
Lights off, all the guests' looking at the grand staircase of the mansion. Old Mr. Hwang invited his friends and some of his connections, while Old Mr. Kim invited his family and friends.

Sitting at the royal's couch placed in the mini stage, Tyrone is looking at the straircase too. When the spotlight firm it's position, Ingrid finally stepped on it.

All the people gasped when they saw how beautiful Ingrid is. She looks like a goddess in her elegant dress. Without any emotions, Ingrid walked down with a poise, that made some of the guests' got scared to her.

She really fit to be part of the Hwang— guests' thoughts.

When finally Ingrid's 2 steps ahead, Tyrone went at the end of the stair and held her hand. The guests' went happy when they saw it. Tyrone lead Ingrid to the royal's seat still holding her hands.

"They suits each other, no emotions couple" one of the guests said, and Old Mr. Hwang heard it, he's not offended, he's indeed happy that all of the people can see how it'll be powerful when the two get married.

On the other table, Old Mr. Kim is looking at his daughter, he too, wants to help Ingrid run away but he's scared to his boss. He knows how dirty player Old Mr. Hwang is, and he can't see Ingrid to got hurt by the connections of him.

Tyrone looked at Old Mr. Kim, he saw how sad the old man's eyes. And when Mr. Kim looked at him, he nod to convince him that he'll always protect his daughter.

"Tonight, we're going to witness the engagement of this lovely couple." the emcee said.

Ingrid didn't mind to listen to what's the emcee was saying, her mind was pre-occupied and she wants to vomit. She's no emotions looking at their hands intertwined.

Do both of us needs to act? she thought.

She was back in reality when she heard the crowd give them a round of applause. The romantic song starts playing and some of the guests gathered in front with their partner and dance sweetly.

Tyrone and Ingrid was just looking at the people, they smirked seeing how they can easily manipulate their minds, the quests reality thought that they are in relationship and deeply in love with each other.

The organizer whispered something on Tyrone that made him nod. Seconds later the organizer leave and Tyrone faked a cough.

"Can I have this dance?" He asked with no expressions and offered his hand.

Ingrid didn't say anything, she just held Tyrone's hand. They walked in front with the guests that is dancing sweetly.

Tyrone held her waist and Ingrid put both of her hands at Tyrone's chest and they sway with the rhythm of the music.

He intently looked at Ingrid's face, he too, can't believe how beautiful this woman he's dancing with. But his heart won't fall for it, he thought Ingrid is like his little sister because of their age gap.

He knew that Ingrid just graduated college 3 month ago, and their gap is 6 years. Ingrid's indeed looked like his sister if the people would knew their age.

"Staring is rude!" Ingrid irritatedly said.

"I was just appreciating how beautiful you are" Tyrone answered.

Ingrid just smirked, "I'm used to it, but I'm not in the mood right now so stop." she angrily said.

"Did you know that, you almost risk your life earlier?" Tyrone opened topic.

"I know."

"If they can't find you earlier, swear, your family in now on their graveyard" Tyrone said seriously.

"I know, luckily the Demon blocked my way earlier" she said full of sarcasm. "My life will be a living hell if I'll married to a Demon like you."

"A living hell? Be ready for it then" Tyrone said that makes Ingrid loose her balance. He immediately hold Ingrid's waist tight for her to not fall. "Careful Honey" He whispered.

"You're too weak, you will not survive living hell"

To hide her nervousness, Ingrid just rolled her eyes at him.

She was confused when the couples' dancing behind them leave and went back to their seats. Ingrid and Tyrone's the one who's still in front.

The music changed into the most romantic one, she looked around and saw the pianist, violinist, guitarist and chour's looking at them.

Tyrone let go of his waist and kneel in front of her, he gets the black box at his pocket and opened it. She heard the people comments about the sudden move of Tyrone.

"Will you?" Tyrone asked.

She was about to say no, but the footsteps stopped her, she saw how more than 50 men in black position themselves around the mansion, and they pointed their guns to the guests.

The people gasped in scared, "Say no and all of them will die" Old Mr. Hwang said.

He knew that when his son do this, Ingrid instantly said no, so he planned everything just to finished this engagement by on side.

Ingrid looked at her family, she looked away when she saw how her father's scared. Even though she hate him, it's her father afterall.

She knew that she's a b*tch, a blackship to their family, but she have a heart too. she can't see her own father got killed in front of her, without him she can't be here in this cruel world.

"Yes!" she shouted and Tyrone put the diamond ring on her finger, and on that cue all the men in black when out, and the guests' awkwardly applause.

"No one will going to say what happened here, I have an eye of y'all, even a single word that will come out to your mouth about the truth, y'all going face hell and die!" Old Mr. Hwang shouted.

All the guests nod at him. They're so scared, Ingrid too, want to live and achieve all her dreams before she die.

"Congratulations to the successful engagement!" The emcee said with a smirked. "Y'all can eat, let's proceed to the catering"

Though the guests are scared, they manage to stand up and went to the catering and starts eating.

Tyrone and Ingrid went back to royal's couch and just watching the people gathering around.


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