CH 1 V.2

In a huge gym-like room stood two beings. One looks to be a fit athlete, playing basketball on a court that was splayed across the room and the other, a soul. This soul had no defined form, rather a blurry outline of where it's form ends. It is completely black with an outer rim that seemed to glow around the being. Two white dots are the only things denoting it's eyes (a humanity from dark souls).

As the soul floats around, examining the contents of the room, the athlete finishes their small game by itself. When the athlete finished their game it turned to the soul, wiping imaginary sweat from their forehead. The soul itself turned to the athlete and notes that it is a woman. The strangest thing about her being that you couldn't tell what features she had. The only notable thing about her was that she was a woman, but nothing defining aside from the fact that she was around 5 foot tall. Her outfit consisted of a type of sports shirt with a pair of shorts and sneakers and was almost entirely white with black and red highlights.

"Well, well, what do we have here," the woman says after noticing the soul, "you should have said something if you were here."

"I thought I'd look around while you finished up, I myself don't like to be disturbed," the soul replied, looking at her curiously.

The woman laughs, "well thank you for that. Now I guess we should get down to business, yes?"

The soul seems to scrutinize the woman, then nods its head and gives an hesitant but calm, "yes. "

The woman looks at the soul and seems confused. Then she grins with an unfriendly smile and says, "you're quite a calm one aren't you? Don't you know what you are right now?"

The soul stops circling the room. "If I had to hazard a guess, I'd say I'm dead. Especially since I have no hands or legs, but can move anyways. That and I remember dying but, I would rather not think of that."

"Well, that's no fun," the woman pouted to herself. Then she brightens up with an idea as she hears the last half of the explanation. Grinning, she said "aww! Come on, it was a pretty good way to die if I do say so myself."

"I suppose it could be considered a very good way if you weren't the one experiencing it. I would rather not go through that again."

"The pain?" The woman was really starting to take a liking to this soul. She didn't bother to do more than skim the report before bringing them here, but she was quickly finding them to fit her tastes. Much more so than her previous pulls. She took a worth while risk, sneaking this one away from their original judgement.

"No, not necessarily the pain. The pain wasn't so bad, it was the slow creeping cold after the pain, that was the worst." The soul shivered, reminiscing its own mortal demise.

"Well it's not all bad" the woman says, becoming more comfortable in her speech.

"It's not?"

"They hailed you as a hero after you died. Hell! They even made a movie about it. A few actually. I hear they are still making them as they uncover your past. You did quite a lot, didnt you?" The woman says cherrily, bouncing on the balls of her feet. Her serious demeanor from before almost falling away completely.

The soul lets out a sigh and says "enough about that, I am more worried about what happens now." It had lived it's life, 'or should it be lives' it thinks to itself. Either way it no longer wanted to focus on that. The thought of being known as a hero is an entertaining one though. As they say "a hero for one side is only a mass murderer to the other."

"Right, I guess that is normal," the woman nodded, seemingly satisfied with it's reaction, "alright then, you've got a few choices to make now."

"Like what," the soul asks, cutting her off in its haste to move on from the former subject. Though its excitement should not go uncounted either.

The woman gets mad and pouts, saying loudly" I was getting to that, if you would let me finish!"

The soul shrinks back and apologizes placatingly, "sorry."

"It's fine," she sighs loudly before continuing, "Anyways, since you managed to achieve so many things, you have four choices. The first allows you to be reborn on earth. The second, to reincarnate in another universe. The third, to ascend, and last but not least, to journey through the God Trials. My personal recommendation would be the God Trials, but this choice is completely yours."

While this was a choice for the soul, it doubled as a test. The woman may like them, but if they failed then there was nothing she could do about it. She would have to search for a more suitable candidate.

The soul thinks for a bit and says, "I would like to ask some questions."

"Yeah go ahead." She could barely contain her groan at the thought of drawing this out. After the "millions" of times she had already explained it was hard to to keep her composure at the thought of having to repeat the process again.

"I can get what you mean with the first two pretty easily, though I would like to know the differences in rebirth and reincarnation. But can you please explain option three and four?"

The woman starts with a bored voice.

"Sure, sure, let's start with the easy ones first. Normal souls would reincarnate in both options one and two, but with you having all the achievements under your belt, it was decided that if you chose to stay then you would be guaranteed a human body. The spectrum for lesser souls is anything from a human to an ant."

