Ch 40 Dreak and his missing man

The journey with Ruby's group was much more silent than Vyr's. Geralt and Trey were naturally quiet people who tended to stick to themselves which left only Weiss to converse with. Unfortunately, Weiss was too interested in her own thoughts to entertain Ruby's attempt at small talk.

Arriving at Kaer Morhen and seeing Vyr's magic had shaken the very foundations of what Weiss had been taught since she was young, it had shaken her more than any conversation or threat that had been thrown her way. It made her question the fundamental aspects of everything she knew. Weiss found herself longing for the strict but caring guidance her sister, Winter, seemed to embody. Someone who she could always look to when she needed help. Ever since she had first met Vyr at the docks of Beacon, one by one, Vyr had broken the pillars that held her understanding of the world as she knew it. The pillars that she had always been reliant on for reasoning in her life. Thankfully, Weiss could say one thing, she wasn't alone and she could always count on Winter to be there for her when she needed it.

Ruby had no way of knowing the thoughts filling her teammates head, but she could sense that this was something Weiss needed time to figure out on her own. Something that couldn't be explained just yet. Ruby, on the other hand, decided that she needed something to help her keep focused on the mission. Usually, she'd listen to some songs or read a magazine that would keep her preoccupied in the light of boredom, but Vyr had stressed that she had to stay alert and prepared while on any mission. She had been very clear that it didn't matter what the mission was about, she had to be ready at a moment's notice. Normally she wouldn't have a problem since Vyr would be by Ruby's side, but now that she was left alone, she was struggling to focus on her surroundings.

Just as soon as Ruby had made up her mind to break the silence that seemed to follow the group, Geralt struck first. "What exactly has Vyr been doing while she was gone?" The question wasn't directed to anyone in particular. Ruby, thankful for the opportunity to expel the silence that surrounded them and relieve the pent up boredom, answered any questions the Witcher's had in a cheerful tone.

Small talk was passed around as they journeyed through the towns and villages that spotted their route, making time seem to pass faster. Some faces on their path were happy to see the Witcher, knowing them to be a sign that monster problems would cease. But the further they got from the familiar keep, the 'Hellos and good days' couldn't be found in the masses. Village folk began to avoid the group, as if they were a plague, something that would take their lives without mercy. Sood, Ard Carraigh, the capital of Kaedwen and their contract's destination, rose above the horizon and the scenery started becoming more familiar. Upon noticing the gates, Geralt asked something that brought the talking to a stop.

"What are your intentions with Vyr?" This time the question was aimed directly at Ruby.

"Uh? Intentions?"

"He means,what do you think of Vyr? How do you feel about her?" Weiss chipped in exasperation leaking into her tone as she explained Geralt's words, or lack thereof.

"Vyr's the best! She always has something fun to do or see! And she can make crazy stuff! And-And!" Ruby said excitedly, completely missing the point of the question.

While Weiss was trying to get Ruby to calm down and understand what Geralt really meant, Geralt wore a small grin. He already got what he wanted from the question.

Riding through the town was a mixed bag of results, as the town seemed split in their response to the witchers. Some were happy to see them, a few wanted to do business, but others watched warily as the group rode by. Like they thought the witchers would suddenly become the beasts they were meant to slay. As they went deeper in, whispers of "white wolf, freak, mutant, and butcher of blaviken" reached the enhanced ears of the two witchers.

Geralt didn't react to any of the words, and Trey was long used to keeping a blank face to the stares and jeers of the ignorant masses. Even so, Ruby and Weiss could feel the subtle tension that filled the air wherever they went.

They moved through the capital at a moderate pace and stopped in front of a large three story building. It was made of bricks and had a courtyard in front. It was a mix of warehouse and barracks. It was clear this was no residential building. The guards patrolling the area nodded to the witchers and kept an eye trained on the group as they moved into the building after tying up the horses.

It was clear that Geralt was familiar with this building. He took turn after turn with no hesitation or whisper of doubt in his face. Eventually, their little group met a reinforced door guarded by two men wearing swords and shields. After a short exchange of greetings, mostly Geralt vouching for the two girls he had brought along, they proceeded through the door only to be met with another. This room was used as an airlock, meaning they had to wait to be cleared for entry by another set of guards before continuing. Another short walk and they finally arrived at their destination.

