The Rusty Bucket

It had been two days since I had seen Sam. My uncle Jimmy made it in the night before grandfather had his surgery. It went well. He still hadn't woke up yet. But the road ahead was going to be challenging. I was thankful for that, but at the same time I was so confused. I spent my days at the hospital sitting by grandfather. Listening to the daily updates and praying for my grandpa to come back to me. The nights alone in the motel room was a different story.Sam seemed to be what my mind focused on each night.

Where was he? What did I do so wrong the other night? It was a perfect night. Was it a date? Maybe I should just forget about him and that night.

But the memory of being in his arms and feeling his kiss on my lips, left me longing for more. His lips tasted like the remnants of the coke he drank. I could still smell the salt in the air. What did I do to scare him away?

It was early tonight. Uncle Jimmy made me leave to get rest. My nerves seemed to be on edge tonight. Maybe a walk would help. So I changed into a pink sundress. The dress was made of satin and fit my small curves in the right spot. I brushed my hair out and let it down. Slipping on my sandals, I grabbed my purse and walked out the motel room.

As I walked, Sam filled my thoughts. I wish I could talk to him one more time. I want to know what I did wrong. But as I walked, I started to get mad. How dare he just jump out of my life with no explanation! I know in my heart I did nothing wrong.

I was so in my head, I didn't pay attention to where I was. Nothing looked familiar and I was on a street that wasn't well lit. I ducked into the first place I saw. I would just call a cab and grab a soda while I would wait for the cab. The place I ducked into was dark so my eyes had to adjust.

I was in a bar. I looked around and didn't see a payphone. I walked up to the guy behind the bar to ask about a phone.

" Hey there little lady. Aren't you a little young to be in here?"

"Hi. I just need to find a phone to call a cab. I took a walk and seemed to be a little lost. " I nervously laughed.

"What's your name? I'll call you a cab." he asked as he set a coke down in front of me.

"I'm Janie. I really appreciate you doing that. What is your name?"

" I'm Tom. Hang on."

I looked around the room. There was a few people here. At the pool table was a couple. He was behind her, helping her to take a shot. Four men in uniform was at a table drinking beer, laughing and joking. At the end of the bar was a man staring at me. He was slowly sipping a shot and licking his lips. His face was dirty and he gave me a creepy vibe. I turned away from him.

" Okay Janie. The cab will be here in an hour. Sorry it's the soonest they could come. Hungry? I could order you a burger and fries."

" Thank you, Tom. That sounds good."

Tom walked away to order my food. Then a couple groups of people walked in and he had to take care of him. I watched as he made drinks and poured beers. It was interesting to watch. I started to smell something bad. It smelled like old gym socks.

From behind me, I could hear someone breathing heavy. It made the hair on the back of my neck stand up.

" Can I buy the pretty girl a drink?"

" No thank you. I'm not old enough. I'm just gonna eat and go."

" There isn't a rush. I'll just move here and talk to you."

It was the creep from the end of the bar. He was leaning to talk in my ear and rub my arm. I froze not knowing what I should do. His words was slurred and I was nervous.

" Excuse me, sir. Thank you for the offer. But I'm going to the restroom and I'll just wait for me food to go."

Tom was still busy. I couldn't interrupt him. Maybe if I left and moved creepy gym sock guy would leave. I got up and found the restroom. I waited inside for a few minutes and as soon as I walked out, I was pushed up against the wall.

I hit the back of my head and saw stars. Next thing I knew, Creepy guy was pressed up against me. He had a hand over my mouth and he was taking his other hand and running it along my nipple through my dress. I started to panic and tried to get away. He just pressed harder against me. He pushed my head to the side and started to kiss my neck. I tried to scream, but he squeezed my mouth shut. I could feel the tears starting to slide down my face. I was paralyzed with fear.

" You taste so good. I can't wait to see what you can do. I'm going to enjoy this."

I could feel him getting hard, he pressed harder against me and started to move his pelvis.

Suddenly, he was gone. I could breathe again and I bent over to catch my breath for just a minute so I could get away. There was a loud crash and shouting. Two men were fighting and knocking things over. Creepy guy was on the ground and someone was beating the crap out of him. I started to cry harder when I saw who the other guy was throwing the blows.

" Sam please stop!"

Those were the last words I said as the room went dark and I felt myself fall.