"To ascend basically means that you would become an angel or servant of God, heaven, or afterlife. Whatever you wish to call it. I don't recommend this path because your soul pretty much breaks down without any change over a long period of time. Not to mention the fact that it is stupidly boring. The only upside is that you could become a God's personal servant, but the chances are pretty small."

"Lastly, you have option four which is a bit different. The best I can sum this one up to be is that you go through scenarios and worlds, allowing yourself to become something 'more'. It also provides the God's with entertainment which could lead to sponsors if you play your cards right. The only downside is that it is extremely long, like stupidly so, and very difficult. Some God's might even want to stop you, though the likelihood of that happening is slim to none. Also, a small FYI, this option isn't normally allowed, but seeing as you've got the whole hero thing going for you, it was deemed reasonable."

"So basically number three and four is the only real option for 'ME' to keep living as I am," the soul questions sarcastically.

"YEP," the woman says, popping the p with a massive grin on her face. This soul had easily become one of the top three she had met so far. 'Here's hoping it's the last' she thinks.

The soul stops and thinks for a while. And thinks, and thinks, and thinks. Finally it finds an answer, but then it rethinks and needs to start over.

After about an hour the woman seems fed up with the soul's indecision, she leans forward and yells "PICK SOMETHING WOULD YA!"

The soul looks up. "Are there any benefits to picking option four?"

The woman grins and spreads her arms wide while saying "Of course there are. You get two bonuses to ensure it will be entertaining enough for those watching. Let's call them wishes for simplicity's sake."

"These 'wishes', I assume they have guidelines and rules?"

"Loosely, but they are mostly free game," the woman says before deciding to sweeten the pot. "We can even discuss before the end decision."

Was it biased? Yes.

Did she care? Not really.

"Then I choose option four."

"Good then what are your wishes, and remember there are no real rules. OH! And don't pull any of that, I want you, shit. That ain't gonna fly here," the woman says, remembering all the smartasses who tried that. It was entertaining the first few times but quickly grew tiring. It was almost as bad as the idiots who wished for more wishes. Like really? Come on. All that got you was a quick exit to the endless. Which endless? Who knows.

"Is that something you get often? I admit you are easy on the eyes, though not being able to see your face is a bit off putting," the soul comments while thinking of the benefits such a wish might bring. Though the thought of enslaving this clearly powerful being with it's own decided power seems more foolish than genius.

"At this point every god in this area of work has had at least someone try it." The woman says either not realizing or not caring about outing themself as a god.

"1. I want a Guide. Something to help me should I need it. Preferably something easy to use, and nonliving. A file or book of sorts that includes the information I need. 2. I wish for my race to be a prototype progenitor, those words exactly."

The Goddess replies "First, I'll just give you a system, it's basically an intangible computer that can do a number of things, being a guide included. Secondly, the fucks a prototype progenitor?"

"A prototype progenitor is a race of my own design. They are essentially the forerunners of any and all races, a so-called 'prototype'," the soul explains, chuckling a bit at the on the nose naming, "and the progenitor part is an inner ranking of the prototype species. Lower ranks have weaker and less powerful abilities and the higher the opposite. A progenitor is again as the word says. The origin of the race, or simply the most powerful."

The woman looks blankly at the soul then laughs loudly "HAHAHAHAHA. You designed your own fucking race?! Sorry that's too OP, we will have to limit that." The goddess had to wipe away tears from laughing too much. This wasn't the first time someone wanted something absolutely broken before. No, that was all too common. This was, however, the first time someone wanted a whole new race to be built off of their wishes. She had read the thoughts of the soul to get a full understanding of the wish, and yeah it would be a lot of work for her, but it was also a whole race that would be attributed to her. And she didn't even have to come up with it! Honestly it was tempting to just take the idea and run. But if everything went like how she was wanting she wouldn't be losing out by sticking around.

"Fair enough, what are the limitations? And I would like to know more about this system." The soul could only agree, the race design it had made was meant to be over the top so it was no surprise it would need to be "dulled" so to say.

"Let's start with the system. It is essentially a store that allows you to buy anything you desire. The only catch is that the prices can be ridiculous and ever changing. It will have a few sub-systems to get its currency but you should be able to understand them relatively easily. Oh and it comes with a storage space called an inventory. You can store things inside as long as you own them."

