Chapter One Hundred And Ninety-seven: Send You Abroad

Niklaus' point of view

I watched her as she slept, running my hands through her hair soothingly. Last night had been a night of pleasure, there was no doubt that Maya was made for me. She knew just the right way to drive me over the edge and I loved every bit of it.

But I was troubled, I had broken the deal with my father, and knowing the kind of person he was, there was surely going to be repercussions for that. I had not exactly been inconspicuous during the rescue yesterday.

When I heard the news from Judy that Sakuzi had captured Maya and not only that, wanted to make her his woman, I lost it. I was so angry that I couldn't think straight. God knows that I would have killed Sakuzi if not that Maya's safety was compromised.

I thought being away from her would lessen the bond between us but it ignited the attraction between us further.