Ch 2 to become a witcher

North of Novigrad near the Gwenllech river, lies Kaer morhen, the home of the wolf school of witchers. Kaer Morhen is an ancient keep hidden to all but the most daring and well informed.

On this particular early spring day the witcher school was taking in new recruits for the first time since the peasant assault on Kaer morhen's scarred walls. Noble, peasant, hungry, satiated, it did not matter. All that mattered was for the child,who was to be 8 years of age, to arrive at the old keep.

Out of the hundred of children set upon the path only a fraction made it to the gate of the keep. All who did were frightened by the gruesome smell of rotting corpses and decayed bodies left in the moat of Kaer morhen.

Those were the remains of the peasants and mages that assaulted the keep at the end of summer last year. The only burial these bodies had were burnt herbs and casted spells to make sure nothing foul came of or for them.

Vesemir, the last of the old witchers, spoke to Geralt as they prepared to greet the children who would hopefully become the next generation of witchers.

(Vesemir)"Geralt, what do you think of the new ones"

(Geralt)"Out of the five dosen or so only a few have any presence. But a have a feeling this year will be different."

"Oho, why do you say that. From the ones ive seen it seems only one or two have any worth for now. Even after we went against the tradition and recruited openly."

"Gut feeling i suppose but it feels like change will happen and soon."

"Aye i suppose there is a change in the air now that you mention it. Let us hope it is for the better. Now how has Yennefer coming with those notes on the trial of the grasses"

"She says she will at least be able to improve upon what we are planning now, but still too much was lost last year."

*Sigh*"Aye, too much, … much, too much. Go tell Lambert and Eskel to get ready for the days ahead. Let us hope, against hope, not to many will be lost in this new batch"

"Yes master"

(A/N i will be using " for conversation and ' for inner dialog. With <> being system messages if valkira is in control of the system i will change the name to valkira system instead of just system)

While this is going on above one of the more secluded walls of Kaer morhen a portal was opened. From this portal a small eight year old girl fell landing on her back.

Groaning in pain Vyr opened her eyes to see a pristine blue sky framed by old stone walls on one side and lush green forest on the other. "Urgh. Fuck that hurt. Note to self land on feet next time. "

'Now i know why Geralt complains about portals all the time. That felt like a blender on pulse.'

(Valkira System)

(Vyr)'Oi dont think ive forgotten what you did! I know you probably wont change me back so you owe me'

(Valkira System)

'No way in HELL am I calling a shorty like you big sis.'

(Valkira System)

'I guess that's doable'

(Valkira System)

'i want to be able to play and listen to music from the system. That way I won't be as bored all the time and can motivate myself and others.'

(Valkira System)

(Vyr)'Well that's something at least. Oi system where am i and how do i use you?'


(Vyr)' yeah do that please'


(A/N info dump here fml)


(Valkira system)< Hey i thought i should explain this for you. The function of world travel is currently unavailable. It will become available later more than likely sometime after you finish witcher training. The shop works off a point based system. You get points from absorbing / eating bodies, rare materials, and energys (Because this way is a little finicky you will get a notification if it is absorbable. It's pretty safe to just assume most aren't) Now you wont get the full amount of points if you did not earn them. This is to keep you from auto farming points. Oh! And some of the unlockable functions will get you points too. Lastly is inventory, it is limited to daily necessities like clothes, soap, food, stuff like that. That should be all there is to it, but before I forget mutagens don't work on you like normal people. You have to let and direct them to work or else they will be useless.HAVE~ FUUUUUNNNN~>

(Vyr)' yeah that makes sense. Thanks sis.'

Breathing out a sigh, vyr gets up and walks along the walls trying to remember the way to the courtyard from the little she played of the witcher games.

(A/N im gonna change perspective here)

(\*Joshua perspective*/)

A small boy stands together with the other new recruits in the yard. They are all talking to each other to lessen the fear they each felt.

He was a servant born son from a poor noble house. With two older brothers there was nothing left for him to inherit from his family so they sent him to become a witcher hoping he could pass the trials and then return to contribute to their territory.

As an old man with long grey hair, muscled yet plump body with armor walked to the field. Everyone instinctively went quiet knowing he was someone important as the other witchers went to stand near or behind him.

(Vesemir)"Hello there young'uns. My name is Vesemir the Grandmaster of the wolf school of the witcher.i assume all you know why you are here. So I will only issue a small warning. It matters not where you came from or why. Many of you will not survive the coming years and trials, after today there will be no turning back. If you are scared and dont want to continue walk to Eskel over there and he will take you home. " as he said, Grandmaster vesemir pointed at the tall, kind man who had a scar running from his temple to his jaw on the right side of his face.

