CH 7 One year later and Prepping for the trials

*\one year after training began/*

Vyr sits on the edge of the north wall looking at the lake while playing her guitar. Everyone had the day off, today and tomorrow . This was because they had their first witcher trial.

Many things happened over this past year. Geralt and Yennefer basically adopted Vyr.Yennefer, scared for her now daughter to go through the trials, ran all sorts of tests on Vyr's body. One of which was how much toxin she can handle. This lead vyr to drinking potions until she showed signs of toxicity. It was found she could basically drink freely with no side effects for an hour, but only half if she was only drinking with almost no breaks. This was about twice geralt's limit, and this was without the trials of the grasses. The test also led to quite the funny scene of a drunk Vyr after about the seventh potion. (potions are made with high proof alcohol many time mixes of multiple)

In revenge for calling her a whore and laughing at her while she was drunk, Vyr gave Lambert an otherworldly alcohol tour. Starting with corn liquor moonshine. She thought about giving him high proof beer then vodka without bread or snacks but she decided against giving it to him since that can cause various internal problems, some he could die from. The morning after his liquor tour Lambert swore to watch his mouth around vyr from now on.

Vyr also made up with Grandmaster Vesemir when he saw how serious she was about becoming a witcher. Even in the free time they had every few weeks she would alway be doing something to either help her team or train herself further. She didn't have any amazing talent for swordplay. At least that was until she was handed some exotic weapons in one of the alternate weapon training classes. She had next to no talent for most of the more common weapons, but she had made even the witchers scared at her display with a common farming scythe. It was like whenever she was interested in a weapon she learned to master it scarily fast. The downside to that was she could never settle with one weapon. She frequently switched weapons and even designed a few of her own. Not that she could produce them without a massive waste of points.

(A/N she researched some weapons back on earth that interested her. Also she DID NOT actually master those weapons. She is just particularly skillful. I plan to have her switch weapons a lot just because I'm interested in exotic and fan made weapons. She will still up prototype forms. The forms are too weak for now as she needs to upgrade them or train them, which is a massive resource sink. I'm still debating adding weapon mastery levels in my book. Probably wont since i want her to switch a lot.)

But since she wanted to become a true witcher she trained twice as long as the others just to get good at the witcher school of swordplay. Nowadays she had to fight the witchers to learn any more. She still lost doing this though, the witchers had experience and enhanced reflexes that surpassed hers.

She had an especially easy time learning magic. The only thing that slowed her down on that front was learning the hand signs for signs. When she first went to the circle of whispering stones to meditate, she almost exploded. Witchers meditate to connect to the energies and powers around them. So when Vyr (who is already connected) went to meditate it became a vortex of energy surging into her. The upside to this she got a lot of shop points. Down side she wasn't allowed back into the area.

On the topic of Shop points Vyr was doing great! Whenever the witchers went to hunt something they would bring it back for her to absorb. This allowed her to accumulate many points along with the points she got from meditating. She had even been able to buy access to the harry potter world (it was particularly cheap because she already had access to earth tech so really she just paid for the magic)

(A/N harry potter was always stupid past the story to me so im just gonna take the useful bits (rights go to Harry Potter and the loa's child fanfic for the future idea))

After buying this world and seeing the prices, Vyr started planning for the future. There were a lot of exploitable cheap things in the Harry Potter world. Though they might be weakened coming over to the witcher, it was also freeing in a way.

After setting her goal she started to make preparations for the future. The hardest was convincing Vesemir. For her plan to work she would have to own Kaer Morhen legally, to make it the best possible she also wanted to acquire the Kaer morhen valley as well. She told Vesemir this along with a bit of her plan, and after much questioning and convincing, she got Vesemir to agree that if she passed her first trial the day after tomorrow he would give her legal ownership over Kaer Morhen Valley. While she agreed that he would be the first in line to inherit the valley if something were to happen to her.

This past year held many events including the growth of her and her roommates. Though they were only nine years old, because of the rituals, potions, and training they looked like they were thirteen instead. Vyr was getting closer and closer to matching the appearance she wanted (the cover), while her roommates had changes of their own. Josh had turned into a devilish young man who constantly had a cool smile on his face, while Trey had actually slimmed down a bit into a more athletic build than the previous bodybuilder one. Both were handsome in their own way but the biggest change was the change in the teams relationship. While at first they were a shoddy group of children, now they had become a well oiled treo. Especially Trey and Josh, it was like they didn't need to talk to know what the other ment.

