The Aftermath

I was returned to Damien shortly after my encounter with Malachi. Damien was great but in the back of my head I couldn't help being attracted too Malachi. He showed power , he was aggressive and that made me curious to see what our next encounter would be like. Damien had a few questions prepared for me when I walked in and I knew it would eventually turn into a disagreement. He looked at me , and after a brief pause , he asked me how my night was and how I was treated. I wanted to tell him , but I knew better so all I said was , "It was fine, good news is the deal is finalized and it will be even more profittable than we thought." He was excited , praising me for my effort. If he had known what I had done , it would be a different story and I didn't want to ruin what I had going on. Two days later , Dee received a call , I was eavesdropping but I couldn't make the conversation out. A few minutes later he returned with a whole different expression on his face. He pushed me against the wall and asked me why I had hid what really happened from him. Playing confused , I asked what on earth he could possibly be talking about. He said that "the stranger" , who was also a close associate of his, had called too brag about the night he had at a hotel with Malachi and some amazing woman. He described the encounter in detail , but wasn't aware it was me , Damien's girl he was describing. Dee looked at me with disgust and asked me what really happened. Knowing I had been caught, I explained what Malachi did , and how I was already tied up and there was nothing more I could do. He was furious , saying Malachi had broken the arrangement & I had broken our deal. He grabbed his keys and told me he was going confront Malachi , but for me to stay put because he would deal with me when he returned. He stormed out the house , furious. I knew I had to play it smart, but I wasn't sure what was going to happen between him and Malachi so I waited on him too return.