Ch 3 The hunt and trust

As he leaves Geralt stops by the supply shed and grabs a few things before heading to Vyr. He finds her sitting on the drawbridge with her legs dangling over the edge.

When she sees him arrive Vyr gets up and starts walking down the trail away from Kaer morhen's gate.

(Vyr)' hey system i never got to see the shop so can you give me a rundown on how it works.?'


(Vyr)'how many points do i have and what is available to buy currently?'


'Valkira gave me another gift? Why.'


'Oh. sure?'

As soon as she confirmed, the system sent a great deal of information all at once to Vyr's mind.

'Wtf I thought it would be armor, a weapon, maybe some supplies or clothes. NOT A FUCKING COOKBOOK!!!'


'Uh huh, well at least it will come in handy"'

After about twenty minutes since they left Vyr slows her gait to begin walking beside geralt.

(Vyr)"SO i'm guessing that we'll have to walk a bit since you all probably kill all the monsters near the Keep."

Geralt gives a small nod "we regularly patrol, especially since the kids were supposed to follow the trail alone"

"So that means we'll have to go a ways. Well I guess there is always that morbid saying we could follow."

Geralt looks at her and gives a questioning gaze as if asking what saying.

Vyr catching this out of the corner of her eye says"where there's water, there be monsters"

Geralt thinks for a moment before nodding and asking" what are you thinkin' to hunt?"

" want to say something cool like a rock troll or a leshen. Hell even a specter of some kind could be fun. But since i don't have time to research, and prepare. I'll probably go after a necker, drowner, and if it's alone, mabe a water hag. Though i think i might be able to get a foglet if i'm lucky and go all out."

"It's good you know your monsters and your limits. I know this is a special occasion and you can't help that. But you should always prepare thoroughly for a hunt."

"I get that but i'm just worried i wont be able to get a good enough monster for that old man to concede. Hey tell me honestly are there any griffins around?"

"And here I was thinking you had a good head on your shoulders. Why the hell do you want a griffin."

"For a couple reasons actually. One its big AND can fly. Two we are in a forest so we have the advantage of limiting its ways of reaching us. Three it's Dangerous enough for that sexist ass to have to admit defeat."

"I don't know what you're thinking but fine. There is a young griffin that has taken roost near the ruined watchtower about three hours walk to the north, we were gonna kill it in a few days' time anyway. Just know if it looks bad I will step in and you will fail the test."

"Fare enough just make sure I'm down for the count, I can't have you stealing my hunt now can I." Vyr sys cracking a small joke, to which Geralt doesn't acknowledge.

A few hours later as they head to the watchtower, Geralt teaches Vyr various knowledge on the way. He also showed Vyr how to make hybrid oil, which after a run in with some wild dogs, some flower picking, and a lot of persuading on Vyr's part Geralt let her use his alchemy equipment to make her own.

They went to the tower through the forest to avoid the monsters near the lake. When it came into sight Vyr stopped and turned to Geralt saying quietly and clearly "time for those secrets we talked about. So DON'T STAB ME!.!"

Geralt gives a small nod so Vyr breaths in and then out, thinking 'moment of truth. Hopefully he won't freak out.' before changing into her Claw gauntlet weapon form. Black, red, and blue particles are released from Vyr before the white bone/metal mix quickly forms over Vyr's hands, forearms, feet, and shins/lower legs in the form of layered plate armor. On her forearms and sides of the shins tubes with what looks like stakes(imagine railroad spikes. there is one tube on each limb) are loaded inside.

Geralt quickly shifts back and draws his sword, causing Vyr to flich and get ready to run away.(A/N she is running because she know it would be stupid to fight geralt, especialy when she can just come back later after he calms down.)

After a few tense moments Geralt sees Vyr's face and the fear and sadness in her eyes before calming down and lowering his sword.

Vyr breathes a sigh of relief and says "shit that was tense. Lets not do that again shall we."

Geralt nods and replies"yes lets not, but i have to know is that why you're so proud of your race?"

"This and some other things. Oh and if you do end up fighting one of my race don't expect them to have the same weapon as me."

"Why, are those not part of your race?"

