Ch 6 training and music magic

Today was the day training started. As Geralt walks to Vyr's group's barracks he thinks about what happened yesterday and smiles to himself. Seeing vyr trying to catch and hug him was quickly becoming a fond memory for him. Everything seemed brighter after she arrived. Even Yennefer seemed happier when she was around Vyr.

Walking into the northern area geralt was surprised to hear music and singing. The sound was somber and sad but oddly uplifting, turning the corner geralt saw the source of the music.

In one of the branches of the tree near the shed, sat Vyr strumming an weird lute in time with the music. Over her left shoulder was a small multicolored magic circle which let out the sounds of more instruments. Not noticing Geralt she continued to sing the song.

(Vyr) "Well baby, I've been here before

I've seen this room and I've walked this floor

I used to live alone before I knew ya

And I've seen your flag on the marble arch

And love is not a victory march

It's a cold and it's a broken Hallelujah

Hallelujah, Hallelujah

Hallelujah, Hallelujah

Well, maybe there's a God above

But all I've ever learned from love

Was how to shoot somebody who outdrew ya

And it's not a cry that you hear at night

It's not somebody who's seen the light

It's a cold and it's a broken Hallelujah

Hallelujah, Hallelujah

Hallelujah, Hallelujah

Hallelujah, Hallelujah

Hallelujah, Hallelujah

Hallelujah, Hallelujah

Hallelujah, Hallelujah

" (A/N yeah no i'm not writing all that at 6 AM)

Seeing her finish her song, Geralt briefly wonders why she didn't become a bard before saying " if you're that good why are you here?"

Vyr looks over and see geralt standing below *sigh* "Firstly that wasn't my song. Second, while I do like music, I don't want to do it all the time. Third, music won't give me the freedom i want. And lastly *grinning mischievously* who said i can't do both. Let me know if you want to hear more later. I don't mind using my music magic since it's basically free. Im confident in my ability in music."

"Music magic?"

"Magic meant solely for music"

Grelat nods in understanding before saying "it would make Yen happy if you showed it to her."

"Sure i dont mind ill play something at dinner tonight, oh and don't be surprised if i use it while doing other things. I like to listen to music while doing other tasks."

"As long as you properly focus i don't mind. Now go and wake the others up."

Vyr gives a big smile and goes to to wake her roommates up taking the chance to put her guitar on her bed. When she walks into the room Trey is already awake. She lets him know and he helps get the other two up. Adar as soon as he wakes is complaining like usual while josh is basically asleep but responding to orders.

As everyone lines up outside geralt looks the group over before saying "you need to be faster. Now today starts your training, so starting today you will slowly be reshaped and prepared for the trails you will take in the future. If you fall behind you will be left to die. As Vesemir said it doesn't matter your background starting now you are all the same. So you will all be treated the same."

Adar looks like he is going to explode with indignation before starting to lecture Geralt about his family and how he was born to get treated better. Geralt just takes it all without saying a word. When Adar is done geralt looks at everyone there before saying" remember this" and clocks Adar in the face knocking the child unconscious not to mention off his feet. Geralt looks up from Adar's crumpled body and says "I don't care where you are from if you want something you will work for it. You WILL listen and obey to our orders or you WILL die. Now lets go we need to get started on your basic training." he walks away not caring about Adar who is still unconscious.

Vyr sighs seeing her two roommates walk away after Geralt, then she goes over to Adar's body picking him up and throwing him over her shoulder like a sack before following after the boys.

When they arrived at the training field the other students were showing up as well. Seeing vyr carrying Adar over her shoulder Geralt smiles, while Vesemir walks over and asks " what happened? Did you kill someone already lass?"

(Vyr)*laughing*"no he aint dead and i didn't do it he tried to mouthoff to geralt."

Vesemir nods sagely and says "dumbass picked the wrong fight. Well just toss him somewhere out of the way and line up with the others."

Doing as vesemir asked vyr tossed Adar unceremoniously onto the ground a ways away.

Lining up next to john and trey john asked "why did you even bring that asshole with you?"

Vyr sighed and said "As much as i dislike him he is our teammate and maybe even future witcher buddy. I can't just leave him behind because I disagree with him. Maybe in time he will change. I doubt he will be the same after that punch geralt hit him with.

(Vesemir)"alright settle down younguns' it is time to start."

