Betas are for Betas

As I got to my feet, his frown broke into a smirk slightly, "and I had to hear about it from that as***le Grayson!"

I went over and shook his hand with strength, "I had no clue you went here or I would've found you on day one!"

He let go of my hand and wrapped his arm around my shoulders with a laugh. "Its been ages, man! How's everyone? Did Sam and Marcus move ya'll to this side of town? I'm surprised you left the others!"

My heart stopped and I smiled the best I could, "everyone's good, really good." I gulped and couldn't meet his gaze. "Mom passed away a few months."

He squeezed me slightly, "w...what?" He turned to look at me head on, "that's not funny, Cal."

"He had cancer," I said in a whisper as his eyes became wet. "But Dad still has the restaurant and everyone is managing the best they can."

"You come all the way from the restaurant each day? That's insane..."

He stopped when my hand was taken into the grasp of another person's. I turned to Ava to see her eyes were puffy, clearly from crying. "Calvin," she sniffled, "Mom didn't mean that."

I smiled sadly, "I know, Ava. Its okay."

Ava glanced past me with surprise, "James, why are you down here?"

He looked to me with confusion, "to see my childhood best friend, of course. You know Cal?"

I nodded and looked to him sadly, "my biological father decided to raise me after Mom passed. Ava is his step-daughter."

"He took you from Marcus and everyone?"

I looked to my feet, "seems so." I patted his shoulder slightly as I tried to put on a confident smile, "but we will make it through it. We always do!"

He chuckled, "always the optimism." He scratched his head, "well I'll see you around."

I nodded before looking to Ava, "I should go too. Call me when you get to Marcus' house, okay?"

"Sure thing." I sat in my seat and smiled up to the group, "any plans for the weekend?"

They all took a moment to compose their thoughts, "not really, just study."

Aaron sighed, "I have 3 family engagements."

Liam smirked, "my girlfriend's parents are gone all weekend, so...yeah."

Olivia laughed lightly, "you're such a guy!"

"What about you're girlfriend, Aaron?"

We all looked to Aaron who frowned, "we broke up a few days back."

"What?!" Olivia gasped, "but you were so into her! You went after her for months!"

Aaron smiled and his face turned slightly red, "I lost interest." His smile broadened, "I think I found the one for me."

Olivia sighed deeply and leaned onto my shoulder, "I can't even find a date and you're switching to someone new?! Its unfair!" She smiled to me, "maybe you can set me up with your friend that was at the gate?"

I snickered, "I don't think your family would like Zach. He's a little wild."

"Then why do you hang out with him?"

I smirked at Liam, "why not?"

"Alright, let's get started!" The teacher called and I was caught off guard when Aaron kissed my cheek before rushing out.

Olivia's shocked gaze reflected mine before she quickly turned around to avoid angering the teacher.

I struggled to focus through class and was relieved when the bell rang for lunch. Liam stretched with a groan before glancing to me. He leaned towards me and put his hand so it blocked anyone from seeing what he whispered into my hear.

"Are you messing around with Aaron?"

I looked to him with shock as I turned to face him directly. He rushed to gesture for me to come back.

"No judgement, I'm just curious."

I shook my head and looked to him as his hand moved away. "He's a friend." I glanced to make sure Olivia was still talking with another girl in class. "I'm dedicated. I won't be with anyone by Ty."

He smirked, "come on man, you can tell me! We're young! Everyone messes around and tries things out!"

I shook my head again, "not me."

"Well he's got a thing for you. Be sure to keep an eye on him....hey Olivia!"

We both turned to her with smiles, "come on, Cal! The group is waiting for us!"

"Later." I said to Liam before getting up and following Olivia. She went up to the roof and I quickly pulled out a cigarette. I lit it and stood near the group as they began talking. I finished the first one before lighting another.

"Something wrong?" Luca asked as he looked to me and I let out a deep breath.

"The day is taking forever."

"Huh?" Kensi asked with a inquisitive look.

"I'm going home today." I chuckled slightly, "never thought I'd be so excited to go home."

Olivia gave me a sweet smile, "it shows that you love your family."

"So you're just going to see your dad?"

I nodded before stomping out my cigarette. I sat down between Luca and Kensi, "not just him. I have a lot of family, just not by blood."

Aaron smiled to me, "you should bring us sometime!"

"But we're Alphas," Luca argued as he gestured to him and Kensi.

I smiled, "we welcome anyone who accepts everyone."

Kensi put her hand on my arm, "we could meet that Omega of yours!"

"He's hesitant around Alphas..." I replied quietly as my hands turned into fists. "He was attacked a few years ago."

Olivia sat up and looked to me in shock. "So you're with a marked Omega?"

"He's not marked. I'd never let someone force him into a bond. I luckily got there in time to stop the Alpha."

"Its not like you can bond with him anyway." Aaron huffed and I fought the urge to argue with him. "I told you, Betas can only partner with Betas."

Olivia smirked, "you two could've fooled me! Oh! Don't forget to give my number to that cute Beta!"

"I'm sure he'll be glad to get it."