"No they are,in a way, it's just this ability doesn't make claws specifically. It takes the form of what someone is most comfortable with. So it could be armor or if one trained with a sword it could become a sword. Because I awakened mine so early it became the thing I needed most, a mix of all three general types."

"What are the general types?"

"Ah those are mobility, damage and defence. See mine are armor on my limbs without restricting my movements, claws, punches, kicks, for damage and these spikes for extra penetration.Lastly these spikes have these chains/rope and can be launched or thrown so i can pull myself around for extra mobility. Later if i get good enough i can even improve this form or gain entirely new forms for different situations. Useful right"

Geralt thinks for a moment absorbing this new information before agreeing "Very useful, and thanks for the warning"

" no problems! I'm happy to show off you know. Infact praise me more!"

Geralt grins a little before pushing Vyr towards the tower saying "get a move on, you have a griffin to kill"

Vyr pouts a little and mutters "stingy" raising her voice so that geralt can hear her (not that his witcher senses didn't) " you stay here while I lure it out. I want to fight it in the trees . if it ain't there we might be here awhile. But just in case, be ready."

Geralt nods and begins preparations in case Vyr needs help. While Vyr coats her arms and legs in Hybrid oil along with the spikes and knife just in case.

Moving toward the tower once again vyr lowers herself in case of a sudden attack. While Geralt hangs back in the tree line watching as Vyr slowly moves towards the ruined tower.

When she reaches the wall Vyr stops and listens for any noise.

Nothing but a few splashes in the distance towards the lake and the brushing of the cool mountain air.

Deciding to get in and get out quick, vyr shoots her rope dart at the highest stable looking point on the tower. Testing the line to see if it can hold her while checking to see if she hear anything new, she confirms that it is safe to continue. Climbing up the tower using the grappling line while also digging her claws in the stone, Vyr reaches the ledge. Before pulling herself up she peaks over the edge to see what is inside.

Inside the ruined tower was a fair bit of rubble, some chests, bones, and what looked like goat bodies. Yet the most important thing she sees is a young, tan and black griffin. Upon seeing it not reacting she thinks 'something's not right. Griffin's hunt by smell plus its daytime, it shouldn't be sleeping.' looking closer she sees the griffin is wounded.

'Oh? it seems to have fought something. that's good for me if it is already wounded then my job should be easier.'

Making sure to be as quiet as she can Vyr signals Geralt to be ready, before climbing into the tower. Looping the rope for her rope dart in her hands, she throws herself down onto the griffin. The impact woke the injured beast only for it to feel something restrict its breathing.

Vyr had used the rope to try and choke the beast to death. The Griffin now angered tried to fly away thinking its attacker was land bound like most of its prey were. Unfortunately for it vyr was already on its back trying to tighten the already chokingly tight rope. Once the beast flew from the tower it heard Geralt start shouting at it trying to get its attention upon easily seeing the brightly colored Vyr on its back.

The beast, not noticing the small child on its back, was blinded by instinct, thinking the noisy pest on the ground was its attacker. It started to angle itself so it could swoop down ending the pest who had disturbed it. Vyr took this chance, as it stabilized its body and lined up to its target, to use her claws and attack its eyes. while her legs fired their two stakes at the wings. Sadly one of the stakes glanced off of its target . The beast now choking, blind, and with one wing restricted, not to mention angry and confused on how it got hurt. Had started to spiral towards the ground head first.

Vyr, still attached to the massive beast, tried to release the thing before they both went splat. But that's where things went wrong, the loops of her forearm ropes around the beast's neck had tangled under it. And since she could not partially unsummon her weapon form she also lost her leg darts, which she planned to use as a swing to slowly lose momentum.this left her holding onto the thick neck fur of the Griffin with no way to stop herself. While the beast now free of its bindings tried to stop itself by spreading its wings wildly only to hit the ground, with a sickening crunch a second later.

Vyr landed on the griffin which somewhat cushioned her fall not enough though. Gritting her teeth vyr struggles to sit up, while watching as the griffin struggled in pain as well.

