I kissed the crown of her head before looking to her husband. "I won't let him take this away from me." I looked up to see that 12 other patrons had come in and smiled to the group. "I gotta get back."
I spent the rest of the evening serving drinks to the frequent customers and some new faces. By the time we closed at 10, I was confused when Marcus brought over a take-out bag and Ty followed close behind.
I followed them to the back room and put my regular clothes in my backpack. Marcus hugged me tightly before giving me a sad smile. "I'll see you friday night, right?"
I nodded before kissing his cheek, "I love you, Dad."
He gulped before faking a smile, "I love you too, kid. Now get going or you'll piss them off."
I walked out the back door and fought not to cry. As I began walking, I stopped when something touched my hand.
I looked back to see Ty with a goofy smile, "you're not getting away from me just yet."
I felt my heart mend slightly, "you need to go home, Ty. It's getting late."
He leaned towards me, stood on his toes, grabbed my shirt, and kissed me deeply. I grabbed his waist and pulled him closer as I kissed him back.
"Let's get going." Ty took my free hand and we began walking towards my new residence. Ty took out his phone and dialed a number. "Hey, mom! I'm walking Cal to his new house. Could someone come pick me up?" He paused before giving her the address and hanging up.
We walked silently and didn't stop until we reached the front gate. Ty squeezed my hands and I felt him shake. I rushed to embrace him tightly and kiss his head.
"I'm sorry, Ty."
He sniffled and took a deep breath while against my shirt. "Its not your fault. It's that man's! He never wanted you and now suddenly chooses to want you when your Mom died?! Marcus was the one he wanted to adopt you! Not some selfish Alpha that abandoned you!"
I looked to him sadly, "just 1 and 1/2 years. Then we can be free to do what we want."
He smiled before wrapping his arms around my neck, "then we'll finally be real partners. We can get married and have a family."
I chuckled, "I love you, Ty." He pulled me closer and intertwined our tongues. When I lightly bit his tongue, he moaned and shivered. His hand snuck down to my pants and caressed my bulge. I quickly took his hand off of it, "I can't. They're expecting me."
He sighed before kissing me once more and letting me go. I looked over to Ty's mom who waved and I watched him get into her car. When they drove off, I slowly made my way inside the mansion of a home. I slowly opened the door as the house was nearly completely dark inside. I quietly made my way to the kitchen, set my bag down on a couch I passed, and pulled out the container of food from the bag. I felt warmth when I saw the sandwich my Mom always made for me along with some vegetables.
I leaned on the counter and began eating, but paused when I heard movement in the house. Ethan scurried over to me and clung to my side. I set down my food and ruffled his hair with a smile. "Why are you up? It's way past your bedtime."
He snuggled into my side, "I was waiting for you to come home."
"You don't have to wait up for me, Ethan. I will always get home late on Wednesdays and Sundays."
"But Daddy said you don't need a job!"
I nodded, "I want to have a job. I've worked there for a long time and miss seeing my friends."
He smiled slightly, "but you have me!" He glanced to the food on the counter and his eyes widened. "What's that?"
I smiled back, "a sandwich my Mom made up."
"Did you make it?"
"No, my Dad...my step-dad Marcus made it. Do you want to try it?"
He nodded excitedly and I handed it to him. He took a large bite before I took it back and set it down. His eyes glistened, "that's really good!"
"Ethan," Peter hissed quietly and we both froze. "Get back to bed. Right now."
Ethan tugged on my shirt sleeve and I knelt down. He quickly kissed my cheek before rushing off. Peter stormed over towards me and I felt my body stiffen.
"What do you think you are doing coming home late? And who was that Omega? Why was he with you?"
I frowned and fought back screaming, "my job doesn't end until 10 and it takes a while to walk back."
"Then call Adam to pick you up." He grabbed the food off the counter and threw it into the trash. "You have no reason to associate with a lowly Omega. You're a Beta."
I gritted my teeth, "I'm sorry, sir." I rushed past him and went to my room. I put my stuff away before going to the shower. When I was finished, I quickly went to bed and tried to ignore the words of that horrible man.
Suddenly my entire body trembled, like an earthquake from my core. I felt hot, excited, jittery, and my teeth ached.
Oh shit.