Sadly the year wasn't all good. Adar after getting his world view changed forcibly became reclusive and dark. He didn't cooperate with the team at all and barely ever spoke. It was like he was a dark shadow that followed the treo, haunting them for having fun while he fell further and further behind.

Adar's change wasn't the only change sadly. Of the 60 some odd children, only 40 remained. Some died of starvation, while others died from trying to run from Kaer morhen. The worst was a boy who tried to steal food from the witchers. The witchers used him to make an example by sripping him naked and tieing him to a wall in the training yard for them all to watch him starve to death.

After about two days of seeing the witchers doing this, Vyr went to geralt and asked him if they were going to let the poor boy down or not. Geralt just shook his head. Vyr nodded before walking towards the training yard. Watching her go he just sighed and went to inform Vesemir she was about to do something. By the time they arrived they could see the boy still sprung up where they left him. The sunburned boy was trying to sing along to the song Vyr was playing in front of him. "

Snow capped skies

Standing by while cities

Perish in the reaches of the deep

Bloodlines fall

Lost it all, the pain of

Severing the bond we had as three

Here in a sanctum long abandoned

Unto the tinder falls a spark

I have a holy call to answer

To be an angel of the dark

So I will pray for death to take you

With my own cold and weary hands

And you'll arise reborn of ashes

Before the fire fades again

Close your eyes

Fire must die, and I will

Reap your embered spirit to survive

Let us rest

Never test the darkness

Keeping our own winter dream alive

One chosen path

A silent, tranquil

End without the purging fire

Fade to black like our desire

You've come too far

Unkindled like

I was before I saw the answer

To our rotting, hollow cancer

Now you have seen the father's anguish

Atop a painted glacier's peak

You've heard the tales of ash before you

From timeless legends that they speak

If you can listen now to reason

Then take the whispers to the heart

Forget this cold and black consumption

Forget this angel of the dark"

(Angel of the dark by Aviators)

As the song had come to an end everyone in Kaer Morhen were present on the field to see what happened next. As the song came to an end, the boy had gone quiet and still, while vyr had started releasing her particles like she was about to activate one of her abilities. But instead the particles took the shape of a hooded figure with black wings behind her. Everyone there young or old was frozen with fear from seeing the figure, even the witchers knew whatever it was they had no chance. Looking up from her seat on the ground, Vyr nodded at the figure. The figure nodded back and walked/floated past her. It stopped in front of the boy's body before reaching for his still tied up hand. Then to the shock and horror of everyone there the figure pulled an ethereal form of the boy out of his dead body. The boy mouthed thank you at Vyr before the figure nodded once more to vyr before both exploded into wisps of black fire and particles. After both had disappeared the children ran away in fear while Josh, Trey, Yennefer, and the witchers went towards the crumpled Vyr who was unconscious. In the background Adar was watching this happen before muttering "Monster! She should be killed like the rest of them."

It was a week before Vyr woke up and had to explain what happened.

Sitting around a table with only the witchers and those close to her, Vyr was looking tired and a bit irritated that they had pulled her here without asking her opinion.

(Geralt)"So you wanna explain what that thing was?"

(Vyr)"Urgh, that was a dark angel. And before you start down that path. One no you probably won't see more, two no i can't control them, three all i did was summon it, four the reason i passed out was the price i had to pay, five like alchemy's law of equivalent exchange something must be given/taken to get something else. The price to summon a dark angel to guide a single soul beyond is a week of your life. Normally this week would be taken off the end of your lifespan, but because I won't ever die of old age it was taken off immediately so I passed out for a week."

(Yennefer)*crying*"why?! Why would you summon that thing?"

"Because I wanted to give him an easy end. What you were doing was cruel and while it had a purpose it was still uncalled for. If you were going to kill the child there were better ways than make him suffer for days on end just because he was hungry and made a bad choice."

The witchers look ashamed and Josh and Trey nodded in agreement before Vesemir sighed and said "Aye, you may be right but why the song?"

(Vyr)"just like signs need hand movements, some magic needs chants to channel power. Sound is one of the strongest mediums of power. Music being the foremost application. While just one song can inspire an army, it can also drive an enemy mad with fear. I used the song to call the Angel. More or less I got its attention with a song."

It was hours later when vyr was let go. As she walked back to her bed with Josh and Trey everyone who saw her flinched and tried not to be noticed. Seeing this Vyr sighed and slouched forward a bit.

