
(A/N: Here the siblings are conversing in Japanese. The three of them are multilingual.)

"Onii-san, do you really have to leave? Or we can just go with you there. You don't have to stay alone, and we don't want you to leave either." Linnea my little sister asked and pleaded for me to stay. However, I cannot do that, although I really want to, but I have something to accomplish and I cannot be complacent with whatever I promised myself. I cannot compromise.

"Linni-chan, I have something to do there, it's important for me to finish what I have decided to do. You know how Onii-chan is, right? Once I decided something, I will have to finish it until the end. Ne?" As I explained in a vague way so that my little sister won't ask anymore, she understands that whenever I explain something vague, it will mean that it is very important.

She then just nodded and hugged me, my ototo Tristan, hugged me with tears. My little brother wants to act strong but deep inside he is a soft boy and clingy too. He is like Linnea in that matter.

"Don't worry guys, I still have a month for me to stay here, we can do whatever we want. Right? We can go to theme parks, water parks and all those that we can enjoy before I go. So don't be sad, and I will be going home every two years, and you can visit once or thrice a year in Korea. So don't be too sad. Also, you can go study there after you reach your middle-school, right? I will be taking care of you there, also Mom's planning to manage the company that we have there. So don't worry about it." As I removed them from the hug and after explaining that, I smiled at them and tried to console them as much as I could so that they won't be too lonely when I'm gone.

Thereafter, my mother called me into her study room. I'm not sure why she called me but I am guessing that it is because of my departure. She is very worried since I am only 11 years old, albeit she knows my plan even my dad, however they don't know how much chaos I will bring in the korean entertainment industry while I'm at it since it will be gruesome to the market and some people may even get hurt on my path on getting revenge.

"Hey Mom, you called? What's the problem?" I smiled at my mother.

"Son, I know you will be leaving soon. Can't I persuade you to stay? Do you really have to leave the country and work somewhere else? We're already on a global scale when it comes to business. We have a comfortable life here and we have enough money even if you don't want to work."

Like before I got reincarnated, she's really persistent on persuading me not to work outside the country and I think she has this motherly instinct that something may go wrong. She was right though, before I even went to Korea before. She was also persuading me not to go there, it's as if there's a curse in Korea that she does not want me to go. But then again, she knows my personality by now. However, she does not know the dark side of me, my hidden side. The side that I do not want them to see.

"Mom, we have already talked about this. I will be fine, you know how I dreamt being one of them. I know that you know how much of a big dream this is for me, and for sure you know how I bought the shares of the entertainment companies there so that I can have a smooth sailing career. Right? It's already planned out years before, Mom. I hope that you can understand. Dad also supported me with this. Please mom, let's not talk about this again. Not before I go. I only have a few weeks left. Let's just be happy. Let's be honest, you can even visit me anytime you want whenever your worries are on turmoil again. Yeah?"

"Yeah, you're right. I guess you have really grown now. It's just that it's too fast. I haven't even tried being a mother to you. It's like you matured early on and gave us this luxury life that we are living now. It's a surprise that you even put up with a company that will rival any global company. I'm just surprised and shocked on how fast things went after you finished your studies and everything that you needed in life. Now you have to go and spread your wings at an early age."

I smiled and said "Mom, if I really want to grow and achieve something in life, I have to leave the nest like what I'm doing rightt now. I admit that we really have a pleasant life; comfortable and honestly we can never be bankrupt ever. But still, there are some things that I have to do and face alone. Like what I have told you. My dreams. I'm sorry, Mom. Please forgive and let go of this son of yours. I love you, truly. But I really do have to do this." I hugged her tight and sat on her legs. This is one of things that I have not done before in my past life. Being sweet and lovable with my Mom.

She then stroked my hair, admiring the white hair that I have now. "Alright, son. I understand but if there's something that you needed help with, make sure that the first ones you will call are Us your parents. Alright? Please son."

"Sure, Mom. I will. Always." And as she cuddled me like a baby. For the longest time since she will be missing me too much to the point that she will visit me in Korea twice in a month. Kidding aside, I barred her from doing that.

The month has passed, I have already fulfilled my promise to my siblings and we're here crying in the Airport, since I will be leaving now. They did not want me to leave, up until now they are clinging to me. I coaxed them before entering the boarding area. I bid my farewell and I saw my Dad crying together with Mom. But he had to look strong, so after a minute he wiped away his tears and before I really entered. I hugged them all, I will be missing them so much. Heorl. However, for a promise, for my revenge. Sacrifices are meant to be done. Somethings are meant to be changed. And for me this is it.

"See you soon, guys! I will always love you! Okay? I won't forget to call you up. You know my address. You can visit me ONCE, and only ONCE a month. And for the siblings only in your Christmas and Summer break. Alright?"

After waiting for a few hours, I boarded the plane. I looked outside and will savor it since in 4 hours I will be living alone, not that I have not experienced it but I was used to having a family. No crying over spilled milk. I was seated in first class, my mom was so adamnant about it. I closed my eyes since there's another 30 minutes of waiting before the plane will leave.

(A/N: If the ' is like this in the conversation, he will be talking in his mind and with Se Jong.)

'Se Jong-iie, can I see my entertainer stats? Not the general one. Please, thank you.'

[Alright, Trey]


Acting: 35

Dancing: 90

Singing: 85

Music: 80

Aura: 100

Charm: 100]]

I have three different status bars that I can access, before I only had the general status and skill list. However, after I unlocked the passive Master Martial Artist and Weapons Master, I acquired an additional status bar for the MMAWA, and when I started learning dancing, singing, and acting. I thought it will be added on my skills. However, Se Jong just made a new status bar for it. Which of course I am thankful for. Since, I know that I can surpass the limits if it is in the Status bar, it must be remembered that the maximum for a human is 100 points for the status if he is a prodigy on a certain field of study, knowledge or skill, however a normal human shall have 10 to 20 status points for any of the stats that I have. Unlike the Skills, there's the limit unless the skills was given and created by God. Like my other Active Skills in which I acquired over time by buying through Se Jong's shop. (A/N: That's for later, since there's always an element of surprise.)

After seeing my status. I slept, I will now be waiting for the plane to arrive in Korea and start my new life and start the plans that I have in mind.