The Return.

As I cursed her, my guilt has taken over me. I know that it was not his fault. However I cannot help but be angry for what happened to me. I think I was just finding a way to have an excuse. But I guess he was the One infront of me. Hence, all my anger was unleashed with that curse against him. I have to apologize...

"I apologize for what I have said, I was just pouring out my anger to someone else and since you are the one I first saw after I died... I lashed out on you. I sincerely apologize..."

[It's okay, Trey. I understand, and it is partly my fault since it was not meant for you. The sickness. It was supposed to be casted to another and not you. It's just that due to unseen circumstance, it was casted on you.]

As I heard the explanation, I once again stared at the infinite cosmos, and the limbo on the other side. As I was drifting away, I remembered how powerless I was during the time that I was alive. I cannot achieve my dream. I cannot avenge the one I love. I cannot even control my own fate. I also left my parents when I was going to have a good life. But then again, if not for that, I would not be able to meet my love, to pursue for my dreams, and fight for what I really want to do and to be free and independent. There, upon realization, I want revenge for myself and my love also I wanted to make my parents happy but there's nothing that I can do. I am already dead. Although I have my regrets, that's that. My life has already prescribed. I am summoned here now in front of the Creator. I said to him.

"What's done is done. I'm already dead, I will just have to accept it and move forward. I just hope that my loved ones are okay. Not anymore troubled."

[I can see that you have accepted the fact that you died and you have already understood what went wrong. You even accepted my apology. For that, I would like to inform you that I am able to give you a rebirth with the same body and the same parents. However, you will have to restart again as a baby but you will be retaining your past memories. I will give you 5 wishes and a System to help you on your way. How does that sound?]

I was pondering whether or not I wish to do that, since if I get reborn, I will surely just take revenge and give them hell. But since I promised her... I will give it a try.

"Yes. I would like to do it, I just hope there aren't any butterfly effect that will come my way. Here are my wishes. First, I would like to have a genius mind, whatever I do, I can easily understand and master it at one glance also I would like an eidetic memory. Second, whatever I do there will be no timeline destruction and no other butterfly effect; for me to be advance in steps and planning. Third, I want to be a master of martial arts and weapons be it technologically advanced or past weapons e.g. swords, spears and the like. Fourth, I want to have a cultivation method that will ascend the heavens, kidding aside, that's one of it not for me to obtain immortality but even as I age, I won't look old. Fifth, I want to be ahead of my peers, for example in money and business, I don't want to let my parents suffer ever again."

[So, you seek for revenge. All of your wishes are manageable. I really thought that you wanted to be cultivator. That I cannot do, Earth has no cultivators there only mutants even they have to die at some point there are only a few exceptions to that. But you do not need to know since they will be eradicated once you return.]

"Really now? We have them? Well, it's better that they are gone. I cannot protect my family if I was against mutants and other supernatural beings."

[Alright now, let me send you back and hopefully you can be who you want this time around and let success take its course. Also, don't forget yourself while having your revenge. You might lose some people if you do. Nice meeting you, >"Trey-ssi"<.]

"Good bye, Creator." As I said those words, I was pushed back to some dark place. I don't where I was. I think this is the womb of Mom? I don't know. But then again, it might be a dream that I talked with the Creator. Well it was a nice dream.

[[SYSTEM INITIALIZING]] - - 1%, 15%, 25% ... 75% ..... 100%! [[SYSTEM COMPLETELY INSTALLED]]

[GREETINGS HOST! I am the Idol System.]

"Oh, it wasn't a dream. Hi System, can you explain your functions to me and can you tell me where am I right now?"

[Host, I will be issuing you quests, you can buy via points in a designated store; this store sells you anything that you can think of (this is a gift of the Creator for you), you will see your stats and skills acquired. Also, you are inside your mother's womb. You will be born 7 months later.]

"Alright system, and since you are going to live with me for the rest of my life time. I shall name you Se Jong. Wake me up after 7 months 5 minutes before I go out."


[You are given a passive skill "calm and calculative mind skill", free status points (20), free points 10,000. Alright host, I will wake you up after 7 months.]


[Host, you may now wake up. You will be under going your birth within 5 minutes.]


Lessen the pain of your mother. You must go out within 15 minutes even without her push, so that she may not acquire a disease that was caused by you before.]]

As I read that, I now knew that I was the one who caused her to be barren, just because I was not fast enough to go out. But now is not the same. When I heard someone 1 2 3 push. I positioned myself for easy exit. After fifteen minutes, I was out and about and they slapped my buttocks since I was not crying. It hurt.

"Uwaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!" These m**her**ck**s! That hurt! Oh well, why did I not just cry? Jeezas. But then again, it's fine now since my mother is not in danger of being barren anymore. I just hope I will get more siblings now? Maybe two? I hope they are twins or girl and a boy. Whatever as long as I have siblings.