Bir Transportation Company

Next day,

I was thinking about how to earn money. There were many job offers which were good but not interesting. I was looking for a job which can attract well-known business people. So, I went outside to try my luck.

Just half an hour away there was a small industrial area. I went there hoping to do something. I know that many businessmen are opening their factories and selling their products. I saw a snack food production department. Near to the building, laborers were unloading the potato, onion, and other ingredients. There were 4 trucks and a group of 4 men was unloading the truck. I saw a supervisor, who was managing his worker.

I went next to him and asked,

"Is there any work that is suitable for me? "

He glanced at my body from top to bottom and laughed,

"even you look muscular, but with your appearance, you won't be able to do the work properly, so get out and don't disturb our work!"

I was kinda angry, that he was looking down on me. Then, I asked how long those men took to empty the whole truck. He said it will take them around 1 hour.

I smirked and said

" give that task to me, I will do it in 20 minutes alone"

First, he was quiet after hearing my words, suddenly he laughed again and louder. even the people next to him laughed. I told him, "I am serious."

He said " Fine! I give them 1000 nepos per truck for unloading, so if you can empty a truck alone then I will give you 10,000 nepos." But he thought that I could not even carry the 10 sacks of goods from the truck.

I was eager to use my power. and this must be the perfect place for training cause I don't have expenses for the gym or other martial art training. I stood in front of him and wore a worker dress. He was looking at the time app on his mobile.

Other workers also paused their work and started watching me. He said, "Your time starts now!!!"

I ran towards the truck and there were lots of sacks. It must be around 100. So, I picked one, it feels so light. and not heavy. I picked another on my shoulder. It was still light. Then, I carried 2 sacks in my left shoulders and another 2 in my right. Although I can carry more but it might fall.

I started to run towards the storage room and unload the sacks. I was doing it so fast that many people were cheering me on. And the supervisor's face was full of sweat. He must be thinking, how did I do it?

After 15 MINUTES,

I emptied the truck. I was standing right in front of him. The supervisor was surprised by my strength. I told him I had completed my task and I think I did within 20 minutes.

"Can I receive my reward now?"

He was standing still and started to show respect to me. He smiled and said

"yeah, you won the bet! I didn't know that you are so powerful, I hope you can work here full time and you don't have to worry about the money!"

He was thinking, if I can unload the truck within a few minutes, then he doesn't have to provide money to all workers and can preserve the time. He even thought that I could also work as a security guard because I am too strong.

I thought this must be a perfect opportunity to get more attention from business people and also help me to increase my strength. I said

"Ok, you can provide me with a suitable salary and services, I will be happy to work with….."

Suddenly, A hand touched my shoulder. I turned around and it was a guy who looked so handsome with red hair, a white face, and a cool smile. I was like he must be a rich son from this company.

I greeted him and said, " Don't worry, I will work in your company."

Hearing my words he looked confused and even the supervisor was confused. The supervisor said, " Aren't you going to work here?"

I told him " Yeah, aren't you guys related, he is from this company right ?"

And pointed towards him. The supervisor's mouth was full wide and he shouted

"What are you saying ? Do you know who he is? He is the CEO of Bir Transportation Company, how can you compare this small factory with his?"

I was shocked because I heard Bir Transportation Company is one of the top 4 powerful companies in the Birdesh country but why the CEO of Bir Transportation Company is here.

I started to show more respect to him. I asked

"How can I help you?"

He said, "you don't have to be formal with me, I saw your challenge and the strength you displayed. I want to have a private talk with you"

and he looked at the supervisor and said: " Is there any problem taking him with me ?"

The supervisor was scared and said, " No, no you can take him, he is lucky that he can talk to you."

Then I asked him to wait cause I have to change my dress and after changing the dress, I went towards the supervisor and asked him for reward money. His face looked sad and gave the money to me. He must be thinking "I lose a golden laying goose today"

Then I followed the handsome guy. he looked at me and said " oh I forgot to introduce myself, My name is Nethan Anvil, and I am the CEO of Bir Transportation Company, and he forward his hand to me for a handshake and I said "my name is Juvial Senh" and did the handshake with him.

My inner heart was full of joy because I was talking to the most powerful person in my country. I asked him " Where are we going ?"

He said " let's talk about this in my car. "

Suddenly a 4 guard came around surrounding us. In front of us, there were 4 luxurious FMW cars lined up. That type of car is so expensive and rare to see on the public road.

We entered the car. He glared at me and said, " Where did you get the crystal power?"

I was startled that he found out about the crystal power but I am not using crystal power, my power is mysterious and I don't want to reveal it to anyone.

