Side Chapter 1 (its here! HYPE!)

(A/N since we passed the big CH 25 and I am on the fanfic leaderboard(at the time of starting this chap, I thought I'd do something special. This will be multiple small stories. I hope it will detail some of the years Vyr was with the witchers training. And also just some fun ideas I have. Some of it is canon, some isn't.)

*\sometime in the multiverse/*

(Asha)"So you can do it right?"

(???)"Are you doubting my service?"

"No, I just want to make sure it's done. Take it as me needing assurance, I can't let anything disrupt Vyr."

"Yeah I can get that. Anything for family, right?"

*chuckle*"right. Alright I need to go, but thank you again for doing this."

"Nah, not only is it the job, but I take pleasure in challenges. Variety is the spice of life."

With one final small laugh Ash hung up the phone and walked away.


A man had just gotten home from work. He was in his mid to late twenties, average height, with brown hair and green eyes. There was nothing really special about the man. He went to work like everyone else. Didn't really have much blood family, but had more than a handful of close friends who he treated like family.

After taking off his shoes and settling in for the day, the man walked to the balcony of his apartment. He admired the View as he always did since moving here. Twenty stories up and one could see the river that ran through town as well as the lush mountainous forests that surrounded it.

As he admired the View he turned his gaze skyward only to see a Truck?

It was a Black Eighteen wheeler, common in America to carry cargo. What wasn't common was that it was flying towards him from above. Thinking he was seeing things from being so tired the man lazily read the big sticker on the grill of the truck.

It read "you just got Styled on by Truck-kun! ;)"

This was the last thing he ever saw, because in the next moment the Truck demolished not only him but more or less the entire 20th floor of his building.

\*Kear morhen sometime while dandelion visited*/

(Yennefer)"ok Vyr today i want to see how powerful one of your songs can be."

Vyr give Yen a look of are you stupid while saying " I could litteraly end the world with the right song. You do remember me telling you that right?"

"Of course I remember," Yen replies, rolling her eyes. " What I want to test is how powerful some of the magic readings your spells produce. So I want you to make a strong spell but also contain it."

"Can I just put on a show then?"

"A show? I don't see why not. But why would you want to?"

"A couple of reasons actually. Lately everyone has been getting kinda down so I thought it would be a good idea to lift some spirits. Another thing is I want to see how far the magic can affect when I stretch the idea I have of it."

Yennefer thought about it before putting on a wry smile and asking "Are you sure it's not because you want to blow off steam after losing a spar to Geralt again?"

Vyr blushed a bit and said "Just go get everyone alright? I'll meet you over by my room. I got something in mind."

Yennefer laughed but did as asked. Soon everyone was gathered around Vyr's team room.

(dandelion)"Oh tell us already! Why have you gathered us here, Yennefer?"

"I'm not the one who wanted everyone to gather together."

"I am. Now shut it and look towards the lake." Vyr said as multiple magic circles started arranging themselves around her. Some were horizontal, others vertical, a few were still, but even more were moving in some way. The one thing was that all were in arms reach from Vyr.

(Joshua) "What are you doing? Should we be worried?"

"No .. mabey(?) … probably not? Meh, don't worry about it and watch the scenery. Me and Yen want to test something and I thought why not make a show of it."

Josh nodded his head as he was already used to Vyr's whims by now but Dandelion said "Oh! So you are going to be putting on a show?! Shall i tell one of my many stories?"

"Not that kind of show. Now everyone, quiet I'm starting. Since this is more of an experiment than a show I need to focus on the music so I won't be singing with it."

(A/N Edvard Grieg "in the hall of the mountain king" [intense symphonic metal cover] by falkkone.

Try it, you won't regret. *chough* if you like metal and classical music of course.)

As the music began everyone was surprised by how "un Vyr like" the song was. It was slow but powerful. Normally she played fast and loud songs. This was something they didn't see coming.

Dandelion was staring shocked as Vyr manipulated the circles around her masterfully. It was like dancing almost as she moved her body trying to get the best effect to form what she imagined. He leaned to Geralt and spoke in a hushed tone so as not to interrupt Vyr's concentration. Say what you want about Dandelion but as a performer he knew how rude it was to interrupt someone who was performing.