Looking over Eskel's shoulder the Boy noticed a weird brightly colored girl{Vyr} siting on the wall behind the line of witchers.

As some of the boys walked to Eskel the boy saw the girl notice him. When she did she gave a small, but happy smile and waved at him. She then motioned for him to keep quiet and looked back to Grandmaster Vesemir's back waiting for him to finish as she swung her legs back and forth over the edge of the wall.

After waiting for about thirty minute Vesemir looked back at the now smaller crowd of children and nodded before saying "Good!! Today and tomorrow will be rest days so you can get settled in and prepare yourselves for the training ahead."

A boy dressed in fine noble clothes and his head held high raised his hand and asked Vesemir with a high and mighty tone "I thought this was a witcher school. If it is, why is there a girl here? There is no place for a woman in a fight!"

The boy{Joshua} who had seen the girl on the wall thought to himself 'God he sounds like my asshole of a brother'

Vesemir looked at the arrogant child confused before following his line of sight and seeing the girl.

(\*Vyr POV*/)

Old man vesemir looked stunned to see me up on the wall while Lambert and Geralt ran to climb the wall to make sure I didn't run or fall off the wall. Laughing, I waved at vesemir and smiled.

(Vesemir)"what are you doing up there?!!" he yelled after recovering from his surprise.

(Vyr)"I arrived late and didnt want to interrupt your speech so I found a seat." *smiling*

(Vesemir)"what are you here for in the first place?"

(Vyr)"to become a witcher. What else would i be doing here?"

At this time Geralt and Lambert reached where I was sitting.


(Geralt)"Get down you aren't allowed on the walls"

Looking at the white wolf himself vyr decided to play a prank and said" Oh! I'm sorry! I didn't know I'll get down." before sliding over the edge while smiling at Geralt.

Seeing her do this Lambert and Geralt lunged to grab her before she hit the ground some ways below, while Vesemir ran to try and catch her. Sadly they weren't prepared for what she did and she landed on the hard packed training field ground below the wall.

Standing up like nothing happened vyr yelled" THAT, WAS, FUN!!!!"

Vesemir being the first to reach her after her fall proceeded to check to see if she was hurt before giving a sigh of relief and yelling"WHAT WERE YOU THINKING!?!?!"

(Vyr)"He said get down. So I did." she replied as if it was common sense while pointing at Geralt.

"How did you even get up there?

"Portal then a bit of walking."

"You came by portal?"

"Yep but i don't want to do that again. Felt like a swim in syrup. Nasty."

At this point the rest of Geralt and Lambert jumped down as well.

(Vesemir)"Lambert, will you go and situate the new recruits while me and geralt handle this?"

Lambert upon hearing this looks at Vyr for a moment and then nods and does as asked.

(Geralt)"So who are you and why are you here"

(Vyr)"My name is Vyr Bloodlotus. Nice to meet you, and I already told mister vesemir there why I'm here. But i don't mind saying it again. I'm here to become a witcher!"

(Vesemir)"I am sorry but you can't become a witcher."he stated in a firm tone.

(Vyr)"What why?!"

(Geralt)"Saying nothing of whatever you are. Women cant survive the witcher trials.

(Vyr)"Great. Then just like you said i'm different so let me try!"she says like its a fact she will pass the trials.

(Vesemir)``Even if you could, I would not risk it young lady. Now let's talk about what you are."

(Vyr)"Who cares about that stuff . Let me be a witcher please.! "

Vesemir looks at her and sees the determination in her eyes and struggles with his morals and thinks to himself 'either way if she stays then we can find out more about her' before saying "Fine! But under some conditions."

(Vyr)"Really!? Easy, consider it done."

Geralt looks at Vesemir with a questioning gaze and decides to trust him but not before signaling to him that they need to talk later.

(Vesemir)"HAHAHAHa, you don't even know what they are. How can you agree so quickly?"

(Vyr)"it doesn't matter. If that's what it takes as long as it is nothing bad i'll do it.!"

(Vesemir)"Well said! The first is to prove that you are worth teaching. I wont waste my time on a Girl like you if it wont pay off. So to prove yourself you must bring me a monster you hunted personally."

"What?! how the hell am I supposed to hunt something!?!?!"

"You could just give up." Vesemir states plainly.

Vyr grits her teeth and says "Fine. what else?"

"Next if you pass the first test you, though i don't think you will, even if you do, you wont get special treatment. And if you can't handle the training you'll be left behind like everyone else."