After doing as told everyone was given a wooden sword and shown the basic movements of the wolf school. This included different ways of moving and how to swing a sword. After that they learned potions , had lunch, learned about monsters then in the evening learned more of the wolf school of combat. This was their basic schedule everyday. They were given no freetime and the food they were given changed.*At dinner time the first day* every one was made to sit on the floor while holding a bucket. The adults then pass out their "dinner". Weird clumps of herbs that seemed to be soaked in with other herbs that had been mashed. Seeing many children talk back or cry when they realised this was all they were going to be able to eat for the foreseeable future, Vyr just shrugged and tossed one of the balls into her mouth. Biting down she immediately knew she made a mistake. It tasted of rot and sour grass, and even though it looked and felt wet the moment she bit down it disintegrated like a powder. It was like eating a spoonful of cinnamon.

The witchers seeing this began to laugh at her after seeing the faces she made. Vyr hearing their laughter swore she would get back at them before looking at Geralt and asking while coughing up powder " any advice for me O' great teacher?"

Geralt nods before saying "swallow don't chew" Lambert laughed at him before saying "a good rule for a whore house!" Hearing this Vyr gives Geralt a scathing look before throwing a stone at Lambert saying " Are you calling me a whore? Fine then I'll no longer cook anything for you!"

Lambert looks shocked before cursing himself for his loose tongue and begging Vyr to forgive him. Vyr ignores this while following geralt advice for the rest of the herb pills.

Vesemir and Lambert start conversing and telling hunting stories like they always do before it is time for the trainees to go to bed. So Vyr gets up and moves to a corner to listen to music by herself. When he sees her walking off geralt reminds her to bring her bucket, Vyr gives him a questioning look before doing as told.

After about an hour the kids start puking their guts up. Geralt looked over at Vyr and saw she seemed fine. She was using the same magic circle from that morning, but this time there were two, one on each of her ears. She didn't seem to notice what was happening to the other kids and was bobbing her head in a rhythmic pattern. Remembering she said she would play yennefer a song he walked over getting her attention and asked " how are you feeling? You up for that song you promised this morning?"

Looking up at him said " im fine. Why? Yeah sure i would love to let me go get my guitar!" When she gets up she sees the other kids holding their heads over the buckets and filling them with whatever was in their stomachs. She gets confused and asks "what's wrong with them? Well doesn't matter I'll be right back."

Geralt watches as she walks away perfectly fine and thinks 'seems ill have to ask her about her immunity to the drugs before she goes to bed later'

Vyr quickly fetches her guitar and returns before walking to yennefer asking her "Geralt wants me to play you a song what kind do you want to hear."

Yennefer looks at Vyr and says "oh so you can cook and play an instrument. Well what songs do you know? Tell me a few so I can choose."

"I know to many to list them all so here are a few off the top of my head, though be warned they won't be like anything you ever heard before so it may be to advanced for your taste.'' After saying so, Vyr rattled off about twenty songs and what bands made them and gave a short description of the song to yennefer.

Hearing this, Yennefer frowns saying "Are you insulting my tastes in music? Fine i'll give you the benefit of the doubt and let Geralt choose."

Geralt smiles, shaking his head and says " I'd like to hear that ode to fury about the god of war you mentioned."

Vyr nods and says "A good choice and a good way to ease you into the other songs i can play. Shame though it is a song i can't really use my guitar for."

Setting her guitar on a table and casting the music magic so she can sing the song instead of the original singer while keeping the music the same. Yennefer eyes the magic circle in wonder thinking ' what weird magic! Geralt told me it was made just for playing music too. Who could have thought someone would have had enough time to do something so boring. It makes me wonder what Vyr's world is like if they have enough time to create something like this'

The other witches also see the magic circle and Vyr clearing her throat, they grab their swords thinking something is wrong before seeing Geralt be relaxed next to the circle.

As they lower their guard Vyr begins to sing while the circle expands and contracts with the beat of the music. (A/N i'm not going to include the lyrics this time because i don't want to pad out the chapter, (totally not because of formatting errors and bugs. It could never be that))

As the song faded into silence everybody clapped at the different yet very good song.

(Vyr)"i'm glad you liked it. It's a bit simple but still a good song."

Seeing Vyr still fine after her performance, Geralt finally asks "why are you not puking your guts up with the rest of them?"

Vyr looked at the other kids, some still puking and asked "should i be? What were those herbs supposed to do? I mean they did give me 50 points in all."

Geralt explains "they were supposed to cleanse your body and help get you in tune with nature"

"No wonder they didn't work then. My body doesn't allow impurities in the first place, and if I was any more in tune with nature I'd be growing plants across my body."

Geralt just nods, chalking it up to her race's peculiarities while yennefer starts asking more questions about Vyr, her race, and her magic. This continued until everyone went to bed.

Adar hadn't said anything all day after eating shit from geralt's wake up call of a punch that morning. His eyes had even lost their normal luster. His roommate of course noted this but didn't care about the arrogant boy who made enemies at every turn.