I patted his head with a soft smile, "sorry, kiddo. I have to take care of my family. I'll play with you this week, okay? I'll be sure to make time for you."
Ethan squeezed my arm tighter, "you're my brother! Why can't you stay here?!"
I glanced to Peter as he knew I could ruin this child. But he did nothing wrong, Peter did. I smiled broadly, "I tell you what. I'll come home right after school Monday and take you out to anywhere you want. Will that be okay?"
He nodded quickly, causing me to chuckle. I threw away the apple core and washed out the glass.
"Mrs. Bradden," I began as she looked to me with hope. "Are the dishes in the washer clean or dirty?"
She looked to me with pure confusion, "I have no idea. The maid takes care of that."
I fought not to roll my eyes and got my stuff together. I went to Ethan and kissed his head, "later, kid. Be good at school and I'll see you Saturday." I began to the door but heard a bunch of noise that caused me to stop. Ava appeared from the bathroom with a giant smile.
"Take the car with us, Calvin. It's a long walk."
Grayson suddenly showed up at her side with a twisted smile. "Sister, poor people like Calvin walk. It's all he knows. Also," his fiery gaze fell on me. "I won't be caught dead with a freak like that."
Ava smacked his arm with a scowl, "stop calling him that!" She yelled but stopped from adding to her statement when I got in Grayson's face. I stood nearly a head taller, so I was able to look down on him with a powerful smile. I felt Peter's gaze on me as he likely watched to see what I would do. "I'm so glad we are on the same page." I smirked, "I won't be caught with a self-righteous, spoiled brat Alpha like you. It might hurt my image in the freak community."
"You fu..."
"GRAYSON!" We looked to his mother as she came over to us, "Calvin is your brother and I expect you to treat him kindly." She smiled to me sweetly, "he can't help who gave birth to him."
An electric wave of disgust traveled through my body as I fought not to cuss her out. I smiled to her and then to Grayson who tried not to laugh at the accidental back-handed comment.
"It is alright, I would choose to be born to that amazing man every time." I rushed out of the house and stormed down the sidewalk.
I made my way to the school, punting every rock I found to get out my anger. I looked behind me as I heard someone call for me. Liam waved as he jogged toward me and joined at my side to walk.
"What's up?" When his gaze met mine his face lessened in happiness. "You could kill somebody with that glare."
I took a deep breath and tried to fix my expression. "Sorry about that."
"Grayson I'm guessing?"
I nodded, "him along with that man. It's hard to keep my sanity."
Liam sighed, "so he's your father, right?"
I nodded, "by blood, yeah. But the guy who helped raise me, he's my Dad."
He looked to me sadly, "so your Dad...is he an Omega too?"
I shook my head, "he's a Beta."
"Then he probably understands us better." Liam sighed, "that's why I like our school. There are a lot of us and we kinda support each other."
I glanced to him, "what about the dominant Alphas? I haven't seen them."
"They're aren't a lot that attend the school. About 15 maybe and they aren't supposed to mingle with us, just in case. Their pheromones can even affect us so we steer clear."
"They should have control of themselves, right?"
He shrugged, "when their emotions are high, they can lose control of their pheromones and knock us all down."
"Liam!" Someone called and we stopped to see Olivia and Aaron rushing to us. Olivia's face brightened, "Cal! Good morning!"
I smiled, "g'morning." Aaron came and began walking between Liam and I. Olivia walked beside Liam, who quickly took her bag.
"You're face is going sour again."
I let out a deep breath, "sorry."
Aaron stood closer to me with a smile, "anything I can do to help?"
I shook my head, "I'm alright. It's nothing I can't handle."
As we came on to the school campus, everyone seemed to stare at us. Liam leaned towards Aaron and I, "is it just me or is everyone staring at you, Cal?"
I glanced around, "probably something Grayson said." I continued walking and the other 3 followed. We went up to the Beta classroom floor and into the classroom, with Aaron following.
We all paused when someone smacked their hand on the long desk we were at. I looked up and let out a chuckle.
"What're you doin' on my terf, Cal?!" The Alpha hissed, causing the others stiffen with concern. As I got to my feet, his frown broke into a smirk slightly, "and I had to hear about it from that as***le Grayson!"
I went over and shook his hand with strength, "I had no clue you went here or I would've found you day one!"