"That sounds like it came from a game."

"Eh, potato tomato" the god says with a shrug.

"Next, the whole prototype progenitor is gonna get a huge nerf. From what I can tell it is loosely based on the similar 'blacklight virus' prototypes. Unlike them you will need to train different changes in form, such as the blade or claws. You could also buy them from the system, for a price. Good news though, if you train a form then buy, the price will decrease depending on the amount you self learned. And since you are the progenitor of all races even if you don't command the race as the ruler, most more attuned races will have a good impression of you. At the very least you shouldn't be attacked on sight. More like captured then killed. One last thing, to make up for some of the changes you will be able to control your age at will too since you will technically be ageless, in other words immortal. Do you accept it?"

"That seems fair. I agree with these changes." The soul was happy at hearing this. It could have been a lot worse. What if they had to do some wuxia bloodline shit? Oh you only have two drops of yada yada blood. You need at least FOUR drops to do the sacred super kaioken.

The Goddess smiles fully now. The soul's agreement was what she needed to start the last test. 'Let's hope they pass. The changes have been quite lethal so far, either that or they become dumber than a box of rocks. Then again what can you expect when you start someone on the road to godhood?'

The woman finishes her thoughts and says happily, "Good. Thennnn, begin!!!"

The soul starts to yell in pain, it's form begins to break as it's mind follows suit. Pain, the kind that it's worst wounds could only dream of creating, began to shred through it. Finally, the pain leaves as the soul's form fully dissipates before collapsing back together into a more solid yet still liquid being. Almost like it had become a sort of putty to be remade anew. The soul's mind mirrored its body. But it had already begun being molded. Its mind now fragmented into many pieces like shattered glass. Each piece of this "glass" holds a memory, experience, something it had learned.

The Goddess watches as a huge pile of this shattered glass gathers together and remakes itself into a new form. Seeing this she can only sigh at another failure, at least until something she never expected happens. This new glass begins to pick pieces of itself and tears them out. Putting them into a new pile. Making a completely new picture. No longer is it the soul who came here, nor is it the variation that reformed itself. It had become something new only connected to what was left of the variation. Sure the new soul was smaller than the variation but it was the leader not the much larger variation. It had only a few parts of the memory of the original but it was entirely unto itself as the variation seemed to guide it, and suggest ways for it to move, almost teaching it as the new soul learned.

"*HUFF HUFF* WHAT *HUFF HUFF* THE FUCK * HUFF* WAS THAT!!!!!" The newly formed soul demanded.

"Oi what are ya yelling at me for!?!"




The goddess and soul stare at each other for a bit then both start to giggle which then turns into full blown laughter. The goddess laughed at the joy of finally finding what she wanted. The soul laughed at all the weird feelings it was having. Like everything was new yet at the same time old and familiar. The small voice it could hear explained that it would get used to the sensation soon, before falling silent once more.

It was hard to explain. Whatever process the god had put it through had changed the being significantly. The world felt brighter, Hell they were pretty sure they could just feel more in general. What once had scared them or filled them with caution now seemed so insignificant. Like they knew they shouldn't joke around with a god and should be respectful even if they didn't mean it, But now they just couldn't be bothered. Maybe it was just the aftereffects of the process, but their body felt like an overcharged battery.

"ahh. Anything else I need to know, short stack?"

"Umhm not really no~? Ah yeah actually, where do you want to start , what do you want to look like, and then since your race has built in weapons, what do you want to start with?" The Goddess relaxes almost fully now, the only thing she had to worry about was how to get the soul to agree with her plan.

"Oh that's easy I'd like to start in the witcher world near Kaer Morhen preferably before the story starts. OH! And while I'm on that thought, make it so I'm not reborn and the wild hunt and people like the wild hunt can't track me please," the soul says following what the Goddess tells them. They didn't know why but they were sure it was okay to do so.

"Needy one aren't cha. Fine." The goddess agreed, still distracted by her thoughts.

"Next, what I will look like."

"Go ahead," The goddess says, coming out of her thoughts. Now all she needed was a chance to begin her idea. This new soul seemed to be much less serious than the old one, she could use that.

