Ch 35 its raining People?

(A/n im about three shots of vodka in and i still can't think of a way to start this. So forgive me if i get a little cliche.)

(Ruby POV)

I-I-I ….

Ruby.exe has stopped working. Please wait while we contact support.

We thank you for holding. While you wait please enjoy the provided music.

*vyr singing assorted songs plays*

We thank you for holding. Ruby.exe has rebooted, enjoy.


Ruby screamed in her head as her face heated up. A red blush covered her face all the way to the tips of her ears as she processed what vyr just did.

'C-c-calm d-down ruby. Think it through, what just happened. We left the castle. Check. We made it to the cabin. Ok. we left the cabin. Yes. we came to the - OH MY GOD SHE KISSED ME!!'

(Normal POV/ Vyr POV)

Honestly the kiss was kind of ... I mean it was sudden and a little quick. But the worst part was it was way too short. It left me wanting to do many things. None of which were very wholesome lets say.

Though to be fair watching Ruby's face change was something of a treat in and of itself. As her face seemed to paint itself red, one could almost see the gears begin turning once more in her head.

First it was as if she just stopped working, like a computer that froze. Then she was very confused. It took a few seconds and it looked as if she would repeat the process but she finally went into an embarrassed retreat.Now she was sitting next to me on the ground hiding her face in her hands.

"Pfft - hahaha" Seeing how she was, I couldn't help it and started to laugh.

"What?! What's so funny?!" ruby said looking up with her face still red.

"No- nothing, pff pfft." I said trying (and failing) to stifle my laugh.

"You know what?" ruby asked as she stood up.

"What?" I asked worried she was upset.

Before I knew it I was on my back and ruby had pinned me to the ground. Her knees were on either side of me while she held my hands above my head. It took me a moment to shake off the flashbacks of Adar's assault, but I managed by focusing on Ruby's face and how I felt about her.

Apparently when you push her too far she gets aggressive. Using this new found knowledge i may have pushed my luck and said "oh? I take it you liked the surprise then?"

But ruby didn't react. She just sat there and looked at me.

"Umm. Ruby? Hello~ you there?" still no response.

"Look as much as i am enjoying the moment, I'm getting a bit worr-" finally ruby reacted but i can't say i expected it at all. She cut me off for what felt like the 5th time and smashed her mouth into mine.

It was something else. Hot, aggressive, and a bit forceful. Yet it was sweet at the same time. On and on, no break, no stop. Even i was getting a bit out of breath, when she seemed to realize she couldn't hold out any longer.

As she pulled back I couldn't stop the probably goofy smile on my face as I said "I'll take that as a yes."

She just groaned and glared down at me with a pout.

"Gaaaah. You - you" she tried to say as basically headbutted my collarbone.

"Me what?" I asked with a smile still on my face.

This only got me another headbut. After a moment she slid off me and lay down next to me under the tree. I gave her a second to think, this was a pretty big decision. As we lay there under the tree, I could feel a mounting dread as my worries flew through my mind.

'Was I sure I like her? Does she like me the same way? Was it too fast? What do I do if she says no? What do I do if she says yes? What will change? Will anything change? Ruby is good inherently. She always does the "right" thing. Even when nobody can tell what the right thing to do is. I-I'm not. I kill, well anything. My go to method is violence. Could i really say it was ok for us to be together?'

All these thoughts ran through my mind like an avalanche. Honestly I was only this tense when Josh and Trey were going through the trials and that night adar died.

Right when my thoughts were at their peak, Ruby finally turned and faced me. The soft light from the tree made her all the more beautiful.

"I don't know what to do." she said with a sigh as she turned back and faced the glowing canopy above.

"What do you mean?" I asked the voice at the back of my mind speaking all the worries I didn't want to hear.

"I feel like running laps and climbing walls. Like I could just jump up and fly from happiness alone. But at the same time my heart is telling me to wait. That there is something missing. Like i'm not ready yet, no that's not it. It feels like it's not time for this yet. If that makes any sense."

I didn't know what to say to that. 'If I boiled it down, Ruby wanted more time before anything else. Yeah i can work with that.'

*sigh*"At least it's not a no. If more time is what you need i can wait." I said.

She turned back to me, a small caring smile on her face as she said "thank you."

Seeing her like this I couldn't help but try and burn the image into my mind. I swear, Ruby at this moment is the single most beautiful thing i have ever seen.

When she made to sit up I was tempted to spend my system points just to stop time for a while, but I settled with making the image from a few seconds ago permanently embedded inside myself. Now it will always be there no matter what happens to my physical body. Even if someone mind wiped me I would still have that image. It's a crying shame I couldn't do that with all my memories but it was just too inefficient and costly.

I never wanted to end up in a position like Geralt's in the second game where he gets another lover after losing his memory. He may not be my real father but i take too much after him already. Hell in the lands around here they already call me lady wolf or daughter of the white wolf.

As i was lost in my thoughts ruby had already stood up and reached out her hand to help me stand as well. Once I was on my feet Ruby wrapped her arms around me and mumbled "thank you."

"Dont worry about it." i said, hugging her back.

She pulled back slightly and looked up at me. Me being 6'0 left her a full head shorter at 5'2, so I couldn't help but smile as she pulled me down to her height.

"Stop smiling it isn't funny." she said with a slight pout.

"I can't help it. It's cute."

