
Time flowed in a hurry. I did not notice that 5 days has passed. I was still training until midnight for four years straight and some months. I am hoping that I will debut soon, I just cannot wait to see how I can shock the world with all the talents that I have acquired during my training.

However, during this time I had a bad premonition, I felt cold inside, I didn't know what it means. I'll blame it on my nerves since it's December now. Maybe I'm just paranoid since I don't want anything to bar me from debuting as an idol.

Then I saw JYP PD-Nim with a sullen look. I'm not sure, but I think this is the bad premonition that I have been getting awhile ago. Then he spoke.... >"Trey-ssi, we need to have a private conversation. It's a bit important."<

>"Why, PD-Nim? Why do you look so down? If I can help you with anything, just tell me, I'll do my best in my power."<

As I said those words, I saw his reddish eyes, wanting to cry, I think I know now what would happen to me. I just don't want to accept it yet. I think it's another thing? Not that one fear that I have....I pray that it is not. I sacrificed everything for my dream. Just not this. Please.....I plead to God or whomever he is that can help me to undo the inevitable.

>"Trey, I know that you are the best trainee here in JYPE, I saw how you improved, I saw how hard you trained just to give us the best results that you can give. Deep down, I'm jealous for your God-given face and talents. After four years, you proved to me that you can be a world known idol. However... The Board of Directors and the new CEO does not want you to debut with the new boy group. They say that you are too old for the industry and add to the fact that you are a foreigner. They had you replaced with someone who is a half-korean and half japanese and....younger. I really did fight for you. I really did. But I cannot do anything since I am no longer the CEO. I'm really sorry young man. I hope you can still pursue your dreams on a different company."< after he dropped the bomb, he cannot stop his tears from falling. He too was devastated with what happened to my debut. I know he is a good man with a good character, I have been with him for 3 years ever since he taught me how to compose my own songs. I saw how dedicated he is to his pupils and will do anything and everything just to help his juniors and students.

I pat his shoulders and hugged him. >"Saeng, it's okay. I understand. I fought hard didn't I? Guess I was not lucky enough and younger enough for me to debut. I will do my best in another company. Stop crying now Saeng. You'll look uglier than you already are Saeng. Okay? Smile. Smile for me and pray for my future. That's what you can do for me. I need all the prayers that I can get from now on. I will be fighting alone now."< I smiled as I pull back from the hug that I gave him.

Unknown to us, there was someone watching us. Two of them to be exact. They whispered in low voices. >"This foreigner, to think he wanted to debut in my company. Who does he think he is? Although he is good he is not korean. This B*tc*, I would have let him debuted if not for the fact that I saw him and that Idol that I fell in love with. I'll make his life hell. I'll break my promise to Jin Young and I'll let him suffer."< as his voice drifted off, a cold smiling woman was beside him.

>"Heejun-nim, make him suffer, no one can have him unless it is me. That Idol of yours will suffer if you do not make Trey's life suffer. Torture him, burn him, kill him. I don't care for as long as he does not want to be with me, no one should ever do. I will back you up. No one will know."<

>"I understand CEO Iris-nim."<

Unbeknownst to them, the Idol that they were talking about passed by and heard them. She passed by and acted that she did not care about it all. But she was planning on telling it to Trey so that he can plan ahead.

[Trey's POV]

I bid my good bye to JYP PD-Nim. I packed my bags and went back straight to my dorm. Oh, I should now say former dorm. Luckily there was an apartment that was for rent in Myeongdong, with a low rental. I readily packed my bags and things so that I can transfer there. I called up my parents to tell them not to worry. Ofcourse, I did not say that I won't be debuting since that's not set in stone. After informing them that I will be living in a new place and stating the address, I dropped the call.

I thought, where is she? I hope I can meet her soon after their promotions. I cannot disturb her right now. Now, I plan to go to several companies and audition there. Luckily, I become one of their trainees again and debut. I wish for it.


A year has passed, no company has accepted me even the small ones. They said that I was too old. I was kicked out from my apartment and now I'm staying in the streets of Myeongdong. I pity myself. Why did I have to pursue my dreams when I have a good life in the Philippines. Why did I have to go here? I cannot contact my parents since my phone got stolen, I do not have any money. I've been living with garbage with for 3 months. I tried going the Embassy but was pushed away since I smell so bad and I look crazy.

>"Huuuu, fuck. Why did it have to happen to me? Of all people?"< As I said that, I felt my heart burning. I felt my stomach fill with unknown substance. Someone saw me and rushed me to the hospital. Since my eyes was bleeding together with my nose. Then I passed out.

I woke up in a hospital bed, with a simple background. I was in a private room, and I was scared. How can I pay for all this? I don't have any money... Then I looked down, I saw her. She was with me. How did she? I touched her hair, she woke up from her slumber. I saw her eye bags and it seems that she cried all the time she is here.

>"Hey, good morning sleepy head. How did you know that I was here? I think you should go, since you don't want to cause a scandal don't you?"< I smiled and joked. She pouts and hits me lightly.

>"Oppa! Why did you not ask for help? You know I am here for you. I called your parents and they will be here shortly. They were so worried."<

>"Thank you, even though I am so prideful you still helped me. I'm sorry if I did not want to see you and ask for your help. I wanted you to reach for the stars and for that you must not be bothered."< I gave her a smile.

>"Oppa, you know that I... So don't worry about those things. Okay? I will be here for you. Whether you like it or not."<

>"I know and I...you know that. Can you sleep beside me? I just want to hug you."< No words were said, she just went to my side and hugged me. However I know my heart slowly stops beating. I did not want her to panic. But I feel that my veins around my left eye ruptured that's why I asked her to hug me. So that she won't see my eyes. I should say my goodbyes now. But she suddenly spoke.

>"Oppa, Director Heejun and CEO Iris were the ones who caused all these problems. Both of them wanted us. They wanted us for themselves however when we denied them. They made your life miserable and not me. I wanted to tell you this for the longest time, but there was no chance. I cannot contact you nor see you. I was tightly guarded until the time that they were sure that I won't go against their biddings. Heejun raped me Oppa."<

I clenched my fist. I wanted to kill them, I wanted to destry them. I wanted to..... Then I went against the teachings of my religion and hated the God that I believed in the most. That fucking God who said as long as I pray everything's gonna be alright! Whose fault is this?! F***!!!!

>"Love, I'm sorry i did not know. I love you, if only I can take revenge. However, my body is already failing. I want to say that I love you for the longest time. And now is the worst possible time to say it. But as a good bye. I want to say it to you. If there's a next chance. I would and I will take revenge for you. I love you. Say goodbye to my parents and tell them the truth and ask them to help you. Don't hold back, I'm sure someone will help you not just me.<" As I slowly close my eyes. I heard her screaming for my name. I also heard my parents that just arrived. I wanted to hug them so bad and tell them how much I missed and loved them but my time is up.

And by the time I opened my eyes. I was seeing the infinite cosmos. I'm not sure how long I was here. But I just drifted away. However, I was appalled when I saw something flashing so bright. Someone spoke to me.

[Hello, my Child...I am the Creator or the one who you know as God.]

As I was in my soul form, I did not whether or not I clenched my fist but I think I did. I felt hate and anger against this so called Creator. This son of a bitch. I know I am being an a***hole. That he did not do anything to me. But all my regrets and sorrow turned into anger when I saw this being. All that I can say is....

[Fuck you, puny God.]

(A/N I got inspired with the Hulk. I wanted to do that. Haha. Apologies. Cliff-kun is here again to save my day.)