his stance. Alexis continued walking towards him. Without a second thought, Chris lunged forwards striking at Alexis's left side. Without hesitation, she moved her blade to intercept the strike. Chris repositioned himself and swung at her right shoulder. Once again, she moved and blocked the blow, creating a shower of sparks. Chris began to pick up speed, now swinging much faster. Still without breaking a sweat, Alexis parried every blow.

Chris swung with an upward motion, hoping to surprise her, but despite his efforts she was prepared. She hit him with the blunt of blade. Hoping this move would end the battle but to her surprise Chris seemed unfazed.

"Now this is a fight." said Chris with excitement, breathing heavily.

Chris swung with another upward motion but this time sparks flew which startled Alexis causing her to jump. All of Alexis's confidence left her as her arms began shaking. Francis realized that Alexis can't take much more of this.

"Chris, stop, let her explain herself," Francis said frantically.

Chris looked at Francis, angered by the words.

"And what makes you think I can trust her," yelled Chris.

Just as Francis was about to respond, Chris swung at Alexis again, knocking her over. Francis was now furious. He could feel the hatred in his best friend and he could understand the emotions running through his head. He agreed with most of them yet, he still couldn't bring himself to hate Alexis.

"I guess you're not as strong without your boss doing all the heavy lifting for you." said Chris, laughing quietly.

"I already told you I regretted every minute of it," cried Alexis.

"Yeah just like I'm going to regret removing your head from your neck."

Chris raised his sword high above his head. In a quick motion, he brought his sword down aimed at Alexis neck, but it stopped short. Chris, a long silver object, obstructed the blade. He traced the silver object with eyes which lead to Francis's arm stretched out, blocking Chris from slicing Alexis's head.

"What do you think you're doing?" asked Chris in an angry tone.

"I'm protecting an innocent life," Francis replied.

"She's not exactly someone I'd call innocent," said Chris.

"Then what exactly would you call her," asked Francis out of curiosity.

"I don't think I will be able to trust her just yet. I believe she has to prove herself first," he replied.

"And how do you suppose she can do that?"

"I'm not sure yet. I'll think of something."

"I think we're done here," said Francis sheathing his sword.

Chris turned to Alexis.

"I guess I have no choice but to let you live with us, but I am warning you. If you don't carry your own weight here, we will remove you," said Chris with an authoritive voice.

"I would hope so. I would want to live in a place with a leader who can't be strict," replied Alexis.

"Chris, I think we should be getting to bed soon. We need to be ready for the funeral tomorrow," said Heather.

"What funeral?" asked Alexis.

"It's for the people who've died so far," said Heather.

"How many have died?" Alexis asked.

"Four. Two during the disaster and two during your attacks," said Chris.

"I'm sorry to hear that."

During their conversation, Chris became more open to Alexis. He realized that she indeed, wasn't a monster like Jerome was and that she could be trusted. As they were walking away Chris had one thing he wanted to ask.

"Hey! Are you two sleeping together or something? I mean, Francis, your room is in the opposite direction," joked Chris.

"That's none of your business!" replied Francis.

"I take that as a yes," joked Chris turning to Heather.

The two walked back to their room laughing at what Chris had said earlier.

"What you said was payback for all the times he said those things about us," said Heather laughing.

"Yeah, I guess you're right," replied Chris.

The two entered Chris's room. Without thinking Heather began changing into her sleep attire.

"Hey, what are you doing," said Chris shielding his eyes.

Heather looked down at herself in confusion.

"What's wrong? I didn't think I was doing anything wrong," said Heather.

"Don���t you think this is a little inappropriate that you're undressing in front of a guy," said Chris, still shielding his eyes.

"We're practically married," replied Heather.

"No we're not," said Chris.

"We eat together, sleep together, take showers together, and other things."

"Just because we do stuff together, doesn't mean we're married," stated Chris

"We could be, if you wanted," Heather said playfully.

"Yeah but no."

"Well then who the hell are you going to marry. Your choices are very slim," asked Heather.

"Well let's see, we have A-"


"I think the problem is that I'm not ready to commit to being married. So much has change in the past two weeks, it's a lot to take in. I think it's best if we take things slow," said Chris.

"I guess you do have a point," replied Heather.

Chris got changed and rolled into bed. As usual he moved himself so that his back was touching the wall making room for Heather. As uncomfortable as it was for him, he quickly got used to it. Some nights he wished she'd sleep in her own room, but despite his efforts, she still ended up sleeping in his room. They both said goodnight to each other and went to sleep.