Chapter - 1

(3rd person P.O.V)

The hall is decorated with lights, and the posters and the things with the pictures of the latest game, which are going to launch at the party today. Soft music is playing in the background. Few people were gathered around the bar enjoying their drink with their friends.

In a corner, the media people were recording the party while some are preparing for the announcement. Some people were dancing on the dance floor while some people were standing in a corner having some snacks and discussing, what this game is going to be about.

"Ladies and gentlemen, may I have your attention please," David Collen said clicking his glass with a spoon to gather the attention of the audience.

"First of all, I would like to thank you all for coming here, and then I would like to thank you Chole to do such a wonderful arrangement for the launch of our new game," David said, and everyone applause for Chole.

"Now coming to the point, I want to announce our new game, the dragon warrior," David said and the curtain behind him move aside to show a huge poster appear behind the curtain and he walks down from the stairs to the audience.

"Dragon Warrior is the game about how the prince of Zello, the dragon kingdom, manage to escape from the another kingdom's warrior who had attacked his kingdom, make himself stronger and made his army yo attack the kingdom who has, attacked his kingdom and made the people of his kingdom, prisoner, here is the trailer of the game, I hope you enjoy it," David said and the lights go off and the trail is shown to them. When the trailer is over, everyone applause for it.

"I hope all of you, like the trailer and game. It will be available from the 1st of July in your nearby shop, thank you. If anyone has any questions, regarding the game or any other games, they can ask now, " David said to the audience and a boy from the audience raise his hand to ask a question.

"Yes," David asks him.

"When will you going to launch another part of the"Hellbound"?" one of the audience asks him.

"Well this is not the question I have excepted, but to answer your question, my team is still working on it, I will let you guys know when it was ready to be launched, " David said smiling at them. One by one everyone the audience and the press asks the question and David answers them every question calmly and effectively.

"Now, that nobody has any question left, I would like to take my leave, thank you for coming and please enjoy the party," David said and walk to join the others and everyone resume what they were doing before.

"Why are you looking so serious, smile a bit, our game has launched in the market," Lena said when she saw her best friend sitting around the corner of the table looking lost in his thought.

"I have been thinking," Ethan said looking at her and she nodded her head encouraging him to say forward.

"I have been thinking that how would it be like to enter the virtual world and enhance it, instead of playing outside using controller, how it would like to a player inside the game, to feel and go through the player is going through," Ethan said to her.

"It would be exciting to do that, it doubles the action and adventurer of the game, if it becomes possible then it will create the chaos in the world of games and technologies, why don't you talk about it with the chief?" She asks him with a huge smile on her face.

"Don't you think that other companies haven't come up with the same idea if they didn't make it happen, then what makes you think we will able to make it happen? " Ethan asks her.

"I think that you can make it happen because I believe in you, if anyone can make it happen then it was you. You have taken many complicated projects under your hands and you solve it like it's was a play of a child, Ethan," Lena said to him.

"At least try it, so that you didn't regret that you didn't even try it when another company makes it possible, however, I doubt that they can, not as soon as you can at least, what worst will happen the chief will reject the idea that's all, but at least you will not regret that you didn't even try it, you would not know until you try it, right?" she asks him.

"You know, you are right, let's go and tell the chief about it," he said standing from his seat with a huge smile on his face. They walk for some time looking for David and saw him talking with some shareholders.

"Excuse me, chief do you have a minute?" Ethan asks David while walking towards him. David excuse himself and walk to a corner with Ethan while Lena goes and joined her friends and talk with them giving them much-needed space.

"I have an idea for a game, that I wanted to share with you, chief," Ethan said excitedly.

"Now, here, can't we discuss it tomorrow in my office?" David asks him.

"I wouldn't have disturbed you if it wasn't urgent," Ethan said to him, and David signaled him to go forward and that he was listening, and Ethan explain everything to him.

"I have heard the other companies trying for it, I will arrange a meeting with the shareholder and let's see what do they have to say about it, if they agree with your idea then I have no problem with it, so you better ready with your presentation," David said in a stern voice.

"I will, thank you chief," Etan said and walk back to Lena. Lena saw him walking toward her and excuse herself.

"So what did he say about it?" she asks to him when he reaches there.

"He said, that his answer depends on what the shareholder has to say about it," he informed her.

"At least he didn't reject your idea directly, right?" she asks to him.

"Right, would you like to have a dance with me?" Ethan asks her reaching his hand towards her, when the DJ change a fast song to slow.

"Sure, why not?" she said taking her hand and he guides her towards the dance floor. They dance with each other for some time and enjoyed the party.