Through their last checkpoint there was a man sitting at a desk while listening to what seemed to be a report. The man behind the desk had unkempt jaw length brown hair. His form seemed to be well built and he looked in relatively good shape. His position gave off an air of military training, but also a relaxed sort of confidence. The room that surrounded him was decorated with an impressive but minimalist style. You could see the smooth stones that made walls and the only entrance to the room was the one they had come through. There were no windows and the only source of light were the burning torches and a few hanging braziers.

Once the group had entered and caught his eye, the man raised his hand at the other who was speaking, "That's enough, we shall finish this later. There are more pressing matters at hand," he waved his hand at the man, "Go and fetch Johannes, I will need him soon. You are dismissed for now."

The man who had been reporting nodded, beat his fist once to his chest in a salute, and left without another word. The man behind the desk stood up and greeted Geral with a smile and a clasping of forearms. "Geralt, I was hoping you would show your face soon." His tone matched his smile.

"Dreak. I see you have been doing well." Geralt replied in a 'friendly' tone.

"Not all that good, but I can't say it's been bad either," Dreak chuckles before continuing, "Thankfully I listened to your daughter and made some changes here and there. I fear I may not have made it this far if I had ignored her, but there will be time for talk later. I won't lie to you. Things aren't good right now." Dreak's voice gives a grim feeling to the room.

"Is it that bad? I thought you were just having problems with your graveyard?" Trey asked.

"Aye, we were. But that was in the beginning when I first sent for you. We solved that problem not too long after ourselves. Some idiot was grave robbing and trying to steal anything of value, apparently he couldn't be bothered to put the bodies back in the ground after. That's not the issue anymore. This is something far more dire." Dreak explained, sitting back down behind his desk and motioning for them to take a seat.

"What's going on Dreak?" Geralt says walking to the desk but not sitting down.

"People," Dreak starts with a sigh, "They are disappearing from the streets at night and we don't have the foggiest of how or why." He takes a drink from the cup on his desk and keeps it in his hand as he leans back.

"Where are the bodies turning up?" Geralt questions as he stops Ruby from reaching for some kind of baked confectionary without taking his gaze off Dreak.

Dreak, however, was too busy looking into his glass to notice as he responded. "You tell me. It's been a little over a week since we caught onto news of people going missing. Who knows how long it has been going on before that."

"What made you notice?" Trey asks while compiling possibilities in his head.

"One of my men went missing on night duty. We thought it was just him slacking off and sneaking away for a nip. But he didn't come back for the next rotation and we went looking. One of my men, Johannes, found his weapon with blood on it and a clawed helm in an alley not far from where he was supposed to be patrolling.

"You sure he didn't cut and run?" Geralt asked.

"It wouldn't make sense if he did. He's been with us for a while and his next pay day was the day after he disappeared. Besides, he didn't take anything with him if he did. All his clothes, money, and equipment were still sitting in his barrack when I sent someone to check."

"You said people went missing. Not just your man." Geralt stated.

"After we went looking, I had my men ask around. They found that people had been going missing pretty frequently. If it wasn't every night, then it was every other night."

"And you've never noticed this before?" Weiss asked incredulously at the story.

"It wasn't in our part of the city. I can't exactly waltz into someone else's territory and demand they tell me everything. What did you expect me to say? 'Hi, I'm here to solve the disappearances so tell me what you know.'" Dreak says defensively.

"Your part of the city?" Weiss asked, confused.

"Dreak and his men aren't exactly the city guards," Trey clarifies.

"Oooooo~ they're like the mafia?! That's so coooool." Ruby says, looking at Dreak with excitement.

"So you just want us to find what's happening?" Trey asks, trying not to get pulled into Ruby's ecstatic rhythm.

"Kill it as well if you can. Just try and keep it out of the public. Last time was enough, yeah?" Dreak says making sure Geralt knows that this matter should be kept private.

"Last time?" Ruby asks curiously.

"We had a nasty infestation in the sewers. Geralt came with his daughter and somehow set the entire sewer system ablaze. I swear the reek stuck around for ages after they left," Dreak grimaces at the memory.

"I'll be sure to keep that in mind. Where should we start?" Geralt says not wanting to remember the smell either.

"The man who found the evidence, Johannes, is the patrol partner of the man who went missing. As you've heard he is on his way. From what I have heard, there was a girl who was at the scene where they found the spear and helm. He will take you to her and explain anything he knows along the way," Dreak said standing up and motioning for the group to follow.