Sixteen strangers have woken up in a metal-walled room together. They don't know each other, who they are, or why they're there. As they searched the room for a way out an interruption occurred —the intercom blasted a message. "You all have been selected to play a little game with the owner of this mansion. You are in an underground room right now and have to escape this place to survive the actual game. However, only eight of you will make it out of this room."
A camera turned to an old elevator that had been unseen, for it was cast in the shadows. "As you can see, that elevator can only hold a minimum of eight people. Either draw straws, fight to the death, or whatever you have to do." The camera turned back to them. "Good luck." The strangers looked back at each other and fought over the eight spaces on the elevator. Soon enough, there were eleven left within hours. "Good." The intercom said.
"I see the fight went well."
"What do you mean?! There are eleven of us, not eight!" One of them called out.
The camera zoomed in on that person. "You'll see."
There was a strange noise in the room, perhaps a beeping sound. The camera turned back to the elevator. "Hahahahahaha! What are you waiting for? Go into the elevator!"
They started running across the room to the elevator. The room filled with poisonous gas soon after. One person of the group of strangers could not keep up with the needed pace to make it out. The other person made it there, however, the doors closed on their arm, leaving it bloody and disembodied and the other half had breathed in the gas and died. The intercom turned on again —"hahahahaha! How amusing? You will now be told the rules of this little game by Jace, the butler of this mansion."
The elevator had stopped and the doors had opened. All eight of them now were being displayed with another room. Dark oak floor boards, velvet carpet stretched across the floor, smooth black walls, priceless paintings, boarded off windows, several doors, and the butler himself inside. The butler was a thin, pale man with chin length black hair along with dark purple highlights covering 1/2 of his face, a suit, green eyes, and dark grey semicircles under his eyes. "Welcome. Now is the time to introduce yourself. Just keep in mind that you will try to kill each other."
A teenage girl with long, grey hair and blue eyes stepped forward. "My name is Tsuki Omoide."
She was followed by another teenage girl with medium length lilac hair and bangs put into high pigtails with yellow eyes. "My name is Sakasu Suisen."
Everyone was paying close attention to whoever stepped up. "My name is Tamachi Nai." Said a teenage boy with short, blue hair and white eyes.
Then, a girl in the back skipped up. "I'm Akumu Kureiji!" She had short, red hair fading into orange and hazel eyes.
A boy with light pink hair and teal eyes walked up nervously and shivered. "I'm—Uh, Itai Utsukushi."
Another boy with brown hair and indigo eyes walked ahead of him and glared at him and then back to the butler. "I'm Kessho Irugi so watch out. I'm capable of more things than you know." He said calmly.
The butler glanced at a girl with golden hair and glasses in the back who had fainted. "That's Hen Shinobiyoru. Well, now that you know each other, I will give you a copy of the rules. He handed each of them a paper that read: Rule #1. You can't kill yourself, Rule #2. You can't team up or you will be executed, Rule #3. You have to kill at least one person or you'll be executed, Rule #4. No contacting people outside of the mansion, and finally Rule #5. No taking another person's stuff without killing them. Those were the rules. "I'd advise you to keep those rules close by so you don't break them."
They all nodded. "You will all be given thirty seconds to open one of these doors and go inside. But, there is a twist—one of these doors is filled with something dangerous and there can only be two people per room."
The butler turned to the speaker.
The intercom came on and the man was laughing. "Hahahahaha! Hahahahaha! Good luck, you all! Let's hope you don't die!"
The butler turned back to them all. "Let the timer begin!"