The Calm Before th Storm - Part 2

Those eyes locked into hers as if they were sucking her soul whenever she looks at it. A couple of minutes passed by, she finally blinked.

He noticed it as the corners of Luke's lips turned up slightly, and spoke, "How long have you been writing?" those words were said with amusing tone.

"I woke up early at around 3 am and finish it in five hours." She yawned, drying her hair with a towel.

"Not even breakfast?"


He made a chuckle, while she gave him a glare. Writing can be exhausted y' know.

"Well then, better get ready before the clock strike at 7:30 pm. We wouldn't want our Boss to get mad, won't we?"

Aria scoffed, as she combed her hair in few seconds and quickly grabbed her things, and leaned over the other corner to pick up her manuscripts that had already finished printing.

She had already changed her uniform, after her bath. But breakfast is an exception. She never had time to cook and dig in, waiting for more couple minutes. She wondered if Trish's Cafè shop is available.

"I'm ready."

Luke raised his eyebrows and gazed at the open door that hasn't locked yet.

Oh right, the keys.

She dashed again to her room and pick up her keys then, finally she locked the door.

Both of them went out of the apartment.

As they arrived outside, she was not surprised to see a blue car parked in front of the yard. She knew it belonged to him. Ever since she met him, she found out he worked for the same company as she has. He didn't hesitate and kindly give her a ride whenever they headed to their work. At first, she kindly refused his offer. 

But in the end, he won the argument. 

It wasn't like he had a family or friends to company with. He is willing to have a nice friend like her to go with, in fact, he was always alone in the apartment. She still couldn't understand why he treats her kindly and being nice to her.

This time she rode his car heading to work. 

Aria placed the manuscripts and her other things at the back seat of the car and moved to the right seat beside the driver seat. She grabbed the seat belt and adjusted it then, tuck it on. She turned around and found Luke gazed at her while sitting across from her. Why is he looking at me like that?

She blinked to Luke and say. "What?"

"Nothing." He blinked and cursed on his thoughts. 'I'm losing it again.' He couldn't understand why he was feeling this way. He had confirmed one thing—he had confirmed that he had grown more feelings on her. The strings were there: whenever they talked, on how they gazed each other and treated one another. 

He vaguely remembered how he felt the first time he'd seen her through when she came at the apartment. It was strong and unbearing; he couldn't stand the attention she gave to him. He didn't know if she had noticed it nor know his feeling yet. But, he made sure that there would be one day, he will show his feelings and confess to her.

"Since you haven't taken your breakfast. Where are you going to buy for it?" he turned the keys and started the engine. 

"I wonder if Trish's Cafe shop is available. I'm missed one of her pastries and I'm sure I am craving whenever I think of it."  there was an eagerness on her eyes when she mentioned the pastries. It would be to a little rude to go there with him. 

Luke chuckled and started to drive towards the said shop. The Cafe was barely a mile away. It took only five minutes to get there. When they reached the area, Aria saw the shop was opened, and couldn't wait and tell Luke to go and park and she would take order for the meals. 

The pleasant smell of freshly baked cakes and some brewed coffee in the air, filled her nose as her stomach growled by smelling it. The shop was filled with many customers, chattering away lightheartedly, enjoying their meal and doing their business. 

In the corner, Aria saw Trish holding a tray and serving the customers. "Bon Appetít!" 'Enjoy your meal'. she greeted them with a wide smile on her face, before whisking away from their tables. 

When both of them entered the shop, they didn't know the time had already past 7:30 am. 

Another order with a cappuccino, coffee chains and morphed into mochaccinos, frappuccinos and pumpkin-spice-doughnut-flavoured caffeinated milkshakes. Trish wiped her sweat across her forehead with the back of her palms. "Mad Cranberry Delight and Vanilla Milkshakes coming right up!" she announced.

Smiling, Trish balanced a tray of pastries on one arm and two milkshakes on another, walking towards another table.

The doorbell chimed to see a new couple customer entered the shop with the same uniform; one was a tall, broad guy with tousled black hair and the other was a short, skinny girl with ebony hair. The two familiar figures caught Trish's attention.

"Trish!"Aria exclaimed and ran towards her.

"Watch out!" Trish yelled out and hold her tray simultaneously in tight; which was filled with milkshakes. She made sure these items wouldn't fall off due to her obstinacy. 

Aria made a grin, and tried to reach out the other tray that has pastries and cheesecakes on it. 

"Oh no, no... .no! That is not for you. If you are going to steal some, you will have the responsibility to make it." Trish trying to raise the tray away from her. It was a good thing, she was short. 

"I'm trying to help you so I could have some." Aria diverted her gaze and looked at the pastries with ease.

"Ahuh, I don't think so."


Trish sighed, and say, "Fine, make sure you serve that on table 8." 

"Will do."

Aria could smell the aroma of the pastries and decided to do what Trish asked, then gave the order to the customer. While Luke waited in the corner, who seemed to be amused by her actions. 

In the middle of serving, she grabbed some pastries on the counter and ate some, trying hard to not let Trish notice but got scolded in the end. She continued what she has to do, forgetting the time from her work. 

Suddenly, shrill screams were heard from outside.

The customers wondered, 'what was going on.' until everyone started to run elsewhere in panic. This made Aria and other servers including Trish to halt from what they're doing. 

People from outside started to faint for some reason. Some started to cough, and some were struggling to breathe. No one knew that those people fainted had caught a high fever. 

Aria suddenly began to sneeze for some reason then, a dull ache instantly went through her head. Her face twisted in agony, in headache. Luke who had been watching her in awhile, called her out with worry.