I was sweating and thinking of making an excuse.

I said " what are you talking about? Are you saying the mysterious power crystal that changes people into superhuman like in movies, is that even real?"

His face looked serious and said, " Don't You joke with me, tell me the truth !"

But I don't want to reveal my secret to anyone, or what if they put me in a lab and tried to take out the power that I have been dreaming to obtain from childhood.

Nethan quickly grabbed a box from the back seat. A PCI word was printed over the box and took out a small syringe. He grabbed my hand but I tried to pull back and I couldn't. I thought I was powerful enough to deal with a normal human but his hand was so much more powerful than mine. He Must be a Power crystal user. He injected a syringe and took out my blood, then he put it on the box and said, " Just wait, how long you can lie to me!"

After a few minutes, I heard a beep sound, it was from a box. and there was a word saying negative. I was totally unaware of what was happening to me. Nethan's eyes were full of a surprise after seeing the result. He was shouting

"How is this possible, is the machine broken but I have never seen this machine showing fault results!"

He gave me a doubtful look and said, " HOW DID YOU become so strong?"

I was scared that he knew I had some power. So I have to make a fake reason to clear the suspicion.

I said " Actually two years ago, I met an old man who lived in the Mahakal region. He said he will make me powerful. then I started to live with him in the forest for a month. he used to give me the herbal medicine and do some kind of experiment on my body and later I realized I became so strong"

After hearing my words he said," where can I meet the old man,?"

It seems he was interested in visiting the old man but that story is just my excuse to distract him. I said "I don't know, first he appears out of nowhere and he trained me, later he vanished within a month but he said that he will visit me one day "

Then, Nethan calmed down. he thought

"This guy must have some mysterious power, I need to recruit him! if not Radun will get him!"

He smiled and apologized for the rude behavior that he acted before. But I was confused by his true intentions. He said my extraordinary power will be of good use for the company and the country. He wants to recruit me as a security guard.

Hearing his words made me so happy, and I was excited too. I told him

"Is this for real? "

He laughed and said " yeah, of course, it's so rare to find someone like you, today I came here for some small business meeting and I saw you, if I haven't come here and sent my people instead, I would have missed "

I said, " Then, when should I start and what should I do?"

He gave me his card and told me to visit him in his company building and he will manage it.

It was evening time or I would be late at home. I told him I had to go but he said he can drop me off at my home. That offer was amazing but I don't dare to make the CEO of Bir Transportation Company to drive me home. I rejected his offer and told him that my house is not that far away.

He said, " Fine, tomorrow, I will wait for you in my office!"

and those 3 other cars and his car moved away from the industrial site. People were looking at me. Because I just got out of the expensive car. and I don't want to get more attention. I started sprinting at my home. I even bought meat to have a good feast after earning so much money in a day with good news. I felt so happy, I can't wait to tell this to my mom and brother. I entered the living room and shouted," Mom, I was hired directly by the CEO of Bir Transportation Company "

Then I looked to the right side, I saw another woman, she was my mom's neighbor, Aunt Kopi who thought of herself as a beautiful and rich person in this community. She heard me and laughed

"Oi, Jenuwah, do your son smoke weeds, what is he bluffing? working in Bir Transportation Company ?"

My mom felt ashamed and told me not to make a joke. But I told her "it's real, if you don't believe, look at his private card "

That Aunt Kopi looked at the card, it looks so real but she still felt hesitated and don't want to believe it

"Hmph, this card must be fake, just wait I will tell to my son who works there for making a fake card of Bir Transportation Company and you will end up in jail"

My mom was suddenly frightened and told her not to say this to her son. I got so angry and shouted at her " If you don't believe me, then do whatever you want, you can even complain the police too, but tomorrow you will find out that I am telling the truth or not"

Aunt Kopi also got angry and blamed my mom for not teaching discipline to her son. Then, Aunt Kopi left our house.

But my mom looked at me with an angry face. and said, " Why do you have to create a mess in front of aunt Kopi, don't you know how arrogant she is ?"

I told her that I am telling the truth but she still denied believing me. Then I showed her the money and told her that I earned this money in an industrial site, and the CEO of Bir Transportation Company was also there, he saw my work and he liked it. After that he hired me.

Although I didn't tell her the full story but she believed it, she said to use that money to buy some new clothes for tomorrow. but I don't want clothes, I just wanted to give the money to her, So I took a small amount and gave her the rest of them. She was happy and said,

" I think we don't have to live like this anymore."

I gave her the meat and vegetables that I bought on the way back home and told her to make a delicious meal today.

In the other room, my brother was so angry that his teammates nuke him in a battle royales game.