Baby Steps

Several months after I was born, I was issued several quests by Se Jong, my System. Typical quests such as learning to walk at the month of 7, try to speak Momma at the month of 9. With that and all others, I was given 15,000 points and an additional of Status Points of 40. Until now, I haven't put any on my status since I was thinking of where should I begin. Since there is a good chance that I will come back to Korea sometime soon. At the very least at around age 11 for me to have a good standing before my plans take place.

"Se Jong would you kindly show me my status, exclude the others. Please."

[As you command, showing status.]

[[ Str = 5

Int = ???

Energy (Stamina) = 8

Vit = 10

Luk = ???

Dex = 5


CC Mind Skill - Passive

Genius Mind - Passive

Master Martial Artist and Weapons Master - Passive (Locked)

Business Guru - Passive

??? Cultivation Skill - Passive/Active (Locked) ]]

As I gazed through my stats, as you can see there are locked skills, it was explained by Se Jong that since I do not need it for the time being and I was still a child. If I activated the Cultivation Skill I will remain as a baby or a child if I activated so early in my life and for the Master Martial Artist and Weapons Master, since still I was in a body of a kid, I might accidentally go kill another person because I don't have the proper receptors to control my strength should that happen. (A/N: He will still die ofcourse, it's just that he needed to look young in his later years as per his request with the Creator [me].)

A few years has passed, I am now 5 years of age and luckily I can do well than most children. My mother cannot believe that I can already do advance math (college/uni level) together with science and other languages. Since of course, thanks to my skills that I can easily comprehend whatever subject that I may have to face. I also wanted to graduate early so that I can start taking over some of the markets here in the Philippines.

Currently I am reading one of the books that I have to read since I wanted to be healthy the book is called Compendium of the Human Anatomy. It is complicated at first glance, but as I was trying to concentrate and on the book and the illustrations provided by the supplementary guide together with it I am slowly but surely learning the subject. However, some person behind suddenly lifted me up and when I looked at the person, I saw that it was Dad together with my now pregnant mom.

" Son, you will soon become a big brother! Would you like your siblings to be girls? Boys? Or either? " .... and that's where I got shocked since they just went to the obstetrician and had my mother checked.

" What are you saying dad? You cannot just know the sex of my siblings since it is too early. Hold on, siblings? Is Mom having twins? " Another moment of shock.

" Yes, Mom's gonna have twins. Are you happy about that? " My mom said to me. Ofcourse I am really happy. Even in my future life, or should I say past? But hell, of course I am! I did not know that it was because of me that mom had to be barren and cannot afford anymore sibling(s) for me. The sacrifices that she made for me and for my dad. I was always sorry about that.

" Of course Mom! At least you will be able to feel what it feels to have a normal child/children should I say? You will feel the headache of taking care of two little brats. Also Dad and Mom, for the sex of my siblings boy and girl. For that we can only pray. " After saying that I laughed since it was true. I was mostly behaved during the time before I even crawled over them. I only cried if I needed food or my diaper is full just to let them know that it needed to be changed. Other than that, no headaches from me.

She smiled while stroking her small baby bump. She went beside dad and let me down from this oh so awful height. She then hugged me and said. " Trey, you are normal. However, you are intelligent and too advance for your age and I am happy that I bore you and raised you. I don't know where you got your genes but I am happy and Dad is happy that you are alive. We really thought that we had to abort you or sacrifice my well-being for you to be alive. We chose to let you live, and you chose to make me safe. I do not what happened but when I bore you to this world, it was under 15 minutes mark, the Doctor said that I should let you out before 15 minutes or it might cause me to become barren and never have a child again. So, thank you. And you will have to become a good big brother for you siblings. Okay? "

" Yes, Mommy. I will. I love you too. " Thereafter, I hugged my mom and looked at dad and gestured that he should hug me too.

