CH 37 a long night and expectations

As I tiredly say down at the breakfast table, I couldn't help but think about everything that happened yesterday night. 'What was supposed to be a romantic date in a semi-magic forest turned into me getting turned down and a group of Elven soldiers falling from a rift in the sky. The leader of said elves then gets in a fight with me, losses, and spends the rest of the night questioning everything in existence. If I hear "that's impossible" one more time i swear something will need to die'

"That's impossible!" Weiss yelled sitting down while talking to Josh about some of the stuff he's seen on the job.

Hearing this i did the only thing i could and slammed my head onto the table with a loud *bang*.

"What's wrong with her?" Josh asked not at all phazed by my actions.

Ruby giggled and said "She's just tired." while poking me in the head and handing me a plate of food.

Josh balked at that and said "Vyr? tired? Bull~shit~."

"Fuck you josh. Do you even know how annoying that Fethi chick is? Turns out their species of elves don't actually need sleep. They only need to meditate for a couple of hours and they are fully rested! Its fucking bullshit I tell you. BULLSHIT!"

"Well if you know that much, it shouldn't take long for you to get them back where they belong right?"

*sigh*" dont even get me started on that whole shitshow. You'd think it would be easy to find a world like she described, but it turns out there are thousands like it."

"There are thousands of these worlds where other races are fighting humans and have super powers? You must be exaggerating." Weiss said dismissively.

"No, with the parameters you just provided there are literally countless worlds like that. I have to take everything any of them know and slowly narrow down the possibilities. If it weren't for them being a pretty specific breed of elf and Fethi being a royal, I would still be narrowing it down from the billions." I explained, still resting my head on the table.

"And how much do you need to narrow it?" Blake asked, sitting down with yang.

*chuckle* "oh not much " I said after a small laugh. "see it's not -" Josh started to say. " i just have to get it down to one" I finished cutting him off making him choke down his words.

As we were talking Aelos walked in leading Fethi and the few soldiers who were awake and could walk behind him. Seeing me Fethi greeted "good morning Lady Wolf. If you would allow, May we join you?"

"Yeah, sure, sit and eat your fill." i said dismissively in their tongue. This seemed to stump them as while they were being respectful, even as prisoners, their capture didn't even seem interested in them much less return their respect. Some of the soldiers started to grumble something while Fethi just took a seat without showing a response.

There was a few minutes of silence as the atmosphere started to get awkward before ruby asked " So if different worlds have different languages how come we don't?"

"I'm pretty sure I already told you i speak all languages." i said with confusion as Aelos and some other elves(former house elves not the ones with Fethi) started serving a simple breakfast.

"No, I meant why can I understand Josh and your other family? Oh uh, thank you." Ruby asked before thanking the elf girl who set down her food. The elf nodded and went to stand behind us at the wall waiting for other commands. Another elf girl served me and joined the first by the wall.

Something about them was bugging me though. They seemed to be related but that wasn't really possible as they were two very different breeds. When the elves had started recovering their heritage, they had started taking on traits of their original races. As house elves had become a mixed amalgamation of races when they started reverting it had become a toss up as to what breed they would become. The last count had ended in over six different races accounted for. The one to serve Ruby was a dark skinned elf while the one who served me was impossibly pale.

Turning my mind away from the two elves I focused back on what Ruby said. 'Why did they speak the same language?' Not finding an answer by myself I went to the one responsible for my world hopping abilities.

'So discount magic Walmart, Why do they speak the same language?' I thought toward my system.

'Then why aren't Fethi and the other new elves able to speak this language?'

"When i went to Remnant it seems i subconsciously chose a world where we spoke the same language." i explained.

"I still don't know how to feel about this whole magic thing." Weiss said with a sigh. Unlike most of those in the room she seemed used to being served, though she was staring a bit at the elves.

*ahem* "May i ask what you are speaking about?" Fethi asked politely while also looking at the elves. She had spent a good few hours last night trying to prove they weren't elves but it seems she had gotten used to it.

"We were talking about how to get you and your bunch back where you belong. I'm narrowing it down now using what you told me last night but it's still a ways off being complete."

"You're going to help us?" Fethi asked with disbelief.

"That's what i said. Why what'd you think was gonna happen?"

"I thought we would be enslaved or sold off. Like the others here." Fethi said gesturing toward the former house elves standing around.

"First off, the elves here are friends and allies, NOT slaves. They help out willingly. Second, if we were going to enslave you, I wouldn't let you walk around freely. No, as soon as possible you'll be sent on your way back to wherever you came from." I replied while I repeated the important part in my mind 'as soon as possible'.

"When why are we not allowed to leave?" Fethi asked, challenging my words.

"Because I am the foremost person able to send you back to your home reliably. Also because those in the surrounding villages would sooner kill you then talk to you. You know, just to name a couple reasons."

"Surely you jest."

"No not really. I already told you most of the people here aren't human, me included. Even though we look almost exactly the same. In most places we are thought of as a necessary evil, and Monsters in human form. Though to be fair I fit the last one to a tee." Once I had finished Fethi seemed to be lost in thought. So I used the time to try and eat my breakfast. Taking a bite I was filled with nostalgia at the bloody taste.

See ever since i started learning as a Witcher, If I wasn't cooking for someone else. I instead used mealtime as a chance to consume biomass, AKA the leftover parts of hunts. Be it humans or monsters, At meal time they each could find themselves on my plate. Its good training for the most part. Though it has to be said there was more than one objection to my food choices. But after a while everyone came to be used to it.

Maybe it was because of my Prototype race or I might have just been twisted that way but humans were a special kind of delicacy to me. It didn't really matter what form they came in, to me it always tasted good. If i had to give it a description, it would be something like having a craving you didn't know what would fill, but then you eat just the right thing. That bliss of satisfaction is what I felt with every bite. It was near an addictive quality, truth be told.

But after I arrived in remnant I stopped my more bloody habits. At first it was to be on the safe side. It would be pretty awkward if someone found me chomping down on a severed leg. I can't really see myself talking my way out of that one. But after i met ruby it was a whole other matter. Whether fear of rejection or Ruby just being there, I never felt the attraction to human flesh.

Now that i was back home though it hit like a truck. The mere thought of ruby finding out about my more monstrous side was world shaking. It wasn't like I had completely hidden my more beastly side. I just wanted to look good in front of the girl I like. Sue me.

While I was lost in the paranoia of my mind, Ruby who was next to me looked at my plate curiously. While everyone else had various breakfast foods, Vyr had some kind of red soup with meat, bones, and some kind of leaf mixed in.

'That looks good. I wonder what it is. I'm sure Vyr won't mind just a bite. She doesn't any other time.' Ruby rationalized in her head. Having thought it out she reached over with a spoon to try some.