(A/N i plan to have the MC be the cover but in case i don't. If i did you can skip the description it will be long af so i can get the image across)

"So about 6'3 defined muscles. Sharp, detailed face, pale white skin, red hair with blue tips going about half way up no matter how long it gets, blue eyebrows and lashes, instead of the white part of the eye being, well white, make it the same red as the hair then a ring of black then same blue as the hair, with a half cat/lizard half hourglass pupil on the right and a star with small triangles around it leading to the black ring on the left, and make both pupils red, Oh and the hair should be just shorter than shoulder length."

"WHAT THE FUCK!! Why so fuckin' wierd and detailed?!"

"Because it was my favorite OC character design. Now for the basic outfit, black with blue tint boots stopping just under the knees, red leather straps/bandage covering up the legs ending halfway up the thighs ending with ripped black spats/shorts at the waist, two blue leather belts on the left thigh as well, blue belt with red ripped skirt/belt sash thing, small black pouch on the right side and two blue hanging belts with differing lengths hanging off the left side. And that should do it for the lower body"

"Thank you."

"Now for the upper body!" The soul says cheerily, clearly enjoying whatever small amount of suffering this was causing the god in revenge.

"Kill me!!" The Goddess sobs.

"A blue belt attached to the blue waist belt that has blue and metal straps running as a harness across the upper body the straps connect to a plate that protects the spine under that a black skintight leather jacket that goes all the way to the wrists, two blue belts on both upper arms, the same type of red bandage/ leather straps starting above the elbows and going down one length across the palms of the hand the right hand has a red glove as well, and finally a red choker/ necklace with chains attached to it on the neck under that is a skintight metal/pseudo metal half face gas mask holder. That should be it for basic appearance I think." The soul explained, now completely ignoring the Goddess.

(A/N thank god i'm done if i add anything else it should have a name to it so you can look it up. BTW if you couldn't tell this was from code vein character creator the gas mask will be the one with three canisters on one side with the tube/hose on the other. In the game it is the bottom middle in selection)

"I'm pretty sure I should just end you for that."

"Well you did ask and if i'm gonna choose, i'm gonna make it a good one."

"Fair point. Now i know i'm gonna regret this but please describe your weapon"

"*perfect mickey mouse impression* OH BOY!"

"NO!!!!!!!! None of that!!"

"Fine. I've never fought before so it should be simple and easy to use yet versatile. That's one of the reasons I wanted to go to Kaer Morhen, you know." The goddess just hums in acknowledgement. So the soul continues "I'VE GOT IT! I want gauntlet and boot claws that have grapple/rope dart launchers built in. This way I have close range punches and kicks while also long range attacks that can also change the shape to the situation. Oh and since magic and energy will probably be a thing make it make the same color palette as the clothes please!"

"Urgh. Why are you so uselessly good at this part only? Fine but you will only have a basic stake/dagger form at first you will have to unlock another form for the rope dart. And the gauntlets will not be very good at first so you will have to upgrade to made them better"

"I can understand the dart but why the gauntlet claws? Shouldn't they be made of prototype bone or metal?"

"Cause I said so. Now, get the fuck out!"

"I mean sure, but why you gotta be rude about it?"

"Because you took so long and I had to listen to all that and make sense of it. Do you even realize half of that won't matter?"

As soon as the goddess finished speaking a glow started up under the soul. The light solidified the souls form into its desired look.

"Oi shorty!!! Wait!! What do you mean it won't matter!?"

" hahahahahahaha that's your punishment for annoying me. Welcome to being a child!! Not so tall now are you? Since you will be my junior sister in the future, I'll even decide your name. Better yet since you'll be my sister you can have my last name. Vyr BloodLotus." the goddess nods and continues "mhmm I like the sound of that. Vyr BloodLotus, lil sister of Valkira BloodCarnation!"

(A/N the reason the last name is slightly different is because of family tradition the last name must start with Blood and be followed by a flower's name EX: BloodRose)

The soul, now named Vyr, looks aghast with this new revelation. The glowing light flashed at her and took her away to the world of the witcher. Valkira was laughing and waved her hand at the gym room. As she waved the room changed into a bedroom with a large screen showing her new sister Vyr in front of the massive bed. Valkira then went and jumped into bed watching the screen as a holographic keyboard appeared in front of her." I can't wait to see what adventures await you my cute little sister!!"