Before I was reincarnated, I never attempted to show how much I loved my parents nor showed any care. But now, for the second life that I was given, I will rectify those mistakes and will do my best to let them see how much I love them. I do not want a repeat of my past life where I was so stoic and so snub regarding my feelings for them until the last moment. I want them to be happy and live the life comfortably. However, I must say, we lived a comfortable life before. However, I want more. I can't help it, I want to be greedy for once and let them know how much they are worth to me... In another words, priceless and add to the fact that the girl I love the most is priceless too. ~ I miss her. Only a few years more and I will see her again.

A few years passed by, I am now 10 years old. Believe it or not, at the age of six I started my collegiate degree after persuading my parents that I can take the level and intensity of the study in the Uni. I first finished Accountancy Major in Business Administration and Economics at 8, graduated valedictorian and now I am getting my diplomas for Computer Engineering minor in Psychology and my Masters in Business Administration. (A/N: I am not sure if this is plausible but there are schools here in the Philippines that are offering double majors however, CE and Psychology are of totally different studies but since this is only a story of mine might as well go with it.)

Also after I graduated from my first degree, together with the help of my parents. I started my own company where they will be the President and CEO while I will be the major shareholder and the Accountant for the firm. It is a multicompany, where we are a large enterprise that dables with different fields of expertise. For one, it is an accounting firm since I have stabilized my name in the field of banking and finance and lots of customers are looking for me even though I was a child and I already made an A.I. for the computations and other required materials that is needed for that company. Also, a Law Firm since both of my parents are lawyers. Those two and other enterprise such as Pharmaceutical Company. Rememeber when I was diagnosed with an incurable disease? I hope that it won't happen again, hence I built the Pharma Company. My cousins and other family members are doctors, medical technologists, and pharmacists. They are good with what they are doing and one of my cousin(s) are the best in the field of Pharmacy. (A/N: He made the A.I. during his last year in the Uni for Computer Engineering. Thanks for the Genius Mind skill. It's also because he was already planning for the comeback for the Korean Entertainment Industry.)

For my twin siblings, I got what I wished for, they are fraternal twins, a boy and a girl. They are so lovely and cute. The boy is named Tristan and for the girl she was named Linnea. Both of them are naughty they took it from my dad. But I love them dearly, I cannot even fathom what would I do to others if one of them got hurt or cried. But then again, I have already acquired the Sib-Con (Sibling Con) I love them both, hence the sib-con. My eyes are always UwU when they are around me. For years I have been tending their needs and I have been tutoring them. I do not pressure them to be like me but then again, due to unforeseen circumstance although they are naughty I think they have the Genius Genes that I shared with them. Kidding aside, they are smart in their own right. This is not humble bragging but the truth they have already skipped grades and they are trying to catch up to me. But then again, I always remind that they have to enjoy their childhood although they look up to me, but they need to grow up slowly for them to enjoy what life is about.

By the way, I have already told my parents and siblings that I was planning to go to Korea for me to become an artist. As like before, my dad was the one who supported me again and mom was so worried. My siblings are worried too but then again they knew that I cannot change my mind once I have decided for the things that I have to do and I want to do. There is only a few months before I celebrate my 11th birthday and the day where would I live alone in Korea. But they are not worried since we have already expanded our company around the world and Korea is one of them. They can just visit me whenever they want and it was already planned by me since I will be taking over the JYP, Big Hit and SME by hook or by crook. The plan is already under way 1 year ago. I have bought the majority of the stocks of those companies under the name of my company. However, I should do this step by step since it will be a long battle.

I smiled before staring out in the horizon. I unconciously said. " Ten years is not too long. Revenge is best served when cold. " I snickered and just stared; thinking about the things that will be happening.

(A/N: Horizon, he just means roads and cars. Haha. He does not have a mansion nor anything that is grand. They prefer to live in a simple two story house. They live near the main highway so there are a lot of cars. Also I want you to know that in the Philippines, we do not have large roads unlike in other countries. We are packed. Literally.)