(dandelion) "I tell you it is a travesty that someone so talented is studying combat with witchers. If she can play something like this instead of that loud mess she normally plays. It is no stretch to say she would be the most famous bard to ever walk the land."

Geralt just gave a wry smile and said "*Hrm* just wait and watch. If I know her, and I do. She will put her own spin on it. I don't have to be a bard to tell the pace is speeding up."

As Geralt said the song was getting faster and louder as it went, yet it still held a sense of majesty. As if to say 'you are in front of a great and wise king. Know your place.'

Soon those looking out towards the lake saw something amazing. Trey was the first to see it and quickly pointed it out silently. Then everyone followed as well, gasping at what they saw.

On the far side of the lake the forest and hill started to shake softly. As the music got faster and faster so too did the vibration. When the music built to peak it suddenly with a loud flare of drums changed. Following the change the shaking stopped as a giant made of stone, earth, and the ground itself stood up on the far side of the lake.

The giant was humanoid. It seemed to be clothed in cloth made of nature itself. It had only a long royal cloak and a crown on, that stood out.. The rest of its royal clothes were made of the same material as its body. The cloak was made out of a long carpet of lush green grass, but what really stood out was the crown on the giant's head. It was made of a multitude of mixed metal giving it an almost rainbow hue. In the middle of the crown a large gem sat embedded into the metal. Though they couldn't tell the kind of Gem on the crown, everyone could see it was a King of its kind. Like a clear diamond was shaped around various other gems in a variety of colors.

As the music continued the Kingly Giant walked to the mountain in the back of the valley with large strides. As it walked the mountain trembled and shook before changing into a large stone throne.

The throne was formed in a large almost hall-like cave. It seemed the large mountain hollowed itself out to make room for the Giant's throne. As the music peaked and fell back into a slower flow, so did the mountain's changes. Smaller details appeared, carvings and filigree on the hall and throne. Flakes of stone, dirt, and even ore, peeled away to make way. It had started slowly and as the music rose in tempo so too, did the speed of the carvings. As the music climbed its final rise, and came to an end, the once plain valley's end now was home to probably the most intricate monument in the continent.

With the magic exhausted along with the killer headache she could feel coming on Vyr said"there shows over. Neat right?" Getting only stunned looks in response.

"What the hell was THAT?" Dandelion yelled in confusion.

"That I believe was the creation of a D'ao." Yenneffer said in awe. Getting looks of the same kind from the elder witchers.

*\the time Vyr got a fuck off button/*

(Vyr)"So you're saying I can use this to just delete enemies I don't want to deal with?"

A very excited Valkira is bouncing up and down while saying "yeah! Don't you love it?! I had to ask Sandstorm for some parts but when she found out what I was doing she gave them for free!"

"You talk about this "sandstorm" a ton you know? Why do you have to ask her for things anyways? I mean you made the system and I can get literally anything from it. Doesn't that mean you can just make things as well?"

Valkira pouted and answered "Mouu, I mean I can but that's not really how that works, and you don't go to a gardener when your car breaks down. You go to an expert. Who better than Sandstorm when you want to mess with someone?"

"So she is a god of chaos then?" Vyr asks confusedly.

"No no no. Sandstorms a goddess of fate!"

"Uh ok sure. Anyway, so what's this button called again?"

Valkira starts bouncing again and takes a pose before shouting "the Big Button Of Fuck Off and Fuck You! Isn't it the Best!"

"Sure sis. But what happens when you press it?"

"I don't know!" Valkira shouts happily.

"What do you mean you don't know? You built the thing!"

"Well yeah but it randomly does something to the target. You never know what will happen! It could turn them into cooked ham or destroy them with a tomahawk missile!"

Vyr looks at her with exasperation and says "So You're the chaos god, Right?"

"Nope." Valkira says with a big smile while popping the p.

*sigh* "So where am I supposed to test it out?"

