Caught and Continue

"No way! Who are you—" Ingrid was cutted because they heard a footsteps coming to their way.

"I'm going!" she's panicking. when she was about to run, the guy– who introduced himself as a Demon, holds her arm. "Let me go!" she hysterically said and pushes her arms away from the man's grip.

"You can't escape." He simply said.

"I can, if you'll going to let my arm go!" she shouted. Ingrid badly want to run away and have her peaceful life back.

Ingrid angrily look at the man's face and she saw how he curves his lips into a smirk, seconds later, she holds her breath when the footsteps are now stopped in her back.

"Miss, your father's looking for you, we can—" one of the men in black was shocked and not be able to continue his words when he saw the man in front of Ingrid.

"Your Highness" men in black said in unison and kneel.

Ingrid is confused, who is this man? she asked in her mind. she was about to say something when a car stop nearby.

"Oh my!" she can't believe it, she want to cry at that moment.

"I told you." the man who's holding her arm said and shook his head.

The old man walks towards their direction why sipping into his tabacco. "Why you decided to run away?..." the old man says and looked directly into Ingrid's eyes that makes her scared and loose her balance.

Luckily, the Demon catched her, "Scared, Darling?" Old man added. He smirked and moved forward, "I caught you, Darling. You can't escape from Hwang's"

Ingrid looked away and hardly swallow, she gets weaker everytime the old man will going to speak.

The old man laughed that makes them scared, his laughed is like a demon— much worst. "I'm so happy that I caught you, I caught you with my son. Isn't it Destiny?"

The old man once again smirked while looking at Ingrid and his son. "You both get married son, I love how I saw you both right now, so close to each other. Our family is good and will fit together"

Ingrid wants to vomit because of what the old man said, she rather die than to get married and belonged to Hwang's.

Old Mr. Hwang snap his fingers and on the cue, all men in black went to her and holds her arms "Let me go!" she shouted and pushes the men.

She can't help but to cry, she can't fight all of them. They are men and she don't have enough energy to punch them.

They put her inside Old Mr. Hwang's car, "You can't escape Darling, you should accept that y'all be part of our family" the old man says in the front seat.

Tyrone, sat next to her and close his eyes. He too don't want to get engaged to anyone, he wanted a happy life, and he never planned to get married now or even in the future.

The driver starts the engine and went to the mansion, minutes later the car stops. Old Mr. Hwang and the driver went off, while the both of them stays.

"Help me to escape" Ingrid's almost begging.

Tyrone just looked at her with no emotions, "I can't help you." that's the last word he said before went off the car.

The men took her off from the car and lead her to the mansion's living room. Ingrid saw her father, step brother and step sister. Irey's giving her dagger look and rolled her eyes afterwards.

Pathetic b*tch as always— Ingrid thought.

She immediately rolled her eyes when she saw Izo and Robert worriedly looking at her. She's glad that Izo helped her earlier but it was failed. She hated her father for dragging her into this freaking engagement.

"Is everything's settled?" Old Mr. Hwang asked.

"Yes, Master" the maids answered.

"That's good, let's continue this engagement party. Help Miss Ingrid changed her clothes" Old Mr. Hwang ordered and second later, five maids holds her arms and lead her to the stairs.

She angrily looked at them until she can't see them, they entered in her room and the maids immediately moved faster, the two go to walk in closet while the three is leading her to the vanity mirror.

"Miss, we're going to put make ups on your face, and we're going to fix your hair" the maids said.

She can't speak, all she was thinking is. How can they followed and find her, she really can't believe how authoritative Hwang is.

The maids starts putting make up on her face, while the two are fixing her hair, She was back in reality when they heard a knock.

"The Master ordered to make her the beautiful girl tonight" the other maid said. "Aye! Aye!"

Ingrid rolled her eyes, seconds later the two maids went off the walk in closet while holding the elegant dress and shoes.

After they done putting make up on her face and done fixing her hair. They lead Ingrid into walk in closet and starts pulling off her clothes.

"Hey! don't touch me!" she shouted that made them freeze. "I can handle myself! Get out!"

"But Miss—"

"You wanna die?" Ingrid asked, the maids shook their heads and bow to her, "Leave!" She commanded.

After the maids left the room, she sighed. She starts pulling off her dress and changed it in the elegant one that the maid choose, she then also wear the shoes that's sparkling.

She looked in the full length mirror, she's more beautiful and elegantly this time, the maids curled her long hair, they put simple make up that emphasized her beauty in every angle and they choose the dress that she will look like a princess.

Suddenly she remembered what the man said to her earlier, He's the one that I'll going to be engaged with, but I don't even know his name— she thought.

"Demon, my life will be a living hell if I got married to him" she said while looking at her face.

"This just engagement Hun, in the wedding day I'll make sure that no one can followed me." she confidently said through herself.

Ingrid smirked before she leave the room.