First Entry

Next Morning,

It is a great day for me. I was looking outside the windows. It was sunny and I could hear the sounds of Pigeon and sparrow. I wanted to check my stats and said,

"Ai Open"

A blue transparent screen popped up in front of me. It was displaying my name and other related data on the screen.

"Name: Juvial Senh

Age: 21

Gender: Male

Strength: 6/1000

special ability: None

Health status: Good

Relationship: Single"

I looked at my strength point, it increased to 6. I remembered that I unloaded a truck yesterday. So, that must be the reason. Now, it's time to refresh.

I had breakfast, My brother was still sleeping, He must be playing games all night. MY mom's face looks happy. She was proud that I am going to be working in the Bir Transportation company. I was ready and was wearing a black shirt, black pants and black shoes which is my favorite color. My mom didn't like my dress cause she thinks black color brings evil aura. She was not satisfied with my dress. I thought it depends on me, not the color.

The Bir Transportation company is the main transportation company of the Birdesh nation. They have very good relations with international companies and doing business in importing and exporting the supplies. They even supply the materials to the remote area of our country. They are the main reason for increasing the transportation system in our country. They even have some small branches which are good in manufacturing transportation vehicles at a cheap price for our country. So, even some political leaders are on their sides.

The Bir Transportation company was not far from my location. I can reach there within one hour by public vehicles. I was on a public bus and my phone rang. I was on the corner seats, it was my school friend Suran who always helped me in the school and supported me. I was also happy that my school friends called me.

I received his call and said

"Hey Suran, it's been so long, did you miss me ?"

Sharon shouted, " Miss who ?, I pinged you in the Addicbook for so many times but you did not reply and I even directly messaged you! anyway, are you coming to Ria party ?"

then I remembered that I muted the Addicbook to avoid unwanted notification. I said " sorry, I forgot to unmute the Addicbook, for Ria's party, I am not sure "

He shouted " is it because of Rita bitch, I saw her messages mentioning you not to come in Ria party, she even said you are beaten by her, I will beat that bitch in the party"

I was happy that he cared for me. I said,

"No no, it's okay, they tried to mess with me but I ran away from them. I AM OKAY!"

He calmed down and said, " how's your life going on, which subject are you studying ? are you doing a job?"

Ahhhhhh, that was the worst question that I don't want to hear in my life but still, he is my friend, I said "Well, I am going to read in the Trichan university with BBA major and I am currently jobless, haha"

I was totally sweating while saying those words to him.

He said, "that university is very popular for having political activities, are you planning to get involved in politics Juvial?"

I flustered and said, " no, it's not like that, it's just that it is cheap!"

He signed at me and said, " Anyway the teacher of that university are professional, So it will help you a lot in the study, it's not that bad, if you are not working now you can come here and work in my father's company, Although I can't give you more amount it will be enough for you and for monthly needs."

I was like " Wow, another job opportunity, but I need to fix the decision with Bir Transportation company and think about his offer "

And said " Thanks for the offer bro, but I need to consult with my mom first."

And looking out of the windows, I saw the building of Bir Transportation company. It looks so unique with more than 20 floors. I told Suran that I have to go. He replied,

" don't forget to come to Ria's party next Saturday."

I hung up his call and got out of the bus. I was standing in front of the building. The Bir Transportation company building was so huge, it's like a dream. I saw there were at least 4 guards with a black suit guarding the entrance door. I wonder how many are there in civilian dress. I went to the entrance and the guard asked me to show my ID. They were giving me a questionable look and I was nervous. I looked at their face and said: " I was called by the Ceo Mr. Nethan!"

They looked at my dress and it looked ok but hesitant about it. I took out the card which was given by Nethan yesterday and showed it to them. They are totally shocked to see the official card of Nethan but they are still doubting me to enter the building because Recently, Raduns is acting suspiciously in the Kaduman District. So, One guard was using a walkie talkie and called someone. They told me to wait. So, I have no option other than standing in front of the entrance.

After a minute, a fat guy came out of the car. He was the son of Aunt Kopi, Kolan. He was wearing a coat and pants which looked pretty expensive. He noticed me standing next to the entrance door. Then he came next to me and said " Oi Juvial, why are you here? don't tell me what you said to my mom is true ?"

I looked at him. After seeing him, I knew he was up to no good. He's here to mess with me again just like his mother. Although, he is 5 years older than me. I gave him a cold look and said: " Mind your own business".

He was kinda scared with my glare but at the same time, he even got angrier. He feels like he has been humiliated. He ordered the guard to kick him out. The guard was confused about what to do. Then he shouted

"He is a scammer, yesterday my mom heard him saying, he is going to work here and showing the fake id of Mr.Sudip, Hurry, kick him out !���

The guard totally believed him, but I showed a card to them to verify it properly. But that Fat Kolan snatched my card and totally stepped on it.

"Who the fuck cared about the fake card, Just throw him out.!"

