When Forever Doesn't Lasts Long - Part 1

Somewhere from far away, a place named Wuhan. A1964 laboratory hideout from the underground.

A black bat with pale red eyes lay lifeless in the middle of the laboratory. Several electric wires were latched at the poor animal. An entire block of computer monitors regulated the specimen's vital statistics.

In the corner, there were two figures on stretchers, one has an oxygen mask covering his face and the other was a female with a white robe, holding a script as her head glanced at it then turned down while writing some notes. She must have the records of that little fella.

Once the bat woke up, the man with mask and gloves had injected something unto it. Spreading the wings and press the needle against it. It tries to wiggle away from its hold but later on, it stopped and lay lifelessly.

They were not only experiment the bat, but also the other species, such as rats, monkeys, hamsters, snakes, birds n etc. No one knows what they were experimenting, other than scientists, who only knows what they'd invented and injected at those species.

But they knew that they were performing something big and riskier than from something they shouldn't have done.

Outside the fogged glass doors, another two silhouettes arguing while a young woman walking past them.

She was hirely new volunteered scientist. Ever since after she graduated from her college. She almost couldn't believe that she was taken for a job from one of her professors that had been doing an experiment for his laboratory in many years. She remembered how he complimented her at first then, straight to the job. Her mind swirled with flashbacks about what he said,

"Celia, the way how you work with ethics and responsiveness that proves me and lectures me that you are more than a beginner. Just like how professionals workers and to take things seriously would be. Your works are beyond ordinary." He praised her with a wide fake smile.

"Erm, thank you. Dr. Vanderwall. I found your lectures so interesting which is hard for me not to listen." She half-lied. She knew his lectures weren't interesting than the other way around but he doesn't know that. She utterly pondered to where he might be going about. He shouldn't be praised for no reason, but he seems more have other purposes in mind than a simple accolade.

"Yes, yes you're right. As you know I work for A1964 laboratories." he paused for a while, as if his next words would be momentous in a terrible way. He looked around at the passing people before turning his attention back to her and spoke softly, not letting others to hear their conversation.

His next words spoken in slow and with the smallest hints of clandestine secrecy. "My team and I have started a project. I couldn't mention what it is about because it's too risky right now. We really need someone, that could use for an assistant. And I think you are the perfect person for the job."

She almost bursts in laughter from his offer and her features show a hint of disapproval. "But sir, wouldn't you want someone who trained more and had more experience than me? I just got out of the college and you just-"

"As I said earlier, your work ethic and professionalism have made an impression to me. You will be a great help besides, some young blood would help us as well." his word laced with all seriousness.

It took her some time to accept the offer. Now, here she was. She found out they've been doing something more dangerous than she'd ever thought.

The sounds of arguments break out of her thoughts. A familiar gruff voice ranged through her ears.

"Have you done the deed?" she recognized the voice from Dr. Vanderwall said.

"Yes, I did what you told me so. Although, I haven't found the vaccine yet."

"Insolent" a cold horrid voice hissed. "Inject it to the animal, check if it really dies from that virus."

"But sir-" the doctor wanted to decline. He feared that this man would do something terrible.

"Do it."

After a few days, Celia discovered his ill intentions. He wanted to spread the virus over the world and had a contract with someone which he had agreement recently. She determined that someone has the higher authority and influenced others. Or perhaps, a powerful leader who maybe had so much hatred to humanity. Surely, he might want to wipe us out against these chemicals.

Therefore, it's not only millions of people will die but billions.

Several more days had passed, the poor bat didn't make it out alive. Once they noticed it wasn't moving anymore, they decided to throw it out on a nearby forest.

No one will know they had killed an innocent bat.


After several days had passed, the bat they thought who was supposed to be dead, began to stir. It flatters its wings then, sleep again from exhaustion. Its wings and its little body was still sore.

Time flies fast, it started to fly as if it's fully awake and alive. Noticing that its surroundings had changed, there's only one thought consumed its little mind: I'm free!

It leapt happily and began digging some fruits from its way.

Few months had passed, the little guy made a family and continued to spread with its babies. They began to grow and healthy with their little wings flipping and flapping. Some leaned their little heads to their parents to beg some food. While others playing hide and seek.

When they're spending time with their family, a dark shadow hovered them from above. It was a huge net, falling unto them.

All of them got scared and tried to spread their wings to escape. But tragically, their wings were trapped from the net. No matter how much they struggle, they seemed to lose their way out.

Huge hands grasped their wings. Their parents tried to break away to help their babies but not to avail. They wanted to bite and scratch them. However, they're so weak and small.

Click. Click.

Something clipped on their wings. Its grip was hard. And it hurted a lot. Especially, for the babies. They cried out from the pain, with their wailing tweets. Their parents couldn't do anything but watch them in tears.

A man voiced out from the darkness.

"Look at this! It's so big and chubby. I've never expected we'll found so many babies. I think we hit a jackpot." the man couldn't help but grin non-stop. His thoughts filled about gaining money and looking at them as if they caught a treasure.

The other voice said excitedly, "This'll make us so rich. I can't wait. Hurry up, let's clean them and fry out. People love this stuff."

Both individuals couldn't wait to cook and sell them to the market.

Those bats already had disfigured. Selling their wings impaled with a stick. Their heads, tails and feet.

Those poor fellas did nothing more but ended their lives by falling into people's stomach.

Usually, Everyone loves street foods.

They were tasty and mouthwatering. It has high quantities of carbohydrates and fats. Even though, it's unhealthy. We couldn't help and eat them as much as we want. Just because we like them.

We never know that it will end our lives someday.

Little do you know those bats had virus injected them? Oh wait, it's not only bats but animals who were also touched by them.

Who knows it could be fish, rats, pigs, scorpions, snakes, urchins, and other seafood that might be got infected.

Until. . .

one day, the world turned into chaos.

Thousands or millions of news was spreading of the world.

"The world-famous Huanan seafood market in Wuhan was infected with a virus from an animal."

"The mysterious virus spreading from that first cluster in the capital of China's Hubei province to a pandemic that has killed about 211,000 people so far."

"This virus is extremely dangerous. It actually spread by touch."

"People are dying every day."

"More and more cases every seconds and minute. Infections rising in 21 states."

"This virus is serious. No vaccine has been discovered."

The virus continues to spread in populated areas, especially in tight compacted spaces it is easier to get sick.

People were getting paranoid and started to go nuts in shopping. In stores, they mostly run out with alcohol, vitamins c, toilet papers, hand sanitizers and much more.

The scientists trying hard to unravel these species and how it passes to humans. They're trying hard because knowing how the pandemic starts are the key to find the cure as possible.

Some people never believed this stuff and never aware that these viruses continue to spread. They think it's just fake or made up. Who knows they got infected just because they didn't follow the rules of locking down some areas.

Even some people never believe but listen to the rules and get quarantine to avoid the spread.

Who knows people nowadays were stubborn and reckless more than we are.

This virus is very deadly and has already infected thousands and killed thousands. Soon there will be millions infected maybe even a billion if this virus wouldn't stop. If we couldn't find the vaccine asap, who knows maybe it will completely wipe the human race out, for once in all.

Was the world ready for this?

Will we survive it all?