The morning after

When I woke up, Malachi was already awake, coming out the restroom wrapped in just a towel around his waist. He looked me up and down and asked me if I had enjoyed my night. I didn't answer because I didn't want him too know that I had in fact , loved the night. He told me not too tell Damien what had happened , and he would compensate the events with more money and more product for Damien if I kept it between us. I agreed, only because I didn't want Dee to lose out on his connect, and plus I knew he'd be furious with me because he hadn't approved of me sleeping with the stranger. Damien grabbed me and slid his hands in my panties. He started too rub firm , hard, fast. I could feel myself allowing him too make me wet, allowing him too handle me roughly. He gripped my breast in each hand, tugging at them while he sucked them. He turned me over on my stomach and laid on top of me, I could feel him near my entrance but not yet inside of me. He pulled my head back as he buried it inside of me. I was exhilarated, I was beyond wet. He pushed himself deeper and deeper with every stroke. I could feel his breath on my neck , and hear his soft moaning in my ear. He whispered , "Damien might have taken care of you financially , but I can take care of you sexually." "This won't be my last time inside you , I promise." "I'm going too have my way with you whenever I want too or I'll ruin him and you." I was speechless.