(Josh)"Don't let it get to you. You did the right thing. They are just scared of the unknown, a bad trait for a witcher if you can't overcome it "

Trey nodded before adding "We see you no different that before, a sister in arms. Although a weird one."hearing this Vyr punched him in the arm before smiling and saying "thank you, it means alot that you aren't scared"

(Josh)*smiling*"oh we are scared alright. But we are just more scared of being on your bad side. " Vyr smiled laughing and hugged the two before going inside and hopping into bed.

*\flashback? Over /*

(A/N wasn't expecting that but that's where it went so yeah. For those wanting to know when she said she wanted music to inspire and Valkira was being lazy and gave her maxed out music skill it did include tonal magic in it. So technically if she wants she can find the right song and pay the price to do different things. The dark angel was actually a servant of Valkira.

This is just a warning, I decided to change some things with the story and Vyr's personality if you want to know more it will be in the authors note.)

Strumming mindlessly on her guitar not really playing it, Vyr heard someone walking up behind her. Turning she saw Geralt who asked her "are you nervous about the trial?" Vyr shook her head and said "yes and no. I'm not nervous for myself but for my friends Josh and Trey.i hope they make it through. It wouldn't be the same without them."

Geralt nods and sits beside Vyr on the wall while thinking about those he lost in the trials.

(Geralt)"i heard about your deal with Vesemir. You want to own the Valley?"

Vyr nods and instead of explaining, asks Geralt a question of her own "what do you think of the lake over there?"

"I think there might be a new nest to clear out. The drowners have been increasing."

Vyr nods to his word while replying "you know what i see? I see a lake that would be great for swimming. Instead of a forest I see a secluded place to expand. I see flatland rich with nutrients in the soil. I see potential. When I pass the trial I want to use a special kind of music magic to seclude this place. Then I want to make a place just for people to enjoy in peace, even though it may be impossible. I want to make a small paradise right here. After I cast the magic I want to make a place for witchers to come home to."

Geralty looks surprised at Vyr then laughs saying "What would witchers do with a paradise? We can't even have children. We train to fight monsters not hide in vallies to be farmers. Even if you see all that it would be a waste to make it happen."

Vyr just nods and says "you may be right. But dreams are hardly fair. That's what I want and I can use my powers to make it. And it's not like no one would be unable to leave, I just want to give them more reasons to come back. Besides it's not like witchers won't be unable to have children forever. It's just a matter of how long you have to wait. I know yennefer sees me as her child and i see her and you as my parents, but i don't think you should underestimate her wanting to have a child with you."

Geralt shuts up at that and then says "you might be right but who would believe you are the child of the White wolf with all your colors?"

Vyr just laughs at him before bursting into particles and reforming with white hair down to her shoulders and a witcher's cat-like eyes in the same color as yennefers saying "i wonder how yennefer would react if she saw me like this then. O' great white wolf?!"

Geralt sits there stunned as Vyr walks off in her new form to find Yennefer. Geralt smiles and follows to witness the ensuing chaos Vyr caused when she walked up to Yennefer who was talking to Vesemir and saying "Hello mother!"with a mischievous smile on her face.

*\the next day/*


Jumping out of their beds both boys got into fighting stances before vyr said "woah there guys no ones attacking."

They boys look at her with an accusing glare before Josh says "What the hell has gotten into you?! I wanted to sleep in today!" to which Trey nods in agreement.

Vyr smiles and says "tomorrow may be the day we die so i wanted to spend the day with you two. So i don't care what we are doing but we will be doing it as a team!"

The boys both groan knowing they can't change her mind While Adar seems shook up upon realizing the truth in her words.

For the rest of the day Vyr dragged the two boys around doing various things. She even dragged Geralt and Yennefer along and convinced them to join in as well. As the day came to an end the two boys collapsed onto their beds while Vyr was still with Geralt and Yennefer. Thinking back they really did have fun over the course of the day. The two soon fell asleep leaving the candle burning on the desk.

Vyr soon walked in after they dozed off. Sighing and apologizing in her mind as she bought two vials from the system. But before she could take them out she felt her limbs go numb and heard footsteps outside the room. Feeling something wrong Vyr tried to transform but couldn't! Turning to grab the knife she left stuck in the wall she stumbled and fell when her legs wouldn't work right. Behind her she could hear dark laughing and then someone saying "your not asleep? Well that just makes what's about to happen better." Vyr struggled to turn her body over and saw Adar standing in the doorway.