Those guards were grabbing my arms. If I want to defeat them I can but I don't want much attention. That Fat Kolan was laughing and said " yOU poor ass, you didn't study well and your father is working in the Kanlias country as labor, and your mom, she begged in front of my mom for money. it must be for you to apply for another country as usual. You people just know how to beg only!'

I suddenly got angry. I was full of rage. mY BLood was boiling and wanted to kill that guy in an instant. I gazed at him with the murderous aura. those 2 guards who were grabbing my arms also felt the murderous aura and stepped back. They were frightened and sweating from their faces. The fat Kolan was totally horrified with my glare.

Even the CEO Nethan who was in the middle of the meeting felt it. He was shocked and thought Radun might have sent a powerful person to deal with the company. He quickly canceled the meeting. And the old guy who was sitting on the chair on the top floor of the building also felt it.

On the entrance door, I was moving towards Fat Kolan with a murderous aura. He was totally scared and even peed his pants. Suddenly, I heard a sound saying " Stop right there!". I turned back and saw a guy who was in the mid-age between 35-40 years old. He looked around and saw two-guards who were famous martial artists were totally terrified and sweating. He looked at me and felt a strong murderous aura. He knew the killing intent was coming from me, he didn't want something to happen in front of the entrance door.

and said

"What's going on here?"

I said, "I was called by CEONethan but these guys won't let me in."

Then that fat guy ran towards the old man and said: " Mr. Ryan, that guy tried to enter our company with the fake card of our CEO, I found it and ordered these guards to throw him out, but suddenly he started to give a murderous look and tried to kill me!"

Ryan knew something fishy going on over here. He said to me "Can you show me the card ?"

I calmed down a little and pointed my finger towards the fatty and said "

It's there on the floor, which was torn and stepped by that fatty!"

Ryan looked on the floor and picked up the card and found out it was the original card and asked: " are you Juvial?"

I said, " yes, I am, I met CEO Nethan. Yesterday in Neltar industrial site, and he gave me this card to visit him today but I was blocked by these people at the entrance door.!"

Mr. Ryan was ordered to bring the guy named Juvial into his office by CEO Nethan. But he didn't know that the Juvial appearance would be so young. There are only a few people who received this kind of card and this one is personally given by CEO Nethan. So, he must be a valuable person. After that, he showed respect towards me and said " we are sorry for rude behavior, CEO Nethan is waiting for us. Let's go!"

I was calmed and I glared at that fatty Kolan. Mr. Ryan Knew my intention and slapped the Fatty Kolan and said, " From today, you don't have to work here anymore, you're fired !"

Fatty Kolan was shocked to hear the word from Mr. Ryan. he shouted at Mr. Ryan and said

"Who the hell are you to fire me, you are just the head in charge of the security department, and I work in the management department."

Then Mr. Ryan slapped Fatty Kolan again and said " Do you think, you are a fucking saint, you think I don't know how corrupted you are, I have been keeping an eye on you for these three months, I have found that you have been contacting with Radun and even some corrupt official "

Hearing the words from Mr. Ryan, Fatty Kolan was horrified, he suddenly fell on the floor.

Ryan said again " you even smuggled our products to a different region and even did corruption inside the company, I was about to give this report to our CEO today and one last thing, you dare to step on the private card of the company and even destroyed it that's enough reason for you to get kicked out but you have to pay price for your crime."

Fatty Kolan cried aloud and started begging in front of Mr. Ryan for giving him one chance and not to tell the CEO about this. He was even hugging the legs of MR. Ryan. That scene looks so pathetic. I was just watching them like watching some kind of drama. Mr. Ryan kicked on his head and he rolled far distance and ordered the guard to put him in an interrogation room. Two guards grabbed his arms and took him out from there.

Mr. Ryan looked at me and smiled

"Sorry, you have to see this, let's go !"

I entered the building, there were many people and many guards inside the building. They all are busy with their works. The most important part is building decorations. I was astonished to see its classic structure.Mr. Ryan Asked me What's your clan name?

I told him it's Thakuri. Then he looked at me with an excited face and said: " wow, My name is also Ryan Ursin Thakuri, we are already from the same clan, we can be close friends later!"

I kinda like Mr. Ryan PERSONALITIES. He is a good guy who punishes evil and understands the surroundings and doesn't act rash without knowing the situation.

I said " really! then we can be more than friends later!"

We were doing a little chat while moving up on the elevator. We reached our destination floor. and on the left side, I saw a big door which was carved with the map of our country and professionally polished. Two guards were guarding the door and we were heading towards that direction.

When we reached the door. Mr. Ryan said he was called by CEO Nethan. Then the guard opened the door. CEO Nethan was sitting on the door and smiling. He said,

" welcome Juvial, You are finally here."

I was kinda surprised that I am already on the higher floor of the Bir Transportation company building, I felt like I was in a dream. I am dazed with my own imagination. Then Nethan said " Is that you, Who was giving a murderous vibe on the entrance ?" and he smiled.