Virginia Beach

After dropping off my car, I stood looking at the bike. I had never ridden on the back of a bike before. I was nervous.

" If we are shopping, where will we put the bags?"

Sam just laughed at me.

" You look a little green. Never been on the back before? We will take your car, but if I'm going to be in this thing, I'm driving. "

I handed him the keys and jumped in the passenger seat. Thankful that I avoided the bike. "

We settled in to easy conversation. We talked about where we both grew up. What he did in the Navy. We talked about my parents and current events. Before no time, we had everything I needed and were sitting outside over looking the beach at Virginia Beach. The waves crashing all around.

" When are you going back to college?"

" I am supposed to go August 16th. But it depends on how my grandfather is doing. I want to be a nurse, but I feel like that might be put on hold. When do you get out of the Navy or are you staying in longer?"

" I don't know. It's June 1990. I have been in since February 1987. My time is up in eight months. They want me to re-enlist. But I don't know if I really am cut out for career life. "

" The beach is so pretty at night, Sam. Want to take a walk along the boardwalk?"

"Sure. We can."

Sam paid our bill and we started our journey down the beach. He told jokes, I laughed and my heart beat fast the whole time. Being with Sam made me feel safe. He was funny and smart. He seemed to be relaxed and enjoying himself. I know I was more relaxed than I had been in days. Before I knew it, he reached for my hand to hold it while we walked. It sent sparks up my arm. My heart fluttered against my chest. I didnt want to stop walking. Before I knew it, we both silent and looking at the water.

"It's so beautiful, Sam. I don't think I have ever seen such beauty. "

" I like to come here at night. The quiet is peaceful. Let's me think and ponder on where I'm going. Are you cold?"

" Alittle bit, I should have bought a jacket. But I wasn't thinking. "

Sam dropped my hand and I was disappointed. He took his jacket off and placed it around my shoulders. My breath caught in my throat as I looked up into those brown eyes. I dropped my head down, out of embarrassment. I can't believe he caught me looking at him.

Sam tilted my head up to look at him again. We held eye contact for what seemed like forever. Then he placed both hands on my cheeks and bend down and kissed me.

It was like stars exploded around me. His lips were so soft as I felt them on mine. It was a gentle kiss. Not demanding or rough. Sweet and innocent. He pulled me tighter to him as I wrapped my arms around his neck and lost myself in his kiss. After a few minutes he pulled away from me.

" Janie, we should head back. It's late."

He turned back the way we came, leaving me to stare at his back for a moment. His head down, hands in his pockets and walking slow without me. Well that turned out to end badly.

The ride back to the motel was different than the ride to Virginia Beach. I kept sneaking glances at Sam. He never looked my way. I tried to start conversation and got one word answers. What did I do that was so wrong? Finally I gave up and stared out the window.

********* Sam's pov

I can't believe I kissed her. What was I thinking? I am supposed to not get involved with this girl. She is too innocent for a guy like me. She is smart and going to do great things. She deserves a good man. Not a man who has no idea what or where he is going. She keeps looking at me and it's driving me crazy. I want to pull the car over and kiss her again. When I leave her tonight, I wont go back. It's better for her.

Finally, we arrive at her motel. I hand her the keys and jump out as quick as I can. We carry her bags in to the room. Feels like I'm going to get sick, my nerves are so frazzled. Why does she do this to me?

" Sam, thank you for tonight. I needed a break and I am thankful for it."

" Your welcome. But its really late now so I should go. Know where the hospital is now? "

" You don't have to go. Want to stay and have a coke? "

I wanted to stay. I wanted to take her in my arms and hold her and kiss her some more. I let out a breath, and hated to see the look of disappointment in her blue eyes.

" I can't. Sorry. Good luck."

As I walked out the door, I could feel her watching me. It took all I had to get on my bike and start it. I needed one more look at her. Just before I started off, I looked at the most beautiful girl I had ever seen, one last time.