We stared at each other for a few seconds before we both started laughing. Right as our laughter was dieing out the sounds of what I could only describe as trouble started to sound out.

One minute the forest was normal and I was laughing with ruby. The next shouts and roars were sounding out from towards the keep. I let go of ruby and walked out from under the dense canopy the tree of souls provided. (A/n that is the legit name for the tree from the avatar movies.)

Once out I could see what the problem was. It was real simple, a dark purple and green rift had opened itself up over the glowing forest far enough up that you could see it from within.. From the rift human figures dropped down, probably not happy about the long drop. If they lived from the clearly unstable rift.

See there are quite a few ways to travel using portals and the like, and that's all well and good. But as any good mage/sorceress could tell you portals and rifts are two very different things. Where portals can be seen as a stable(ish) connection between two places using various methods and means. Rifts are basically unstable tears. The way Yenifer explained it is "think of space as a fabric. Portals are something of a needle and thread. Portals fold the "fabric and "sew" the two places together and allow a "door" to connect them. Rifts tear the fabric apart entirely and leave nothing to connect the two places together. After a portal closes it is fine, but when a rift closes all manner of things can happen as the "fabric" fixes the "tear"" And that couldn't be more true now.

It looked as if the sky itself were weeping as magical energy gathered at the tear. Ruby looked at me and said "that's not normal here, is it?"

"Meh?" i replied with a shrug and started moving towards it with ruby. " i mean until i know more it could just be a mage fucking up a magic spell. Though the people falling are mildly concerning."


"I've seen worse."

"Than people falling from the sky."

"Remind me to tell you about the time me, josh, and trey took a contract in the fyke isle."

"Short version?"

"Old tower on a small island. Used to be the residence of a small lord who happened to be a mage."

"What happened?"

"He was using the populace as "materials" in his research. Eventually the people revolted and stormed the place. Lots of dead. Didn't help the mage wasn't keen on cleanup as well. I swear i can still smell the place every once and a while." I said with a shiver.

"That can't be true." ruby stated with disbelief.

"Let me put it this way ruby. Things may be bad on your world, but it's nothing compared to here. We may not have grim, but we've got problems all our own. And something you'll learn real quick is that humans are the worst monsters there are. Don't believe me? Just ask Qrow or your dad."

As we arrived we could see the witchers trying to calm fridge and the viperwolves down while everyone else was standing back and watching the bodies fall from the portal. Well I say everyone , but Weiss and Yang were trying not to look at the pile. Blake seemed more interested in Fridge though.

'Seems like she has seen her share already. Whatever if she wants to share I'll listen, never good to push someone to share.' i thought before whistling at fridge "down fridge! They are my friends."

Hearing me fridge calmed down and came back next to me.

"Thanks Vyr, I think one of the bodies landed on her when the rift opened." Josh said walking over.

"So what's going on?"

"We were hoping you knew. You're the magic expert now that yeniffer isn't here. So you tell us."

"Shit, uh ...." Vyr said looking around. "Alright i got a plan, it ain't great but it'll do for now. Aelos You're around here somewhere right?"

"Do you have need of me, my lady?" Aelos asked with a bow as a loud pop sounded out when he appeared.

If Aelos was any indication, then the elves had come far with their recovery. He now seemed like an average elf you could find in the kingdom. Past this point vyr had no idea how they would turn out. Aelos now had long wheat blonde hair paired with a sharp, handsome face. He stood roughly at 5'10 and wore a green robe with gold embroidery of leaves. On the chest above the heart was a wolf school symbol like a witcher amulet.

"Good to see you, and yeah i need you to pop around and bring some things." Vyr said once she was done looking at his new form.

"Anything you need I will get." he said, rising from his bow.

"Great! I need some long lengths of rope, four to six, and I need some thick hard to tear cloth. It doesn't need to be comfortable, just hard to break."

"Anything else mam?"

"Yeah if there are a few of the elves that don't mind we could use some strong hands as well."

"I will see it done."

"Thanks Aelos." said as he popped away.

Walking over to the others I gave them a quick run down of the plan. And not long after Aelos came back we had a working trampoline set up under the rift to catch the people falling. Luckily the rate at which they were coming out was slow so there were only five or six that fell before the trampoline was up and running.

Now that we were catching the people we had a little more time to inspect them. Each had on some kind of armor. Not cheap armor either, they all were personal armor that had the same uniform color and general look. Some wore light and a few even wore full plate armor, but all of them were hurt in some way. A few died even though we caught them. It seemed that these people were fighting a war before they came through.

Taking advantage of their disorientation I had Vesemir and Eskel along with the girls stripping the survivors of their armor and weapons just in case. After an hour or two the rift started to close. Thankfully it was a natural closure, you never can tell with unstable rifts. Right before the rift closed it spat out one final survivor.

As they landed on the trampoline we could tell they were different from the rest. Their armor was much higher quality and they also wore no helm. Apparently they were made of sturner stock as well. Unlike the rest they were fully aware of their surroundings.

Landing on the trampoline they bounced off with grace and landed on their feet. Turning towards us we could finally get a look at them.

It was a woman, with long black hair, purple eyes and long sharp ears. She wore half plate armor that had a natural flowing design alluding to her probably elven heritage.

Upon seeing us she yelled in a language only I could understand, "Humans! You shall die!" and charged greatsword drawn.