Chapter - 2

(3rd person P.O.V)

The next day, David talked with the shareholder and arrange the meeting with them and arrange the meeting with them next Monday, then informed Ethan about it. Ethan works hard day and night and prepares the presentation, a day before the meeting. And go through it once again just to make sure he didn't miss anything.

On the day of the meeting, everyone is gathered in the conference room to know what Ethan has for them.

"Good morning everyone, thank you to take some time from your busy schedule and attend this meeting, I won't waste any more time of yours and let Ethan take the lead and start the meeting," David said to them and join the others.

Ethan stands up from his seat and walks in front of them and presents his idea of virtual gaming, and explain how it is going to work, how it's going to happen, and what is he going to do to make it possible, etc and wait for their reaction. But the silence only added as fuel to his nervousness. Seeing Ethan getting more nervous then he already is, David decided to break the ice and take him out of his misery.

"So what do you think about it?" David asks breaking the silence in the conference room.

"Do you have, story and the levels ready for the game?" one of the shareholders Mr. Right asks him.

"Yes, sir, it's only needed to be written in the Java language, so the system knows what to do," Ethan said to him.

"Many companies, have decided to go with this idea, how sure you are that this is going to work? Can you give us at least 80% guarantee that it was going to work?" one of the shareholders Mr. Lockwood asks him.

"No, sir I can't give a guarantee about it until I try for it in practical," Ethan said to them.

"Than we cannot approve of this idea because if it fails then not only will we lose our money and resources but we will also lose our precious time, which we can use to make new games and earn a profit," Mr. Lockwood said and other shareholders agree with them.

"You can't do that, why can't you guys give it a try?" David said shocking everyone even himself. It was the first time he had, react like this, he is generally the type of person who is always calm no matter whats happens. He takes a long breath to calm himself down.

"What if I take the guarantee instead of him if it works as planned then imagine the amount of profit we can earn from it and if not then, I promise to pay all the amount you have invested in this project with interest personally," David said shocking everyone again, he knows he is taking a big risk but he knows that he is not going to regret it.

"Think about it, gentlemen, higher the risk is then the profit is also going to be high, right," David said encouraging them to think about it. Shareholders discuss it with each other and look at David at the same time.

"You know, what you are saying, right Mr. Cullen, Are you sure about it? You have to sign the contract to ensure that you are going to pay us back if anything goes wrong and that you will not going to take your words back, are you ready to do that?" Mr. Lockwood asks him.

"Yes, I know what I am saying and I am ready to sign the contract papers," David said smiling at them.

"Good then, we will invest in the project, as soon as you sign the contract," Mr. Lockwood said smiling at him.

"Good then, I will get my lawyer to gets the paper ready, and I will let you know when it was ready to sign, " David said smiling at them. They discuss for some time and stand up from their seat to leave.

"Thank you once again for attending the meeting, gentlemen," David said shaking the hands of shareholders. After everyone walks out of the conference room, David and Ethan sigh in relief.

"Why did you do that?" Ethan asks him.

"Do what?" David asks him.

"Take such a big risk?" Ethan asks him.

"The video games were started when I was 12, I always used to wonder what will happen if I can manage to get inside the video games, that's why I come in this field but unfortunately the technology wasn't that much developed by that time, so it was not possible at that time but now it has developed at the next level, and we also have a computer and engineer geniuses like you with so why don't I tried it and I also do this because I believe in you, so work hard and don't let me down okay?" David asks smiling at him and he nodded his head with a huge grin on his face. Both of them get out of the conference room to see Lena waiting for them, she smiled at David, he nodded his head in acknowledgment and walks out from there.

"So what happened there? Did they agreed with your idea?" Lena asks Ethan.

"Yes, but after lots of arguments," he said with a sigh.

"But, they agreed right?" she asks and he nodded his head making a smile form on her face.

"Then, why don't we go to the club and celebrate it and you can tell me what happens there?" she suggested and Ethan agreed with her. He also wants to grab a drink to reduce some tension. They go to the famous club to enjoy his first success. They order their drink and Ethan tells everything that happens in the conference room.

Lena was shocked but also feel grateful to the chief for her friend. They have some shots and walks to the dance floor and dance until their heart contains. After that, they spend some more time in the club then Ethan drops her home.

From the next day, Ethan started working on the project, he started making a list of all the things and gadgets, workers, technologies, etc that he is going to need for the project.

After a week as promised David signed the papers and the shareholders invested the money in the project all the things that are needed for the projects are ordered and they started to recruits the people with the qualification Ethan needed.

After a month, the work started with Ethan as the leader of the projects instructing them and helping them when needed, and seeing how hard he works in this project David knows that he will make both of their dreams come true.