Chapter One Hundred And Ninety-six: Make Me

Maya's point of view 

Niklaus' jaw was clenched tight as he led me out of the restaurant. He didn't even glance back at me, just walked straight ahead to the car and dumped me in like I was a sack of potatoes.

I get that he was angry and I knew how much of a bastard he could be when furious, but could he be a little bit gentle.

He got into the seat beside me and Micheal, his favorite chauffeur drove off.

The drive home as expected was quiet. No one dared to make a sound with this kind of tension hanging around. But the silence was torturous and Niklaus wasn't looking at me. He just gazed out through the window, making me wonder what was going in that mind of his.

I remained mum, sometimes silence was a better form of communication. With what happened tonight, temper was sure to fly if I dared open my mouth.