Valkira waves her hand and both of them are moved to an area of what looks to be Death valley Nevada. She waves once more and a man appears. The man is wearing a black suit and has some sunglasses on. The man looks kind of generic, like he was picked from any business meeting around. The only thing that differed from Vyr's generic sense of a business man was the man wasn't really out of shape. I mean the dude wasn't an athlete or anything but he also did not have a belly really either.

"So I just look at him and hit the button right?"

"Yeah more or less, then we get to see what happens."

Vyr shrugged before looking at the man and slamming her hand down on the palm sized button.

They waited but nothing really happened. Right when Vyr was going to ask if it worked, a portal opened next to her. Out of it came a man in a uniform. He was skinny and pale, but he moved in a way that said he had been trained and seen combat. The man's uniform seemed to be a mix of light armor, leather, and a WWII german officer uniform. He even had a hat with metals on it.

The man came out and saluted sharply to Vyr, making the papers held onto his uniform with what seemed to be red wax shake fiercely.

(Officer)"Commander, we are ready to fire on the heritic!"

Vyr had a wry grin on her face as she recognized the uniform and said "Good Job! Now on my mark wipe him from existence!"

The Officer's eyes which had held a dull glaze before seemed to come to life as it burned with fanatical craze. He responded with a fervor that could only be described as insanity "On your command!"

Vyr smiled wide and simply said "fire"

Vyr was sure that if the man's smile could split his face it would as he yelled "Fire!"

There was a full second of pause before a laser? A beam? A path of toxic green energy came down from the clouds landing on the businessman.

It was easy to tell that the man wasn't there anymore, as even the ground was disappearing quickly. Valkira jumped to Vyr and teleported them both into space as they watched the man in uniform practically scream "Exterminatus take me! FOR THE EMPEROR!!!" before he welcomed the green energy flood over him.

Vyr and her sister watched on as the energy continued to spread. It caused the land to burn, while developing glowing cracks to span the entire globe. Then as quick as it started the entire planet blew apart.

Vyr turned to her sister and handed her the remote while saying " I think you need to make some tweaks."

Valkira only nodded her head and took the remote, still watching the burning remains of the planet.

*\the forest of glowing bullshit Story part 1/* (how it happened. It is cannon btw.)

(Lambert)"so let me get this straight. You can at any point just summon anything you want?"

(Vyr)"yeah pretty much. I mean there are some things I don't want to mess with yet so I'm waiting for a bit."

"I'm gonna ignore that. Does that mean you can summon people? You did summon those house elves that are running around."

"Oh yeah. People just cost a bit more."

"They cost?"

"Of course. Here, think of it like this. Why does it cost more to hire knights instead of mercenaries? They both kill people.

"Ah, I see what you mean. Some are trained more so they are worth more."


"So can you summon plants?"

"Yeah? I gave you some fruits just the other day."

"That's right. Those .... shit i can't remember what you called them."


"Yeah those. Man it'd be nice to have a garden of those around. Hey speaking of gardens, whatever happened to the one you made near your room? Last I remember Geralt was pulling you off that Adar boy after he tore it apart."

"Urhg, don't remind me of him. *sigh* Anyway, I rebuilt it. Made a nice flower garden surrounding the tree. Yennefer comes by and reads there every once and awhile."

"Don't let it bother you girl. Never liked the little prick myself, always spoutin' off about his family's position. Good riddance to shit people, I always say." Lambert said, patting Vyr on the shoulder, getting a small laugh for the effort.

"Thanks, what were we talking about again?" Vyr asked, feeling slightly better.

"Ah, yeah. I wanted to know if you could summon up some plants we are missing."

"That's all? Yeah, sure, what kind?"

"Well thaaaaaat's the thing. I, kinda, don't… know?" Lambert said awkwardly trailing off at the end.

*sigh* "Do I even want to know?" vry says tiredly thinking ' I should have known something like this would happen. Since when does Lambert do alchemy? Since never that's when.'

"Hey don't look at me like that. I stumbled on this old passage when I was researching after a job. It said I need this strong poison or venom or something. I couldn't tell what it was talking about. It said something about a gate that took the person who entered into some forest where they couldnt breath. I couldn't make heads or tales of it, so I wondered if you could just summon it." Lambert quickly explained.