(Vyr)"hahaha. Looks like we both live ayh.? Well then guess my job ain't done yet." Vyr gets up and takes out the Knife Vesemir gave her to claim her hunt's head."Glad I coated you in oil as well."

Vyr walks over to the dieing Griffin, while trying to heal her injured organs, ignoring the less fatal injuries like broken bones. Using her right arm since the left is currently twisted and unresponsive (beside the pain indicators) she stabs the beast in its broken neck a few times, while avoiding the griffins snapping beak. She then backs off and waits for it to die before circling it and stabbing it again.

While she is repeating this process Geralt is watching from a ways away, noting ' she kept calm and stayed cautious even after most would think the beast dead.' Geralt then walks up as vyr is sawing/cutting the Griffins head off.

(Geralt)"good to see you alive. It seems your plan went wrong."

Vyr laughs then winces as she says " oh yeah tell my body that. This pain sucks.And no, not really, i was always planning to use its weight against it. My plan was to have me on the ground and the rope between the trees to block its dive at high speed."

Geralt nods, gives a grim grin and says " Good plan, and that pain is just the start once you become a witcher. Hell it will get worse if you survive the trials."

Vyr looks at him as she sheaths the knife in her belt while picking up the head and holding it over her shoulder with her good arm.

(Vyr)"I guess this was a good enough hunt for you to not try and get me to back out. Good. Now do you want its body or can i have it?"

"What do you want it for?"

"Told you there were perks to my race, Weapon form is just one."

"Yeah you can have it. Let me just take a couple of things off it first."

"Sure grab whatever you need."

Geralt harvested a few things off the Griffin's body before saying "do whatever you are going to do"

Vyr nods then hands off the griffin head to Geralt before cutting off the thighs of the monster, setting them to the side. She then sets her hand on it and says to geralt "you can look away if you wish. This won't be pretty."

Geralt just says "hurry up since you've killed your beast. We need to go back and fix you up. Those injuries are pretty bad."

"Don't say i didn't warn you" she replies while her arm starts to squirm and release black, red, and blue particles. Then her arm expands in to a mass of tentacles and devours the griffins body (making some pretty unpleasant sounds while doing so), before spreading across her body and healing all of her worst injuries.leaving only a pool of various goops and juices on the ground where the body had been.


(Geralt)"what the hell was that!!"

"That was one of the abilities of my race. It lets us recover from damage as long as there is enough biomass. Hell even some inorganic materials but that area of the ability is kinda blurry. Sometimes you can most times you can't."

"Your race is full of surprises aren't they"

"Hey at least you didn't freak out this time. So that's something"

Geralt grins and asks "so are you good to go now, or do you need a hand?"

"Yeah we can leave. But I do need you to carry those thigh bits since that body was only enough for curing my internal injuries, I still have plenty of broken bones that need fixn'. That's what sucks about this ability; it isn't efficient at all. Though it does filter out poison and other bad things"

"Why do you need these thighs anyway? Another race ability?"

"Huh? No i need to eat something.I haven't had anything all day, i am a growing young lady you know. Plus who knows what kind of swill you guys eat, probably whatever you can pull from the ground."

Geralt looks shocked at her words then thinks about it and realizes no one in kaer morhen can cook. So really they had been eating whatever they could get their hands on including herbs from the ground.Even after this revelation he just smiles and starts walking back to the old keep thinking 'Maybe this was the change we were waiting for.'

Watching him walk away Vyr yells "Hey don't run off, YOU may be able to walk fine, but do realize I am injured."

Geralt slows down and they walk back to the keep to see what Vesemir had to say about Vyr's Griffin trophy.

[Name: Vyr

Race : prototype progenitor

Age : Ageless

Skills :

Cooking MAX

Music Max (i know this is not what was listed in the Chapter but as it will be explained later Valkira was just lazy and gave this instead since it was easier for her)

Prototype Forms:

Clawed Gauntlets(has built in rope dart/ grappling hook)

Sub form: rope dart (Stake (imagine railroad spike))

Consumed List :

(Witcher)Griffin 1%

Shop points : 1100 ]

(there are alot of variables with the griffin so please realise it should normally be more than 100 Shop points)