Ch 36 Warrior princess? (updates in author note)

'Well … fuck. That's not what I expected. Though to be fair i didn't expect a portal dropping people above my forest while i was on a date either. A charging, probably, elf lady wielding a greatsword isn't the best. Should I kill her? I mean she is trying to kill me. Nah, I need more information, lets keep her alive … for now."

Having sorted my thoughts out, I focused back on the elf? Yeah until told otherwise she's an elf. I reached for my steel sword only to grasp air. 'You know mabey vesemir had a point, i should carry my blades around even if i don't use them.'

Without a weapon i was forced into a reach disadvantage as the elf had swung out a horizontal slash. Just from this one swing someone could tell this chick was well trained. It was too low for me to redirect upwards and too high for me to push into the dirt, leaving one only the choice to retreat backwards. At least if you weren't me that is.

Making full use of my language abilities I crouched slightly and let out a thunderous "WULD NAH KEST!"

Not even the weight of her armor could help as I barreled through the elf like a freight train. And thanks to my lower stance I gave her a nice bit of air. While she was "landing" I reached into the armory part of my inventory and pulled the first weapon that came to hand.

What came out left all those who saw it confused. As what came out was only a katana hilt wrapped and tied in cloth. The blade itself was nowhere to be seen, leaving those who had circled us questioning my sanity.

The elf herself slammed her one armored hand on the ground thinking ' I don't know what magic that was. Nor where she pulled that from but she's looking down on me!' Rising with her anger visible she readed to charge once more.

Seeing her want to continue I quickly said "hold up! Lets talk." in her language.

She quickly drew to a stop, before advancing slowly asking "You can speak the Ancient language? I thought humans stopped speaking it?"

"First off, I'm not human even if I look like it. Second, I can speak any and all languages. So lets take a step back and stop this before you get hurt." I said and immediately regretted it. I was referring to the circle of armed people around us, but it seemed she took it differently.

She quickly stepped in once more with a diagonal slash taking advantage of her reach advantage. I dodged her swing with a small spin and used it to swing my hilt at her neck.

A smile appeared on her face as she made a small step back to avoid the hilt in my hand. But seeing how calm i was she focused her attention on the hilt in my hand. For the barest hint of a second she could make out a slight shimmer. Realization dawned on her and in an amazing display of elegance and quick wittedness she dropped into a backwards roll. Rising once more she focused her gaze onto my blade.

"What is that?" she asked with a level tone.

"This is called darkdrift. Not my favorite blade but it's up there on the list." i said, caressing the ethereal blade. You see darkdrift is a special katana. It was "cursed" with an invisible/ barely visible blade. This gave the wielder a big advantage as people could be easily caught off guard. even if they knew the blade was there opponents would still have to guess the length to properly avoid its bite. But that's not what made this blade truly special. Not what set this katana apart from others was its ability to pierce. See almost all katanas were made to slice or cut, and lacked in the thrusting department compared to some other sword types. But not darkdrift. Darkdrift was so good in fact that it could easily pierce metal shields with a good thrust.

Taking a deep breath the elf once again moved toward me. "I see. It would seem you are no common swordswoman. I am Fëthi Dröttning, Sister to Arya Dröttning and daughter of Queen Islanzadí Dröttning. Leader of the Forest Sentinels. What do you call yourself?" she asked, leveling her blade at me in a defensive stance.

"Well damn. Alright, I am Vyr Bloodlotus, Sister of Valkira Bloodcarnation, witcher, huntress, and I am known as Lady wolf."

"No mother?"

"My family is complicated. Now can we stop this and talk."

"Not until we find a winner."

"Really? You really want to do this now. You do realise some of your men may be dying." I said exasperatedly.

"They're elves, they'll be fine." she said dismissively.

"Some of them are already dead!"

"They came knowing they would probably die. Now stop talking and fight." she said as she once again attacked.

"Well i certainly wouldn't want to join up." I muttered dodging a swing. She followed up with another swing from the opposite direction. Blocking it with my sword point aimed downward and the hilt to the sky, I followed with a quick step in and twisted my sword sliding it along her blade aiming to nail her in the chin with the Kashira. (A/n yeah that's right i took the time to look up the proper name for a katana's pommel. Turns out its called the kashira/fuchi)

Leaning back she attempted to dodge but didn't expect me to completely release her sword from mine and flick my wrist forcing the blade to follow the strike with a lethal slice aimed for the throat.

This exchange had her once again rolling backwards on the ground. This time it was clear I was in the advantage as when she rose to her feet a thin trail of blood was running down her neck.

"There I win. Now lay down your weapon." I said stabbing my sword into the ground next to me.

"I don't accept." she said angrily.

"And Frankly mi'dear, i dont give a damn." I said.

This seemed to stump her as she didnt expect that answer. Before she could say anything else Ruby launched out from the crowd and swung around me using my neck as a pivot.

"That … was… AWESOME!" Ruby said hugging me before animatedly describing the fight with sound effects she made. Seeing her I couldn't help but start laughing, it was just so cute! The others walked over as ruby became embarrassed by my laughing.

"So what's the deal with her?" Josh asked, getting nods from the curious witchers and looks of interest from the others.

"Ah yeah forgot yall couldnt hear."

"We could hear fine, we just don't know what new gobbledegook you two were speaking." Vesemir chimed in getting nods all around again.

"Nah gobbledegook is a lot harder to understand. Lot more vulgar as well, lots of threats." I said dismissively.

"Get to the point Vyr" Geralt said before we started getting off track.

"Right, sorry. Short of it is, she is a princess and leader of some group called the forest sentinels. I also get the impression she doesn't like humans."

"What? You say that like she isn't human either." Weiss stated a little self righteously.

"She isn't weiss. She's an elf. Like Aleos and the others he brought along."

"What's an elf?" Blake asked curiously.

"Aleos, could you give them a run down on other races please? I need to be here to translate."

"Right away my lady. If you all would be so kind as to follow me?" Aleos asked with a bow before the girls along with ciaran followed him a short ways away.

"So what's the plan grandpa?" I asked

"I reckon we'll have to keep 'em under watch till you can find a way to get them back where they belong." Vesimir said, scratching his chin stubble.

"Right. I'll try and think of something, till then we need to keep watch on them. I don't want them running loose while we have visitors."

"You sure you don't just want to keep your girlfriend safe?" Josh teased.

"Yes Josh I'm sure, i don't want unknown soldiers running around while they have a problem with humans."

As we were setting up plans and the others were getting a rundown on different races. Princess Fëthi was doing some thinking of her own. ' I was bested in a swordfight. I who was so good with the blade my mother herself made me a commander of my own army. No don't go down that path Fëthi. There was much more at risk here. I need to find out more. If humans have those like her on their side I can't be hasty. Now that i take a minute, WHERE THE HELL AM I?!'