"What did this passage say exactly? And what do you even want?" Vyr asked, slightly interested.

"Alright so bear with me for a bit. This was from an old journal of a master witcher from the viper school. They guy was known for this general poison that worked on pretty much all monsters. In the journal it said he went through this magic "gate" which I think means a portal. And when he got to the other side it was night time and the trees around him were glowing different colors. He said he was surrounded by a circle of stones with symbols on it. Inside the stones all the plants were dead but on the other side they were fine. When he stepped outside the stone circle he started to choke on nothing. But when he stepped back inside he was fine. The guy thought the circle was some kind of prison so he started to break it. Thing is, when he was breaking it, he attracted some kind of monster. As he broke the circle it attacked him from behind. They fought and he realized he couldn't breathe. So the guy booked it back through the portal. The monster came after him but quickly died as if, now it couldn't breathe. It said he got the poison by combining plants he got from the other side of the portal with the monster's venom."

"Hhrrmmm tell me more about this monster."

"Yeah that's the thing. I've never heard of anything like it before. It was described as some sort of snake wolf thing. It was described as a sort of dog with scales and snake-like fangs. The scales were blue or purple. I can't tell if it was a way of hiding the creature so the viper school could monopolize it or what. But I've never heard of something like that." Lambert said while scratching his head.

Vyr looked at him with wide eyes thinking ' was that a portal to another world?!!!!'

*\in a dream of Vyr's/*

*Big iron(song) plays*

Vyr walked the dusty road in an old duster. The duster had once upon a time sported her colors proudly but as all things do it had faded in time. Now the once bright colors have become dull muted versions of their glorious past. On the collar was an old and worn symbol sown there by hands that would never hold anything again. The burning rose was thread bear and stained with blood, like much of her clothes, making splotchy discolorations across it.

Vyr looked down the road as the crowd in front of her seemed oblivious and yet at the same time aware enough to part in front of her. The only thing in her path was her target plain and clear.

She fingered the hammer of her custom made revolver. It had been threw so many modifications the only part that was original was the cracked and worn handle. The handle was ivory, with a still bright yellow burning heart in the center. There was a long crack that split that heart in two. Originally the gun had been a shotgun named ember but Vyr after much tears and vows turned it and a certain sniper rifle into its now revolver form. It went from shooting shotgun shells and sniper rifle rounds to .357 handmade custom bullets.

She eyed the man that took everything away from her tall, dark, and with bright red hair, he carried the same blade he used back then. The same blade that drove her down this path.

Vyr let out a breath she didn't know she had held and cocked the hammer back on her revolver. This seemed to draw the man's attention, as if he knew this would happen. With the same smile he used back on that night that still haunted Vyr he said "So you finally showed yourself."

Vyr smiled back at him, not that he could see behind the mask she wore. She answered him with "I never hid. Hell, I even left you some warning letting you know I was on my way."

This angered the man as he replied with a growl "you mean the men you killed. All I ever worked for, and you tore it down. Years, no lifetimes of work and you tore it apart piece by piece."

This time you didn't have to see behind the mask as you could tell Vyr was smiling just from her voice "and I would do it again. How does it feel to know all you cared for was ended by someone who just didn't care? It's poetic really, tit for tat."

The man tensed before relaxing once more. He seemed to age in those few moments. Before he was a leader, great and imposing, but now he was just a man who had his dreams shattered. This fact alone made Vyr shudder with joy. He sighed and asked "so what now? You've taken everything from me. What else do you want?"

"I want to know."

"Information? *maniacal laughing* What could I have left to tell you? HUH RANGER? WHAT LEFT DO I HAVE THAT YOU COULD POSSIBLY WANT?!" the man shouted hysterically.

Vyr smiled and said "I want to know if you're called Texas red."

A look of great confusion came over the man. Sadly his thoughts at that moment would only ever be known to the .357 bullet Vyr let rip through his skull.

The last thoughts Vyr had before she woke up crying was 'rest in peace sisters. I will always love you.'

(A/n hell of a dream but a dream all the same. Thank the author.

And hell naw this ain't foreshadow.)