(Adar)"You know I thought alot when I heard what you said this morning, monster.Today could be my last day! So I decided I might as well go out on my terms then. I'll be a true witcher by the end of tonight. When I kill you monster, everyone will thank me for breaking them free of your spell. Then they'll know how noble my blood is and see how superior I am to these commoners! But you really ARE a strong one aren't you? I made that candle a hundred times more potent than it should be and you're still awake! A good first hunt huh, the monster that bewitched the witcher school. " walking past her on the floor, he pulled the knife from the wall and said "But first i'll use you to take out all the frustration you caused me."

As Vyr tried to resist Adar lowered himself onto her and started trying to cut her belt off.

Seeing this, she tried to use her power again but as the particles started to form Adar said "Oh no none of that now" before taking out a bottle and drinking it. He then moved the candle next to vyr's head making its effect stronger. After a few seconds he managed to get the belt harness off of Vyr and moved on to undoing her leather jacket. Seeing this, Vyr started to panic and push her powers to activate.Getting the last clasp open he smiled and reached forward to open her jacket. Vyr was full on panicking now and pushed as hard as she could. As Adar ripped open Vyr's Jacket there was an audible "CRACK" and Vyr's vision went black.

(A/N hahahaha i hit 3k words so here is a fuckin' cliff!! *evil cackling*)

(A/N nah im kidding there is a perspective change though.)

*\Geralt's POV/*

Vyr had just left so as me and Yen were walking back I asked her "Did you enjoy today?" Yennefer who had a big smile on her face said"Very much, the only thing that could have been better was if Vyr looked like she did yesterday." while laughing the pair continue to walk back toward their room in the keep.


(Yennefer)"what in god's name was that?!"

Geralt was about to respond when he heard it. It was a howl deep, guttural, and filled with rage. As a witcher he had fought many monsters before but this. This reminded him of the Dark Angel Vyr had summoned. Thinking to himself quickly while drawing his silver sword ' no that was more powerful and a lot less angry. Where the angle was calm this feels as if it is nothing but rampage.' running back the way they had come geralt hears screams. As he and yennefer were turning the corner Adar barreled past running as fast as possible. Geralt went to call out to him but before he could something flashed in the corner of his vision. Turning his body and readying his sword he heard from Adar'd direction screams of pain. When he looked that's when he saw what had flashed past him.

Hunched over Adar was a humanoid figure, it was black and looked armored in smooth plates that ended in crystal spikes. The spikes and where the plates over lapped glowed and pulsed at a fast rhythm. The head was hooded in blue cloth with red trim that pooled down to the tops of the shoulders before going down the back to form a ragged cape. From under the hood two crystal blade-like horns came up for a little less than a foot. Under the hood only two things could really be made out, two angry heterochromatic eyes, and a mask-like mouth with razor sharp teeth.

The figure was currently holding Adar facedown on the ground and taking chunks out of his back slowly with its mouth, seemingly enjoying the boy's screams. Geralt seeing this went to go help the poor boy but was held back by Yennefer. When he was about to pull himself from her grasp she said "the colors look at the colors" in a panicked voice. Hearing this geralt looked at the figure and saw the black, red , and blue color scheme of the figure. Putting two and two together he gasped shocked before quickly understanding what needed to be done. Looking to Yennefer he said "hurry and block the other children from coming any closer and let the others know what is happening." Yennefer quickly nodded and ran off.

Geralt stood and watched what he assumed to be Vyr slowly torture Adar. he wondered what could have happened for this to be the result. Soon footsteps could be heard approaching. When the other witchers arrived they saw Geralt with his sword in hand warily watching a humanoid figure killing a boy slowly. Seeing them Geralt waved them to come to him quickly. As they arrived near him he said "I don't know what happened but i think that thing is Vyr or something she summoned. The boy is Adar from Vyr's team. One of you go and check their room for the other two" While they were surprised they still kept their eyes on the figure and Lambert quickly went to check on the other boys in Vyr's team.

Not long after, Adar's screams slowly became gurgles before stopping altogether. When this happened the pulses on the figure slowed and it released particles which then formed tentacles absorbing Adars body. When it was done the figure stood up and looked around. When it noticed the witchers the pulsing sped up again. Thinking it was about to attack the witchers readied their swords. The figure looked over the witchers before locking eyes with Geralt. The pulsing stopped all at once, before picking up even faster than before it stopped.

Before the witchers could react the figure turned into a flash and tackled geralt to the ground. When the witchers turned all they could see was a wave of particles. When the wave cleared they saw Geralt on the ground with Vyr clinging to him, sobbing into his chest.