Emiko and Ms.Nakamura are talking at the side of the school, when Eito saw them while he is passing by, Ms.Nakamura make Eito get away from Emiko, because she was still talking to her, but Eito saw Emiko starting to cry and he thinks that she is being scolded.
"Jeez, Emiko is crying in front of Ms.Nakamura. Maybe I can ask Emiko by myself for that, and also I can be a help for her too... huh? Oi! Toshi!"
While he was thinking about what happen to Emiko, he saw Toshiaki walking in the same direction in front of him.
"Oi, Toshi!"
"Oh hey Eito..."
"Huh? You look worried, what's wrong?"
"Well I... am just worrying about your friend Emiko, it seems she lost it last time at our PE day."
"Wait what? What do you mean?"
"I just heard it from our other classmates, that she left during school time that day, and she was seen by our guard, but the worst part, is she is not present yesterday and now the teachers think she was avoiding to be sent to the guidance, that's why they assume that she really intent to skip class yesterday."
"Oh I see, but there is no reason for you to get so worried though."
"Wait, me? *fake laugh* No, I'm not worried, since she is not my friend though, but I'm worried about you Eito."
"Huh? Worried for me?"
"N-nothing... so I'm heading to our classroom Eito, see ya there."
"Huh, o-okay..."
Toshiaki heads to their classroom, but he still looks so uneasy. While Eito left behind, he still waits for Emiko, but Ms.Nakamura's scolding got so long.
"Man, they are taking it too long... so Emiko violates a school rules huh? But I know that, there is a very reasonable for her to cry, but I don't think that is not enough for her to be left in tears though, or she just carried away by her emotions now. Well, I'm heading to classroom now, they are taking too much time for me to wait."
And so, Eito also headed to his classroom, while Emiko and Ms.Nakamura are still talking on the outside.
"Emiko, just tell me... why did you leave that day?"
"I-I just get bored, Ms.Nakamura."
"For God's sake Emiko, if you just tell me the real reason, then I should have been teaching you now... playing tough, but you are crying right now, so there must be an another reason for that."
Emiko just silence herself , then Ms.Nakamura just walk away, but her face is still mad at Emiko.
After they talk, Ms.Nakamura gets into her classroom, and followed by Emiko, when Emiko opens the door, Eito looks nervous and his face wants to say a word to her but he can't because he felt that Emiko is not in a mood today, after that, Emiko was approaching her seat beside Eito since they are seat mates, while her eyes looking somewhere away from Eito.
"W-wait is she avoiding me? She could have look at me, perhaps we are seat mates, but she don't really seem in a mood to talk today... but, I will still try it."
*a few hours later*
While their teacher attend the meeting on the teachers faculty, Eito grabs the chance to invite Emiko to talk at the rooftop.
Eito writes something on a piece of paper and he puts it at the table of Emiko.
"*sigh* I know she is not in a mood always, but I know she will not refuse that, since she asked me to be her friend."
But Emiko just ignores the paper.
"Huh? Seems like she didn't notice it... psst psst."
When Emiko hears Eito getting her attention, she looks at the paper and then she tears it by half.
*rips rips*
"Huh?! She refused?! And not just that, she also tears the paper that I gave to her like she also got too irritated for what I did."
After seeing her tearing the paper, Eito just look away and just stares at the blackboard. A few hours later, Ms.Nakamura comes in and announce a early dismissal, due to reasons of the teachers staff.
*school bell rings*
All students headed to cafeteria, almost all of them are excited after they heard that it is early dismissal at the current day.
*Toshiaki approaches Eito*
"Oi, Eito let's go."
"S-sorry, Toshi, but I don't feel eating today and~"
"Come on Eito, we could talk about her at the cafeteria okay?... and you know, after being her scolded by Ms.Nakamura, well she needs time to recover and be alone for a moment."
"You sure? *stares at Emiko* *sigh* okay, lead the way Toshi."
"HAHA let's go now!"
"Huh? He looks so cheerful this time, but he was just look so uneasy earlier."
When the pair got out of the classroom, Toshiaki leads Eito to the library, and Eito was confused because Toshiaki invites him to the cafeteria.
The two were sitting at the table. Toshiaki is reading a book that is so very unusual to him, that leaves Eito to a confusion.
*both are having a quiet conversation due to library rules*
"Oi Toshi"
"I thought we're going to eat some food? And not just that, you are reading a book like you got hit some weirdness in your brain."
"Shut up Eito, isn't this a good time to study hard? And I thought you are not in a mood to eat, so why don't we just study here quietly."
"Sheesh, okay Toshi, I will just go with your weirdness actions."
After reading some books for minutes, they headed to the classroom, and while heading to classroom, the two are having a conversation.
"Jeez Toshi, why we spend half of our time at reading books if we could just stay at our classroom and rest."
"Well Eito, I have something to tell you that nobody needs to hear."
"Huh? What's that?"
"The day of our PE, and when you got pair with Natsumi, I saw Emiko heading back inside the building and while we were playing a badminton match, I saw her at our classroom, staring you two like she was like uhmm.."
"Huh? Just like..."
"Anyway, you should talk things through, seems like you did a bad thing on her, you should know yourself first, before you assume that she is just in a mood swing."
"Huh? You sound like a genius man now Toshi, you really are strange today. And you also think that I don't know why you are studying hard eh? Your parents was requesting a tutor for you, am I right?"
"Well yeah, but this time it's different..."
"Different? How?"
"*sigh* never mind that, let's just head back to the classroom."
"O-okay... 'but he's right, I should know myself if I did some mistakes on Emiko, but I don't remember any things that can make her mad, if I could just ask her."
The pair finally arrives at their classroom, but Eito finds Emiko is not there. When Eito waiting for the class to begin, he saw Emiko rushing in to the classroom and Natsumi was chasing her like she was begging something.