The Start.

After arriving in Korea, I readily went to the condo that my family bought for me. It was near the building of JYPE. I will be meeting JYP PD-Nim in a few hours. So I will just have to clean the place and rest for a bit. Luckily, we already own most of the shares in JYP, however, I will still ask PD-nim to be impartial with my future audition in the Company. I'm jittery, anxious and excited to meet him again, and I should also be vigilant if ever I meet them again.

After doing the necessary things, I went to the building got my visitor pass and went straight to the cafeteria where we shall meet. A few minutes has gone by, knowing him, he will be here on the exact time. Then he tapped my back.

"I guess you are Trey? Your father is worried about you. You haven't called them up since you landed here in Korea, I think you should call them up and say that you are safe.

"Maybe later, PD-Nim. After our meeting then I will. Let's get down to business shall we? Can I call you samcheon, also? Whenever we're in private. Since we've talking for awhile now although via phone calls and video chats."

"Sure, there's no problem about that. So, as per the agreement, I will be impartial with your auditions tomorrow and only a few knows that you are the son of the biggest shareholder of the company. I'm not sure why are you doing that but I guess that's for the better since there will be no drama regarding your audition and if ever you got accepted, your debut. I think that's the gist of the agreement that I made with your father."

"That's basically it samcheon, also, I will be selecting a few members of the new boy group that Big Hit entertainment will make. I have already discussed this with Bang PD-Nim, however I want you and all the others work hand in hand for the group to be successful. I'm sorry if I'm taking the matter too seriously, I just want the first group that I will produce will be successful. Sorry, and I ask for your understanding."

He just smiled and said. "It's alright, I know that you are a genius when it comes to music and you have already released top hits in this industry albeit under a pseudonym. But there's the talent and there's the luck. But for now, relax since you yourself will be auditioning and will be at the helm of this industry in the future."

"Thank you, samcheon." I smiled back and shook his hands, I went straight back to my house and called my parents and siblings. I know that they are super worried and everything since I have not called them up after landing.

Several years passed by, I am already 18 years old. It's been so long however I was not in a rush to debut since I am only so young. During the past years, I finished quite a few Degrees while in training. One, the conservatory for music program, two masters in communication, and lastly bachelor of laws in Korea.

I had to take those Uni Courses, for it will help me with whatever corporate and legal battles that I will be doing in the future. I have already pinpointed the culprits that caused my not so eventful past. And in a few months I will be debuting too together with my group. However, there will be one other group that will debut with us. I'll be honest, she is there too. The past few months have been hectic, since I am always seeing her. I want to talk to her, hold her, and even do sweet things however I can't. She's only a trainee, and we're not even close. I think after debuting, I'll do it. Hopefully.....

After years of hard work, blood, sweat and tears. BTS has already gained a world wide fandom. They're already known all over the world. I'm happy since I really fought for them, luckily I became their main producer albeit I was young back then. But now we really are close since we have been fighting all the waves until we reached the world stage. Now, they're almost or even more famous than the Beatles. Which for me is a feat! I will be meeting them in awhile together with my team. They're close with each other, they treat each other like brothers.

"Yah! Why haven't you joined us when we had our concert in the Philippines? I thought you are going to join us?!"

"Babo, I thought I told you that I am already preparing the songs that we will be using for our debut. Plus the fact that I have to do the songs of the new girl group that will debut together with us! Besides that, Band-PD was with you back then and you had the time of your lives with the twins! Oh, don't lie, since they already told me how much you spoiled them together with RM, J-Hope-ssi."

"But they were so cute and cuddly! How can I not spoil them? Besides, you even promised them that you'll be coming home but you did not. I had to cover for your ass while we were there you know. They are angry at you. I mean it." As J-Hope continued his sorry excuse as to why he spoiled the twins. Well, I can't blame him and RM, since even I do that to them at all times. Haha!

"Yeah, that's true. Even Jin had a hand with all the toys and books that the twins wanted to have. Although we got punished by your Mom for spoiling them. My ears still hurts because of that. Haha. But really, you should have joined us, Trey. They were missing you a lot. You nor them haven't got the time to visit each other. I apologize for that since you are doing our album and add to the fact that you even had to do other company stuff and make new songs for your group and the other." I just smiled at RM when he said that. I was really planning to join them, but then again, priorities must be done.

"Ya, enough with the sermon, we need to go to the resto, I'm beat. Jimin just messaged me that he already got the boys and are already on their way. We must be fast, lest there will be no more food left on the table. You know how much of a big eater Jin, Jimin and Joongkook are together with the others. By the way, Suga-hyung's not coming with us? Why? Is he going to meet IU for their new EP?"

"As I can remember, yes, they have their schedule for today. I think he will be bringing IU too if they finish early. I heard that IU sunbaenim wanted to meet you." I just nodded and said to RM that if we're still there and the gluttons are not done eating. Might as well meet them there and to discuss things.

"Let's go, I'm starving."