Vry looks visibly angry at this point and says in a low voice ( at least low for an eight year old girl) "So your saying since i am a girl i have to kill something the others couldn't even handle without training, by myself just to get the same opportunity as they get for being born boys?"

Vesemir grins and says "exactly, and the latest you can bring it back is tomorrow at sun down"

"Fine, i'll get it done" Vyr says and sticks one hand out to vesemir and the other to geralt.

Vesemi and Geralt look confused before Vesemir asks " What. you won't get any handouts here girl so take back yer hands"

Vyr looks at him as if he was the stupidest creature she ever had seen and says "Fuck off with your handouts i want our agreement in writing and you dont expect me to bring the whole damn body back do you? Even witchers don't do that, gimme something to take its head off with, you sexist ass."

Vesemir looks stunned by what she said while Geralt is shaking with laughter at the exchange between the two.

Vesemir sees Geralt trying not to laugh and decides to get him back as revenge while saying "Fine, Girl you stay here and get acquainted with Geralt as he'll be following you to make sure you don't cheat. While i get you your contract."

Vyr gives Vesemir another look as if asking are you stupid before saying"Yeah because people, first live around here and second have enough time to sell fresh monster heads."

Vesemir huffs and walks off while giving Geralt the stink eye for now laughing out loud. After he is gone Geralt looks to Vyr and says "He's not that bad you know. He is just trying to make you give up because of the danger"

Vyr looks at Geralt and says "I can realize that much but i didn't ask him to nor did i want him to. Now I have to hunt some monster with no training, supplies, or even preparation. No matter how you put it, its a suicide mission. Even if he did sent you as a fail safe"

Geralt stops smiling and replies in a serious tone "you can't blame us really. No woman has survived the trial and on top of that we don't even know what you are. You're lucky we haven't cut you down."

*Sigh*" i know you're right but it still pisses me off. And for what it's worth my race is called Prototype and I don't want to harm you guys. I really am just here to become a witcher."

"Prototype huh. Never heard of that before."

"Be grateful you haven't. We aren't exactly common and we don't die easily."

"Hoh proud of your race are we?"

"I enjoy it very much yes and if you are truly going to follow me on this stupid hunt youll see why later."

"You're going to show off your secrets?"

"Hah what secrets! I plan to stay and become a witcher and that takes years. I won't forgo my biggest advantage just to hide my "secrets". No, I'd much rather not having to worry about something like that. Plus they say relationships are built on trust so i will trust you with my secrets. Oh! And not stabbing me later and in return I'd like you to trust me enough to at least teach me."

Geralt smiles and says "Sure kid. Hell if you pass this well enough you needn't worry about Vesemir i'll teach you myself."

Vyr's eyes light up and she looks up to geralt in excitement and says "Do you mean it!?!"

Geralt just grins and nods at her

Vyr pumps her fists in the air and yells a quick "YES!!" before trying to hug Geralt while he just doges out of the way.

Vesemir sees this as he walks back over with a roll of paper and a small knife in his hands and says "I see you're getting along well. Here girl sign this. And this is to take your hunts head with."

Vyr takes the items and looks over the scroll. Seeing Vesemir already signed his name while there is nothing really wrong in it. She holds her hand out toward Vesemir again.

"What do ya want this time?"

"something to sign with. Duh!"

" I handed you a knife, just use yer blood!"

"You really are an asshole arent you? Not only are you sending me on a doomed quest you also want me to go track and kill monsters wreaking of blood.? Fine but when i get back you better make sure to uphold your end of the deal."

Vesemir looks ashamed when he hears this but was thinking it was better for her to fail and give up than to die going through the trials.

Vyr cuts her forearm and uses the blood to sign the contract before handing it to Geralt and putting the knife on her belt. Then she gives one last look to the great looming hold of Kaer morhen before steeling her will and walking to the gate.

Geralt calls after her "wait for me by the Gate. I'll be there soon" seeing Vyr wave over her shoulder in acknowledgement he turns to vesemir and says "this is wrong and you know it."

Vesemir looks saddened and replies"Aye. But you know as well as I that it is next to impossible for a woman to make it through the trials. And we don't even know what it will do to her species.*Sigh* don't help her with this task but don't hinder her either. If she makes it through I'll uphold our deal. Just make sure she lives there is more to this world that a child's wants and dreams."

Geralt nods and begins to walk away but not before saying "you never know Vesemir when fate changes it could be for the better."

Vesemir looks at Geralt's receding figure and says to himself "I hope so." before turning back to handle the new recruits.